Test in grammar Was or were?

Про матеріал
Тести на закріплення дієслова to be у минулому часі. Речення сверджувальні, заперечні і питальні.
Перегляд файлу


1.          We ________ in the mountains two days ago.

image       а) was                                                                                        image     б) were

2.          The students _______ at school yesterday.

image       а) wasn't                                                                                   image      б) weren't

3.          The shops ______ open last Sunday.

image       а) was                                                                                        image     б) were

4.          We _______ in the mountains two months ago.

image       а) was                                                                                        image     б) were

5.          Pete _______ in Kharkiv two days ago.

image       а) wasn't                                                                                   image      б) weren't

6.          The dog ______ hungry yesterday in the morning.

image       а) was                                                                                        image     б) were

7.          They ______ in the park last Sunday.

image       а) wasn't                                                                                   image      б) weren't

8.          My sister _______ at school yesterday.

image       а) wasn't                                                                                   image      б) weren't

9.          ______ my mum busy an hour ago?

image       а) Was                                                                                       image     б) Were

10.      His mother _______ at home last Sunday.

image       а) wasn't                                                                                   image      б) weren't

11.      _______ children in the sport club last weekend?

image       а) Was                                                                                       image     б) Were

12.      _______ boys at the match yesterday?

image       а) Was                                                                                       image     б) Were

13.      My grandfather _____ in the hospital last month.

image       а) wasn't                                                                                   image      б) weren't

14.      _______ the boys in the cinema a week ago?

image       а) Was                                                                                       image     б) Were

15.      The cat _______ on the Tv a minute ago.

image       а) was                                                                                        image     б) were

16.      _______ their dog in the garden last Monday?

image       а) Was                                                                                       image     б) Were

17.      The monkeys _______ in the cage a minute ago.

image       а) was                                                                                        image     б) were

18.      _______ their friend in Kyiv last Friday?

image       а) Was                                                                                       image     б) Were

19.      Alice ______ in the museum last month.

image       а) wasn't                                                                                   image      б) weren't

20.      _______ the car in the street a minute ago?

image       а) Was                                                                                       image     б) Were

21.      The plates _______ on the table an hour ago.

image       а) wasn't                                                                                   image      б) weren't

22.      My brother _______ a good student a year ago.

image       а) wasn't                                                                                   image      б) weren't

Ключ до тесту

1. б (1 балів)

2. б (1 балів)

3. б (1 балів)

4. б (1 балів)

5. а (1 балів)

6. а (1 балів)

7. б (1 балів)

8. а (1 балів)

9. а (1 балів)

10. а (1 балів)

11. б (1 балів)

12. б (1 балів)

13. а (1 балів)

14. б (1 балів)

15. а (1 балів)

16. а (1 балів)

17. б (1 балів)

18. а (1 балів)

19. а (1 балів)

20. а (1 балів)

21. б (1 балів)                                22. а (1 балів)

25 лютого 2021
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