Тест за темою "Модальні дієслова could/couldn’t" за підручником Family and Friends 4

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Тест за темою "Модальні дієслова could/couldn't" містить 12 запитань. Рекомендовано використання тесту до підручника Family and friends 4 Unit12 "What's the matter?"

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Тест за темою «Can, could/couldn’t»

1. Look at the pictures and write could or couldn’t. Подивись на малюнки та напиши could або couldn’t.

What could Amy do when she was nine?

1. She ___________ swim.

2. She ___________ climb.

3. She ___________ sing.

4. She ___________ read.

5. She ___________ ride a horse.

6. She ___________ play the piano.

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2. Write true or false. Напиши правда чи неправда.

1. I could swim.                     ____

2. I could climb a tree.          ____

3. I couldn’t sing.                   ____

4. I could read.                       ____

5. I could ride a horse.           ____

6. I couldn’t play the piano.    ____

C:\Users\Наталья\Desktop\Дистанционный курс\Дистанционный курс Извекова\Заняття 4\Page_00095 — копия (4).jpg

3. Look at the picture and write could or couldn’t. Подивись на малюнок та напиши could або couldn’t.

C:\Users\Наталья\Desktop\Дистанционный курс\Дистанционный курс Извекова\Заняття 4\Page_00011.jpg


1. Ian __________ ride a horse.

2. Fatimah _____________ ride a horse.

3. Mary ___________ swim.

4. Ahmed _________ swim.

5. Sue __________fly a kite.

6. Juan _________ fly a kite.

4. Read and choose. Прочитай та обери.

1. James can’t / couldn’t come yesterday. He was very busy.

2. My grandpa can / could drive trains when he was young.

3. I can / could play chess well. Do you want a game?

4. When I was small I can’t / couldn’t speak English.

5. Match the halves of the sentences. Поєднай половинки речень.

1. We couldn’t see the moon

2. They couldn’t shop

3. Sally couldn’t speak English

4. My grandfather couldn’t walk

a) when she was two.

b) because he broke his leg.

c) last night.

d) in big supermarkets.


6. Read the conversation and write True or False. Прочитай розмову Сью та Мей та напиши правда чи неправа.

1. Mai could swim when she was two.                              ____

2. Mai could send emails when she was four.                  ____

3. Sue couldn’t swim when she was four.                         ____

4. Mai could speak two languages when she was four.   ____

7. Circle could / couldn’t / can. Обведи could / couldn’t / can. Використовуй розмову Сью та Мей.

1. Sue could / couldn’t / can swim when she was four.

2. Mai could / couldn’t / can swim when she was two.

3. Now Mai could / couldn’t / can speak two languages.

4. Mai could / couldn’t / can send emails when she was four.   

8. Write could / couldn’t / can / can’t. Напиши could / couldn’t / can / can’t.

When I was a baby, I (1)__________

walk or talk. But I (2) _________ sleep and play every day. Now I have to go to school every day, so I (3)__________

play anymore. But now I (4)_________

ride a bike, swim and speak two languages.

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9. Write about what people could and couldn’t do 200 years ago. Напиши   про те, що люди могли та не могли робити 200 років тому.

  1. People __________ write with a feather.
  2. People __________ use a computer.
  3. People __________ watch TV.
  4. People __________ go to school by horse and cart.

 10. Read and choose the ending of the sentences. Прочитай та обери кінець речення.

1. Mary was ill yesterday, so…

a) she couldn’t cook dinner.

b) she couldn’t go to school.

2. I had a headache, so …

a) I couldn’t do my homework.

b) I couldn’t eat anything.

3. I didn’t have any eggs at home, so …

a) I couldn’t cook omelette.

b) I couldn’t cook soup.

4. Mum was tired yesterday, so …

a) she couldn’t study well at school.

b) she couldn’t cook dinner.

11. Read the song again and write True or False. Прочитай пісню ще раз та напиши правда чи неправда.

1. When I was a baby, I could sleep and dream. ____

2. I could only drink water.                               ____

3. I could walk and talk.                                   ____

4. But now I can go to school.                          ____

12. Read the song and fill in could / couldn’t / can. Прочитай пісню та напиши could / couldn’t / can.

1. When I was a baby, I ___________ cry and scream.

2. When I was a baby, I ___________ talk.

3. I ___________ go to school and I ___________ walk.

4. But now I ______ go to  school, read and play.








14 листопада 2021
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