Test " Education", 8th Form

Про матеріал
Я би сказала, що тест розрахований на середнього учня. First - translating, second - making negative sentences, Third - reported speech, Fourth - express your opinion or view.
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Test “Education”

Variant 1

I. Translate the words:

    1.Освіта                     3. обовʼязкова освіта;   5. середня школа;         

   2. Початкова школа;       4. вища школа;      6. безкоштовна освіта;


II. Make negative questions (заперечні речення):


   1. Merry is a young, beautiful sister.   4. Lisa and John like playing chess.

   2. Dad has three bicycles.                    5. I’m sorry, I’m late.

   3. You are cold! Go home.                   6. First go girls.


III. Transform direct speech into reported speech:


   1. “I am good at Maths“ said Tanya.

   2. “My mother loves me very much” said Andriy.

   3. “She is going to Odessa” answered Chris.

   4. “Paula, you swam great” said Frank.

   5.  “Dana has finished her work at five o’clock” told teacher.

   6. “ We thank you, Bob”.


IV. Do you consider education important? Why?













Test “ Education”

Variant 2

I. Translate the words:

 1. Приватні школи;      3. відвідувати/вступати;         5. мистецтво;

 2. Державні школи;      4. улюблений предмет;           6. обовʼязкова освіта.


II. Make negative sentences ( заперечні речення):


 1. Sun shines brightly today.                      4. Terry feels better after resting.

   2. I am fine.                                                 5. Some fruits are very tasty.

   3. Weather is good, but it is cold a bit.       6. There is a storm outside.


III. Transform direct speech into reported speech:


 1. “ Ola closes her eyes” Jonny told.

    2. “She opened the window” explained doctor.

    3.  “ She is worse” said father.

    4. “Hans is getting wiser, than last year” the teacher said.

    5. “We have read this book” said the student.

    6. “I will buy you beautiful flowers” explained Jack.


IV. Do you like you school? Why?




Victoria Potokina
До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 травня 2022
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