Тест "Modals of deduction: may, might, can't, must"

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Тест для учнів (англійська мова). Граматика. Modal verbs (deduction: may, might, can't, must)
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1.                   He drives a very expensive car and owns a private plane. He __ be rich

а) mustб) can't

в) mayг) might

2.                   The phone is ringing. It ____ be Charlotte; she said she would call this morning.

а) mustб) can't

в) mightг) may

3.                   It's too early to have finished the exam. He____have finished.

а) mustб) can't

в) mayг) might

4.                   You should pick up the phone. It ______be an important call.

Choose TWO correct options

а) mustб) can’t

в) mayг) might

5.                   This is not possible. You ______be serious!

а) mightб) must

в) can’tг) may

6.                   She_____ be in love with him She told me she hates him.

а) can’tб) may

в) mightг) must

7.                   You______ be right, but it's better if we check.

Choose TWO correct options

а) mightб) must

в) can’tг) may

8.                   He_____ be at the gym right now. Sometimes he goes there at this time.

Choose TWO correct options

а) can’tб) may

в) mightг) must

9.                   A: Someone is knocking at the door.

B: It ____be the pizza delivery man. I ordered a pizza.

а) mustб) can’t

в) mayг) might

10.                He spends all day walking round the town and doing nothing. He___have a job

а) can'tб) might

в) mayг) could

11.                They are asking the way to the city center. They ______be tourists.

а) mustб) might

в) can'tг) have to

12.                She works for a daily newspaper. She____ be a reporter

а) can’tб) may

в) mightг) must

13.                Нe’s working in a shop  now. He ____be a doctor

а) mayб) might

в) mustг) can’t

14.                She teaches maths at the university. She_____be stupid

а) can'tб) could

в) mustг) may

15.                . B: I slipped badly on the ice and broke my leg.

    A: Oh! That …………. hurt a lot.

а) mayб) might

в) mustг) can’t

16.                Helen_______be at secondary school. She's only eight.

а) mightб) may

в) can'tг) could

17.                I think there ______ a mistake in your dictation. You should check it.

Choose TWO correct options

а) mustб) can’t

в) mayг) might

18.                He  _____know the answer, he's the best in the class.

а) mayб) might

в) mustг) can’t

19.                He ____ be in class. I saw him at the library a minute ago.

а) can’tб) may

в) mustг) might

20.                A: Who's at the door?

B: I don't know; it ____ be John.

Choose TWO correct options

а) mustб) might

в) mayг) can’t

21.                Sorry, but I'm not Connor. You ______ me for someone else.

а) might confuse (переплутати з кимось)б) must confuse

в) can confuseг) have to confuse

22.                You've driven 300km today?! You  _______  be really tired.

а) mightб) must

в) canг) may

23.                A: That man over there looks like our manager.

B: No, he ……. be him. He went to the USA three days agо.

       а) must                                                                                           б) should

       в) can't                                                                                            г) may

24.                I don't know if Tony's dad is a pilot. It______    be true.

Choose TWO correct options

а) mightб) must

в) can’tг) may

Ключ до тесту

1. а (1 балів)

2. а (1 балів)

3. б (1 балів)

4. в г (1 балів)

5. в (1 балів)

6. а (1 балів)

7. а г (1 балів)

8. б в (1 балів)

9. а (1 балів)

10. а (1 балів)

11. а (1 балів)

12. г (1 балів)

13. г (1 балів)

14. а (1 балів)

15. в (1 балів)

16. в (1 балів)

17. в г (1 балів)

18. в (1 балів)

19. а (1 балів)

20. б в (1 балів)

21. б (1 балів)

22. б (1 балів)

23. в (1 балів)

24. а г (1 балів)


4 квітня 2020
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