Тести до "English'11" Карп'юк О.Д.

Про матеріал
Дана розробка пропонує тести до кожного з розділів зазначеного підручника . Кожен тест складається з 12 запитань, охоплюючи ключові поняття теми.
Перегляд файлу

Introductory Review(Learning a Language.)

  1. Both English and Ukrainian belong to the Indo-European  …
  1. alphabet;  b) language family;  c) letters;  d)dictionary.
  1. English  … to the Germanic branch of the language tree.
  1. language;  b) is;  c) belongs;  d) alphabet.
  1. English is the language of the  …
  1. world;  b) science;  c) tourists;  d) computer experts.
  1. You are as many times a …as many foreign languages you know
  1. man;  b) politician;  c) student;  d) pupil.
  1. Today English is spoken by at least … million people.
  1. 750;  b) 550;  c) 350;  d) 150.
  1. The British  literary form of English is called … English.
  1. American;  b) Australian;  c) Canadian;  d) Standard.
  1. English is the language of  international … in many areas of life.
  1. understanding;  b) using;  c) communication;  d) speaking.
  1. If you go to a language school, you should try to speak English … .
  1. at the lessons;  b) with your teacher;  c) as much as possible;  d) with your friends .
  1. If you like … and know English you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you.
  1.                    teaching;  b) travelling;  c) reading;  d) watching TV.
  1.  I look up the new words in a … but more often I guess the meaning.
  1. dictionary;  b) friend’s copy-book;  c) text book;  d) grammar reference book.
  1. The Olympic Games and other sports events cannot do … English.
  1. about; b) with;  c) without;  d) after.
  1. The role … English today is the result of historical processes.

a) in;  b) of;  c) - ;  d) which.







Being a Student (Unit 1)

  1. English learners should know how to use …... like dictionaries.
  1. resources;  b) lessons; c) lectures;  d) seminars.
  1.  ….. is a well-planned serious of actions for achieving an aim.
  1. planning;  b) draft;  c) strategy;  d) performance.
  1. Besides cinema and television, independent learners also enjoy listening to ….. in the target language.
  1. FM;  b) teachers;  c) lectures;  d) songs.
  1. We should try and use chances of learning a target language both inside and ….  the classroom.
  1. outside; b) on;  c) in;  d) of.
  1. ….. is a marking used in schools to admit students’ achievements.
  1. schedule; b) grading;  c) garding;  d) grades.
  1. Time is  ….. .
  1. money; b) mine;  c) mony;  d)mani.
  1. Repeat the words and phrases two or three times will help you …... them.
  1. read;  b) write;  c) spell;  d) remember.
  1. Dictionaries often tell you which words go together.   “Make a mistake” and “take a photo” are called …..
  1. verbs;  b) sentences;  c) idioms;  d) grammar rules.
  1. Communicating with native speakers, I spoke some English but I couldn’t   ….. people when they spoke English to me. .
  1. keep silence;  b) listen;  c) hear;  d) understand.
  1.  I worked hard at my English and after a while I could see that I was making a lot of  ….. .
  1. progress;  b) mistake;  c) fun;  d) money.
  1.   ….. is something that you have done successfully.
  1. development;  b) research;  c) achievement;  d) investigation.
  1.  English is an international …..of communication.
  1. kind;  b) dictionary;  c) means;  d) book.









Make up Your Mind (Unit 2)

  1. Someone whose job is to design new styles of clothes is called …...
  1. builder;  b) a pilot;  c) a singer;  d) a designer.
  1. Someone whose job is to design roads, bridges, machines etc. is called ..….

a)a brick-layer;  b) a teacher;  c) an engineer;  d) a driver.

  1. Doing ….. work overseas is one of the most rewarding ways of spending your gap year.

     a) much  b) necessary;  c) important;  d) voluntary.

  1. If you don’t want to work, there are plenty of other exciting ….. possibilities to consider.
  1. educational;  b) emotional;  c) international;  d) necessary.
  1. There are many ways in which a school-leaver can usefully …..a year between school and university.

a) waste;  b) attend; c) visit;  d) spend.

