Тест граматичний для учнів 7го класу " Question tags"

Про матеріал
Тестові завдання для учнів 7го класу на відпрацювання розділових запитань під час вивчення теми.
Перегляд файлу


1.          Today the weather isn't cold,

imageimageа) isn't it?б) don't it?

в) do it?г) is it?

2.          Margaret is washing the dishes,

imageimageа) does she?б) is she?

в) isn't she?г) doesn't she?

3.          We often ski in winter,

imageimageа) do we?б) can we?

в) don't we?г) aren't we?

4.          The train arrived on time,

imageimageа) don't it?б) did it?

в) is it?г) didn't it?

5.          All schoolchildren love holidays,

imageimageа) are they?б) don't they?

в) didn't theyг) haven't they?

6.          She has never been to London,

imageimageа) haven't she?б) has she?

в) hasn't sheг) had she?

7.          They won't go to the concert tomorrow,

imageimageа) are they?б) won't they?

в) will they?г) haven't they?

8.          He likes reading a newspaper,

imageimageа) is he?б) isn't he?

в) doesn't he?г) won't he?

9.          You were upset last night,

imageimageа) didn't you?б) don't you?

в) were you?г) weren't you?

10.      Mary can't cook well,

imageimageа) can she?б) could she?

в) is she?г) doesn't she?

11.      Max has found a wallet on the road,

imageimageа) hasn't she?б) has he?

в) hasn't he?г) is he?

12.      Sue bought a new dress yesterday,

imageimageа) was she?б) wasn't she?

в) did she?г) didn't she?

Ключ до тесту

1. г (1 балів)

2. в (1 балів)

3. в (1 балів)

4. г (1 балів)

5. б (1 балів)

6. б (1 балів)

7. в (1 балів)

8. в (1 балів)

9. г (1 балів)

10. а (1 балів)

11. в (1 балів)

12. г (1 балів)


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 жовтня 2023
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