Тест з письма (І Семестр) Solutions (Pre-Interm)

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Тест з письма (І Семестр) за підручником Solutions (Pre-Intermediate 3rd edition)
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1.                    Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

 James _______________ (buy) a new CD last weekend.

image               а) bought                                                                                image     б) buys

в) buyed

2.                    We _______________ (do) our homework when Dan arrived.

image              а) did                                                                                         image      б) were doing

в) was doing

3.                    My sister _______________ (not see) the documentary on TV last night.

image               а) doesn`t see                                                                       image      б) wasn`t seeing

в) didn`t see

4.                    Grandad phoned while we _______________ (have) dinner.

image              а) had                                                                                        image      б) were having

в) have

5.                    I haven’t got __ DVDs.

image                         а)     a much                                                image                б)    b many   


в)     c some

6.                    That’s ___ film in the world − it isn't funny at all!

image                а)    a the bad                                                                       image      б)   b the worse 


в)  c the worst

7.                    I haven’t got money . Have you got ___ ?

image                а) a any                                                        image                б) b a few   


image       в) c a lot of

8.                    Complete .

  My parents were very __________________ of me when I scored a goal in the football match.

imageimageа) anxious           б) gripping

в) proud  г) windy

9.                    You’re looking at your mobile phone again! Are you _____________ about something?

imageimageа) anxious              б) challenging

в) grippingг) proud 

10.                Kayaking across the lake was __________________ (exhaust).

image               а) exhausting                                                                        image     б) exhausted

в) exhaustment

11.                Gemma was very __________________ (surprise) when we gave her the flowers.

image               а) surprised                                                                            image      б) surprising

в) supersurprise

12.                It was very _______________ last night – the big tree at the end of our garden fell down!

imageimageа) challenging           б) gripping

в) proudг) windy

Ключ до тесту

1. а (1 балів)

2. б (1 балів)

3. в (1 балів)

4. б (1 балів)

5. б (1 балів)

6. в (1 балів)

7. а (1 балів)

8. в (1 балів)

9. а (1 балів)

10. а (1 балів)

11. а (1 балів)

12. г (1 балів)


19 грудня 2020
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