Exam 4

Додано: 3 липня
Предмет: Інформатика, 11 клас
45 запитань
Запитання 1

How often must the aircraft’s ELT be inspected?

варіанти відповідей

Within 24 calendar months of the last inspection

Every two years

Within 12 calendar months of the last inspection

Запитання 2

If you measure your course on your sectional in reference to a meridian, that line is called a:

варіанти відповідей

True course.

True heading.

Magnetic course.

Запитання 3

For internal cooling, reciprocating aircraft engines are especially dependent on

варіанти відповідей

the circulation of lubricating oil.

air flowing over the exhaust manifold.

a properly functioning thermostat.

Запитання 4

Unless otherwise authorized, what is the maximum indicated airspeed at which a person may operate an aircraft below 10,000 feet MSL?

варіанти відповідей

288 knots

200 knots

250 knots

Запитання 5

Why is it a good idea to visually inspect to make sure that the crankcase breather lines are free of ice?

варіанти відповідей

Outside moisture may have entered the lines and frozen

Crankcase oil may have frozen in the lines

Ice may have formed as a result of the crankcase vapors freezing after the engine has been turned off

Запитання 6

You want your wind ground track and ____________to be the same.

варіанти відповідей

Drift angle.



Запитання 7

What action can a pilot take to aid in cooling an engine that is overheating during a climb?

варіанти відповідей

Reduce rate of climb and increase airspeed.

Reduce climb speed and increase RPM.

Increase climb speed and increase RPM.

Запитання 8

The responsibility for ensuring that maintenance personnel make the appropriate entries in the aircraft maintenance records indicating the aircraft has been approved for return to service lies with the

варіанти відповідей

owner or operator

mechanic who performed the work

pilot in command

Запитання 9

If an emergency situation requires a downwind landing, pilots should expect a faster

варіанти відповідей

groundspeed at touchdown, a longer ground roll, and the likelihood of overshooting the desired touchdown point

airspeed at touchdown, a longer ground roll, and better control throughout the landing roll

groundspeed at touchdown, a shorter ground roll, and the likelihood of undershooting the desired touchdown point

Запитання 10

What often leads to spatial disorientation or collision with ground/obstacles when flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR)?

варіанти відповідей

Getting behind the aircraft.

Continual flight into instrument conditions.

Duck-under syndrome.

Запитання 11

The air/fuel ratio (AFR) is the measurement of:

варіанти відповідей

The ratio of weight of air to the weight of fuel in the mixture.

The ratio of volume of air to the volume of fuel in the mixture.

The ratio of the volume of air to the volume of fuel in the wing tanks prior to reaching the engine.

Запитання 12

Which light signal from the control tower clears a pilot to taxi?

варіанти відповідей

Flashing white.

Flashing green.

Steady green.

Запитання 13

The best method to use when looking for other traffic at night is to

варіанти відповідей

scan the visual field very rapidly

look to the side of the object and scan slowly

look to the side of the object and scan rapidly

Запитання 14

The danger of spatial disorientation during flight in poor visual conditions may be reduced by

варіанти відповідей

having faith in the instruments rather than taking a chance on the sensory organs.

shifting the eyes quickly between the exterior visual field and the instrument panel.

leaning the body in the opposite direction of the motion of the aircraft.

Запитання 15

Low level inversions may cause:

варіанти відповідей

Smoke and dust to be trapped close to the surface.


Clearing of the atmosphere close to the surface.

Запитання 16

For a given power setting with a constant-speed, variable pitch propeller:

варіанти відповідей

Low pitch results in low RPM.

High pitch results in high RPM.

Low pitch results in high RPM.

Запитання 17

Generally speaking, the use of carburetor heat tends to

варіанти відповідей

increase engine performance.

decrease engine performance.

have no effect on engine performance.

Запитання 18

During operations outside controlled airspace at altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL, but less than 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum flight visibility for VFR flight at night is

варіанти відповідей

5 miles.

1 mile.

3 miles.

Запитання 19

Unless otherwise authorized, the maximum indicated airspeed at which aircraft may be flown when at or below 2,500 feet AGL and within 4 nautical miles of the primary airport of Class C airspace is

варіанти відповідей

230 knots

250 knots

200 knots

Запитання 20

The magnetic compass:

варіанти відповідей

Needs vacuum power to work.

Needs electrical current to operate.

Is self powered.

Запитання 21

What is the action of the airplane if the ball of the inclinometer moves to the right of center during a left turn?

варіанти відповідей

The airplane is coordinated.

The airplane is skidding.

The airplane is slipping.

Запитання 22

How should a VFR flight plan be closed at the completion of the flight at a controlled airport?

варіанти відповідей

The pilot must close the flight plan with the nearest FSS or other FAA facility upon landing.

The tower will relay the instructions to the nearest FSS when the aircraft contacts the tower for landing.

The tower will automatically close the flight plan when the aircraft turns off the runway.

Запитання 23

Can you fly VFR with an expired GPS database?

варіанти відповідей

No, a current GPS database is required when using it for any type of navigation guidance.

