........a measure of the value of goods.
а) money
б) wage
в) fee
2. ......... has various uses in the modern world.
а) money
б) currency
в) banknote
3. ..... money for which a thing is bought or sold.
а) price
б) cost
в) currency
4. Money is a means of .....
а) storing up
б) the value of goods
в) the currency exchange
5. ..... is a payment received at regular intervals for work or services.
а) wage
б) fee
в) price
6. ...... place were people meet to buy and sell goods.
а) market
б) bank
в) plant
7. .... a particular type of money used in a state.
а) currency
б) banknote
в) coin
8. ...... is a payment for professional advice or services.
а) fee б) price
в) wage
9. Money is the root ....
а) of all evil
б) of all activities
в) of all offers
10. I`d like to open .......in this bank.
а) a handbag
в) an exchange office
б) a savings account
1. а (1 балів) |
2. а (1 балів) |
3. а (1 балів) |
4. а (1 балів) |
5. а (1 балів) |
6. а (1 балів) |
7. а (1 балів) |
8. а (1 балів) |
9. а (1 балів) 10. б (1 балів)