Test "Music's everywhere"

Про матеріал
Чотирирівнева робота, 2 варіанти: І рівень - слова із рамочки вставити у текст. Увага!! є зайві. ІІ рівень Грматична нотка)) ІІІ рівень - з"єднати запитання із відповідями. ІV рівень - потрібно написати декілька речень про улюблену групу, композитора, співака чи музиканта.
Перегляд файлу

Test “Music’s everywhere”

Variant 1

I. Complete the sentences from the box. Three words are extra.


Elton John

Sir Elton Hercules John whose real name is Reginald Kenneth Dwight was born in Pinner, Middlesex, England on 25 March 1947. In spite of the fact that his parents were fond of __________ they hoped their son would make more traditional _________ such as banking. But John has made his choice and has become one of the dominant forces in rock and ________

music. Elton Johnis a world-known _______ , singer, songwriter, and producer. He has sold over 200 million _______, that makes him one of the most _________artists of all the times. He has won five Grammy ______ and one Academy Award.


II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Present or Future)

  1. You _______ (to feel ) better as soon as you ________ (to listen ) to this music.
  2. If the sun ______( to shine) brightly we ______ (to go) to the park.
  3. She _______ ( to join ) us when she_____ (to get) free.
  4. They _______( to organize) this concert after you ________ (to agree) to sing.
  5. Lora _______( to practice) until she ______ ( to get ) good results.
  6. After the rain _______ ( to stop) we _______ ( to continue) our competition.


III. Match the questions to the answers:

  1. What kind of music do you                      a) At least once a month.

 listen when you are sad?

  1. How did you feel after the concert?         b) Rock makes me feel better.
  2. Do you like this performance?                 c) I was really excited.
  3. Is he a good musician?                             d) It’s too boring.
  4. How often do you buy new CDs?            e) Perhaps the most talented I                                                                                                                                      

                                                                              have ever listened to.

IV. Write about your favourite band, singer, musician..














Test “ Music’s everywhere”

Variant 2

I. Complete the sentences from the box. Three words are extra.


Freddie Mercury

Farrokh  Bulsara is the real name of one of the most ________ singers and songwriters of the 20th century Freddie Mercury. Freddie was also a talented pianist and _________ , and one of the co-founders of the rock _________ Queen. As a songwriter he ________ many international hits ( We are the champions, Don’t stop me now).He was occasionally producer and guest ______ for other artists. During his career, Mercury performed 700_______ in countries around the world with Queen. He died in November in 1991. In 2005 MTV named Mercury the second greatest singer in the history of ________ music.


  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Present or Future)
  1. He _______ (to play ) the guitar if you _______ (to ask him about it)
  2. I ________ ( to show ) you my record collection as soon as we ______ (to get) to my home.
  3. Before she_______ ( to leave) the house she _______ ( to make) us a phone call.
  4. They _______ ( not to stop) working until they _____ ( to receive ) good results.
  5. If Ted ______( to feel) better he _______ ( not to miss) the next music lesson.
  6. Your song ______ ( to become) a hit as soon as you _____ ( to write) your new album.
    1.                Match the questions to the answers:
  1. Will you go to the                a) I learn to play the violin.

concert tomorrow?

  1. What kind of music do         b) I don’t like this type of music.

you prefer to listen?

  1. What musical instrument do   c) It’s worth some musical

 you like to play ?                                                                award.

  1. How do you like the latest      d) Jazz is my favourite one.

album of that band?

 5.  Don’t you like the folk music?    e). I will, if you invite me.


  1. Write about the music you prefer to listen. Explain  your choice.






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