Тест, mixed-tenses-revision

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Mixed Tense Revision (Present Tense)


Present Tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect

1) Derek _____________ flowers for his mom every Mother’s day.

1. buys   2. to buy   3. will bought  4. buying

2) We usually _____________ to the beach with our friends every week.

1. have gone   2. going   3. goes   4. go

3) The Sun _____________ in the east and _____________ in the west.

1. rising, setting  2. rises, sets   3. rise, set   4. to rise, to set

4) Tom and Linda _____________ the subway train to work every day.

1. takes    2. took   3. take   4. have taken

5) He _____________ the car at the moment.

1. is washing  2. are washing  3. washed   4. has washed

6) Shh! Be quiet the baby _____________ now.

1. sleeps   2. has slept   3. are sleeping  4. is sleeping

7) I _____________ him since yesterday morning.

1. hadn’t seen  2. hasn’t seen  3. haven’t seen  4.haven’t seeing

8) The Prime Minister _____________ a speech in the television right now.

1. is giving   2. was give    3. are giving   4. Given

9) We _____________ cleaning the kitchen.

1. had just finished       2. have just finished      3. Just have finished      4. had just finished

10) For three hours, Jim _____________ for his mother at the airport.

1. have waited  2. is waiting   3. waited   4. has waited

11) Lauren and Sarah _____________ Spanish with Mrs. Andersen right now

1. are studying  2. is studying  3. will study   4. studied

12) So far, He _____________ anything to make me feel bad.

1. haven’t done  2. having done  3. hasn’t done  4. hadn’t done


Mixed Tense Revision (Present Tense) – Answer Key


Present Tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect

1) Derek _____________ flowers for his mom every Mother’s day.

1. buys   2. to buy   3. will bought  4. buying

2) We usually _____________ to the beach with our friends every week.

1. have gone   2. going   3. goes   4. go

3) The Sun _____________ in the east and _____________ in the west.

1. rising, setting  2. rises, sets   3. rise, set   4. to rise, to set

4) Tom and Linda _____________ the subway train to work every day.

1. takes    2. took   3. take   4. have taken

5) He _____________ the car at the moment.

1. is washing  2. are washing  3. washed   4. has washed

6) Shh! Be quiet the baby _____________ now.

1. sleeps   2. has slept   3. are sleeping  4. is sleeping

7) I _____________ him since yesterday morning.

1. hadn’t seen  2. hasn’t seen  3. haven’t seen  4.haven’t seeing

8) The Prime Minister _____________ a speech in the television right now.

1. is giving   2. was give    3. are giving   4. Given

9) We _____________ cleaning the kitchen.

1. had just finished       2. have just finished      3. Just have finished      4. had just finished

10) For three hours, Jim _____________ for his mother at the airport.

1. have waited  2. is waiting   3. waited   4. has waited

11) Lauren and Sarah _____________ Spanish with Mrs. Andersen right now

1. are studying  2. is studying  3. will study   4. studied

12) So far, He _____________ anything to make me feel bad.

1. haven’t done  2. having done  3. hasn’t done  4. hadn’t done

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
10 серпня 2019
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3.0 (1 відгук)
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