Тест "Law" для студентів 3 курсу спеціальності "Право"

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Тест створено для студентів 3 курсу гуманітарного колледжу за спеціальністю "Право"
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I. Choose the word that is closest to the meaning to the underlined part.

1. Jane received money as compensation for her accident.

a) proof  b) damages  c) due process

2. The law firm helps people involved in an argument or conflict with their neighbours.

a) a dispute  b) a lawsuit  c) a trial

3. Mr Smith wants to start the process of legal action.

a) appeal  b) initiate a lawsuit  c) settle

4. The government made some changes to the laws that relate to government power.

a) state laws  b) constitutional laws  c) court rules

5. The council announced new rules decided by the government for environmental issues.

a) precedents  b) legislation  c) procedures

6. The article does not have any information connected to the case.

a) relevant  b) procedural  c) regulated

7. It is important for people to know the proper rules and traditions for attending court.

a) oaths  b) protocols  c) records

8. Many criminals offend again when they leave jail.

a) commit a crime  b) get put on probation  c) are punished heavily

9. The man was accused of committing murder.

a) killing someone b) escaping from jail    c) going on someone’s land without permission

10. John needs to follow the steps to complete an activity very carefully.

a) legislation  b) constitutional laws  c) procedures



II. Choose the correct words.

1. The case does not involve federal law, so it has to go through the ( state / bankruptcy) courts.

2. The conversation between the attorney and the judge was ( off the record / sworn in).

3. Tony needs to get a ( regulation / license ) in order to open his own business.

4. The business owners were able to ( resolve / negotiate ) a contract that was fair for both of them.

5. The lawyer doesn’t think that Miss Martin has a (wrongful / valid ) case.

17 листопада 2022
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