No, since a GPS will not function without a current GPS database.

Yes, but disregard the moving map display when making critical navigation decisions.

Запитання 24

What condition applies when taking off at a high density altitude?

варіанти відповідей

Higher induced drag

Shorter takeoff roll

Lower induced drag

Запитання 25

A flashing white light signal from the control tower to a taxiing aircraft is an indication to

варіанти відповідей

taxi at a faster speed.

taxi only on taxiways and not cross runways.

return to the starting point on the airport.

Запитання 26

The responsibility for ensuring that an aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition is primarily that of the

варіанти відповідей

mechanic who performs the work.

owner or operator.


Запитання 27

The left turning tendency of an airplane caused by P-factor is the result of the

варіанти відповідей

gyroscopic forces applied to the rotating propeller blades acting 90° in advance of the point the force was applied.

propeller blade descending on the right, producing more thrust than the ascending blade on the left.

clockwise rotation of the engine and the propeller turning the airplane counter-clockwise

Запитання 28

While attempting a level turn, you begin to lose altitude. In addition to the natural horizon, what should you reference to make a correction?

варіанти відповідей

GPS moving map


Flight Instruments

Запитання 29

What feature is normally associated with the cumulus stage of a thunderstorm?

варіанти відповідей

Continuous updraft

Roll cloud

Frequent lightning

Запитання 30

Which combination of atmospheric conditions will reduce aircraft takeoff and climb performance?

варіанти відповідей

High temperature, low relative humidity, and low density altitude.

Low temperature, low relative humidity, and low density altitude.

High temperature, high relative humidity, and high density altitude.

Запитання 31

What minimum radio equipment is required for operation within Class C airspace?

варіанти відповідей

Two-way radio communications equipment


A 4096-code transponder

An encoding altimeter


Запитання 32

Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) is the continuous broadcast of recorded information concerning

варіанти відповідей

pilots of radar-identified aircraft whose aircraft is in dangerous proximity to terrain or to an obstruction.

nonessential information to reduce frequency congestion.

noncontrol information in selected high-activity terminal areas.

Запитання 33

What is the purpose of the airplane engine’s mixture control?

варіанти відповідей

It allows the oil to flow more quickly into the engine’s crankcase.

To speed up or slow down the airplane much like the gas pedal on your car.

To regulate the ratio of gasoline to air entering the fuel distribution system.

Запитання 34

Inland fog is most likely:

варіанти відповідей

Precipitation Induced fog.

Advection fog sometimes called sea fog.

Radiation Fog sometimes called ground fog.

Запитання 35

Detonation occurs in a reciprocating aircraft engine when

варіанти відповідей

the unburned charge in the cylinders explodes instead of burning normally.

hot spots in the combustion chamber ignite the fuel/air mixture in advance of normal ignition.

the spark plugs are fouled or shorted out or the wiring is defective.

Запитання 36

At which airports is fixed-wing Special VFR not authorized?

варіанти відповідей

Addison and Dallas Executive.

Fort Worth Meacham and Fort Worth Spinks.

Dallas-Fort Worth International and Dallas Love Field.

Запитання 37

One purpose of the dual ignition system on an aircraft engine is to provide for

варіанти відповідей

uniform heat distribution.

balanced cylinder head pressure.

improved engine performance.

Запитання 38

The wind at 5,000 feet AGL is southwesterly while the surface wind is southerly. This difference in direction is primarily due to

варіанти відповідей

stronger pressure gradient at higher altitudes.

friction between the wind and the surface.

stronger Coriolis force at the surface.

Запитання 39

The only instrument that provides an instantaneous, direct indication of the airplane’s pitch and bank attitude is the:

варіанти відповідей

Heading indicator.

Turn and bank indicator.

Attitude indicator.

Запитання 40

What effect does high density altitude, as compared to low density altitude, have on propeller efficiency and why?

варіанти відповідей

Efficiency is increased due to less friction on the propeller blades.

Efficiency is reduced due to the increased force of the propeller in the thinner air.

Efficiency is reduced because the propeller exerts less force at high density altitudes than at low density altitudes.

Запитання 41

What is it often called when a pilot pushes his or her capabilities and the aircraft's limits by trying to maintain visual contact with the terrain in low visibility and ceiling?

варіанти відповідей

Mind set.

Peer pressure.

Scud running.

Запитання 42

High Performance airplanes

варіанти відповідей

More than 200 horsepower

More than 250 horsepower

Запитання 43

The wind condition that requires maximum caution when avoiding wake turbulence on landing is a

варіанти відповідей

light, quartering headwind.

strong headwind.

light, quartering tailwind.

Запитання 44

How does the wake turbulence vortex circulate around each wingtip?

варіанти відповідей

Inward, upward, and counterclockwise.

Inward, upward, and around each tip.

Outward, upward, and around each tip.

Запитання 45

What is wake turbulence?

варіанти відповідей

The air trailing behind an aircraft due to its prop wash in flight.

The air trailing behind an aircraft due to its prop wash while on the ground.

The counter rotating vortices off the wingtips of an airplane generating lift.

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