Тест по темі "Appearance"

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Підсумковий тест на перевірку засвоєння учнями лексики та граматики з пройденої теми "Зовнішність". тестт складається з шести завдань по 2 бали кожне.

Перегляд файлу
  1.      Complete words or phrases. The first letters are given.
  1.      Wow, what long eyelashes you’ve got! They make your eyes look huge.
  2.      He’s put on a bit of weight and now has a d____________ chin.
  3.      I don’t know how anyone could walk in h____________-h____________ shoes like that. They look painful!
  4.      He never has a beard or moustache, he’s always c____________-s____________.
  5.      You look tired! You’ve got b____________ u____________ your eyes.
  6.      Do you want to j____________ in or do you just want to watch us play?
  1.      Circle the correct option (A, B or C).
  1.      Men have to wear smart suits and ___ ties at the wedding reception.

 A nylon B tight C bow

  1.      George is wearing clothes that are too plain for this occasion. He’s ___.

 A underdressed B overdressed C well-dressed

  1.      I’m going to dress ___ as Superman for the fancy dress party.

 A in B up C over

  1.      Tom is wearing a wide leather ___ to keep his trousers up.

 A suit B jacket C belt

  1.      She’s got really ___ lips.

 A full B broad C shaped

  1.      Babies have got lovely ___ skin.

 A wide B slim C smooth

  1.      Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
    Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
  1.      I think that Venice is a beautiful city. I am visiting (visit) it this weekend.
  2.      Why _________ he ____________ (wear) that jacket? It’s such a warm day.
  3.      Everyone is buying tight jeans this summer.
    They __________________ (look) great.
  4.      He __________________ (not / own) a suit. He must borrow mine for the prom.
  5.      Fake fur __________________ (become) more and more popular.
  6.      _________ she ____________ (go) shopping a lot?


  1.      Complete the conversation with A, AN, THE or Ø (no article).

A:  There’s 0 a cool film on tonight. Do you want to come?

B:  Yes please! I’m really into 1 _____ films, so I love going to the cinema.
 Is this 2 _____ film you were telling me about last week?

A:  Yes, that’s right. It’s all about a young girl who grew up in 3 _____ 1980s.
 She decided that she wanted to be 4 _____ fashion designer.

B:  That’s right, I remember now. My sister went to see it
 and said that it was 5 _____ best film she’s seen this year.

  1.      Complete the text with one word in each gap.

I like 0 to wear fashionable clothes. I think it’s important because people
look 1 ____________ to people who dress well. 2 ____________ the moment
I’m wearing a blue linen suit. I bought 3 ____________ suit for a wedding last year, but I wear it all the time! I love fashion. One day I’d like to set 4 ____________
my own boutique. So many people 5 ____________ it wrong when they
put together an outfit. I’d love to help them out.


6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capital letters.

My cousin, Simone, is very 0 stylish (STYLE)! She dresses 1 ____________ (CASUAL) most of the time. Despite wearing very plain clothes, she’s got a lot of 2 ____________ (ELEGANT). I don’t know how she does it!
She has long, 3 ____________ (CURL) brown hair and brown eyes.
She usually wears just a T-shirt, a pair of 4 ____________ (FADE) jeans and sunglasses. But she always takes a matching handbag with her when she goes out! She’s my fashion icon! She’s actually a little 5 ____________ (WEIGH),
but isn’t bothered at all – I think a fuller figure suits her.
I don’t understand why so many people let their size become an issue.


3 березня 2024
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