Test Smart World4, Smart 3

Про матеріал
Тестове завдання до вправи 1 с.107 в підручнику Smart3, Г.К. Мітчелл, Марілені Малкогіанні
Перегляд файлу

Smart Junior 3 , Г.К. Мітчел, Марілені Малкогіанні

Smart World 4, p. 107

Read the text and answer the questions:

  1. What was the weather like?
  1. bad
  2. sunny  
  3. windy
  1.  What did  Jim buy  in the museum?
  1. postcards
  2. toys   
  3. books
  1. What did his father buy?
  1.  vyshyvanka
  2.  postcards
  3.  shoes
  1. What did his mother buy?
  1.  skirt 
  2. shoes 
  3. vyshyvanka
  1. What did Jim buy for his friends?
  1. souvenirs
  2. shoes
  3. postcards
  1. What did his sister buy?
  1. shoes
  2. skirt
  3. vyshyvanka


26 березня 2024
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