Тест "Spring is here, summer will come"

Про матеріал
Контрольний тест, який можна використовцвати при вивченні теми "Spring is here, summer will come"
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3 form


Spring is here, summer will come

Variant 1

  1. Choose and write (Записати та заповнити пропуски)

shall   /  will   /  shall not   /    will not

1.________ your mother  bake a cake tomorrow? – Yes, she ______.

2. We _________not  celebrate  New Year  in summer.

3. He _________ write a letter .

4. They ________ visit their friends on Sunday.

5. ________ he come to school next Saturday? – No, he ________.

6. Helen _______ clean her room on Friday.

Read and write «yes» or «no» (Прочитати та написати «так» чи «ні»)

1) August is a spring month.                                                      No, it isn’t.

 2) January is a winter month.

 3) Autumn comes after summer.

4) Sometimes it’s rainy in spring.

3. Circle the correct past form of the verb (Вибрати правильну форму дієслова у минулому часі )

1 do                                        to do                           did                             doed

2 be                                         was                              beed                          being

3 buy                                      buyed                          buys                            bought

 4 see                                     seeing                           saw                             sees

4. Circle the odd one out (Вибрати та виписати зайве слово у рядку)

1. March, August, May, April

2. month, year, week, cloudy

3. snow, ski, rain, wind

4. summer, autumn, weather, spring





Spring is here, summer will come

Variant 2

  1. Choose and write (записати та аповнити пропуски)

shall   /  will   /  shall not   /    will not

1. I _______ not write a letter tomorrow.

2. They  _______ sing Christmas carols .

3. ______ she write Valentine cards? – Yes, she ______.

4. Helen _______ clean her room on Friday.

5. ______ you visit your parents next week? – No, I _________.

6. ______ they go to school tomorrow? -  No, they _________.

2. Read and write «yes» or «no» (Прочитати та написати «так» чи «ні»)

 1) April is a summer month.                              No, it isn’t.

 2) July is a summer month.

3) Spring comes after summer.

4) It never snows in winter.

3. Circle the correct past form of the verb (Вибрати правильну форму дієслова у минулому часі )

1 have                         to have                       had                               has

2 come                        comes                        comed                         came

 3 write                        writes                         wrote                          writed

4 make                         making                       maked                         made

4. Circle the odd one out (Вибрати та виписати зайве слово у рядку)

1. November, October, December, September

2. winter, spring, season, autumn

3. hot, summer, warm, cold

4. often, usually, sometimes, year



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Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
13 травня 2019
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