  1. One of the reasons to study abroad is to experience ….. firsthand.

a) culture;  b) people;  c) language;  d) money.

  1. Another reason is to ….. every day in English.

a)sing;  b) dance; c)  sleep;  d) communicate.

  1. Ukrainian legislation gives wide opportunities for those who are ….. employment.

  a) looking for;  b) waiting;  c) against;  d) for.

  1. To do a job of a journalist, you have to be a ….. person and be able to talk with anybody.

a)reliable;  b) secret;  c) communicative;  d) well-organized.

  1.  A job of hospice …..  involves a lot of sacrifice.

a)lady;  b) nurse;  c) secretary;  d) pilot.

  1.  Around the age of sixteen you must take one of the biggest ….. of your life.

a) development;  b) research;  c) pollution;  d) decisions.

  1.  If you are an unemployed, you can go to the ….. in the nearest large town to look for a job.
  1. supermarket;  b) Invest Centre; c) Job Center;   d) library.



Family Relationship (Unit 3)

1. A family is a little world …by love.

a) called;  b) known;  c) created;  d) destroyed.

2. Family members …alike in appearance but they are different in characters, hobbies and interests.

a) think;  b) look;  c) live;d)go.

3. There are  … everywhere: in families, between neighbors or between the boys and the girls in your group.

a) friendship;  b) parents;  c) success;  d)conflicts.

4.  … is a young person who is developing into an adult.

  1.          an adolescent;  b) an adult;  c) a cousin;  d) a student.

5. … is to do what someone in a position of authority tells you to do.

  1.               to obey;  b) to permit;  c) to break;  d) to follow.

6. Today parents are more … of the behavior of their sons and daughters than ever before.

a) patient;  b) tolerant;  c) delicate;  d) adopted.

7. Successful parents do their best to … their children’s minds and give them a good education.

a) improve;  b) come down; c) help;  d)develop.

8. Good children … their parents in the way they would like to be treated themselves.

a) behave;  b) show;  c) treat;  d) obey.

9. Many teenagers can’t make good … and control their emotions.

a) advice;  b) decisions;  c) marks;  d) behavior.

10.  Most conflicts between adolescents and their parents are caused by … of their choice of friends.

a) criticism;  b) disobedience;  c) misunderstanding;  d)problems.

11.  Real friendship is possible only when people … each other.

a) conflict with;  b) live;  c) respect;  d) meet every day.

12. Just married have it after wedding for a month or so.

a) honeymoon;  b) problems;  c) new house;  d) new relatives.


































Eating Out (Unit 4)

1. Restaurant ….. has been developing rapidly in Kyiv.

      a) party;  b) government;  c) team;  d) business.

2. Ukrainian cuisine is rich in …...

a) traditions;  b) elections;  c) exit polls;  d) referendums.

3. Borshch is often garnished with …..

a) cream;  b) sour cream;  c) milk;  d) sour milk.

4. French food is one of the ………. a great many people come to Paris but there are other types of food as well.

a) problem;  b) solution;  c) reason;  d) reasons.

5. …..means to cook in oil or fat in an oven or over a fire.

     a) To stew;  b) To roast;  c) To bake;  d) To chop.

6. After having entered a café a …..asked a waiter if he might sit in a certain place. .

a) customer;  b) designer;  c) president;  d) policeman.

7. The French national passion for good …. makes eating out one of the greatest pleasures of a visit to Paris.

a) girls;  b) cheese;  c) food;  d) flowers.

8. People who follow a vegetarian diet are often fitter, have lower cholesterol level and are less likely to have ….. problems.

a) weight;  b) family;  c) height;  d) personal.

9….. design is the art of planning the decoration of the inside a house or the office.

a) inferior;  b) interior;  c) infant;  d) interferon.

10.  My wife and I enjoyed a wonderful meal at this beautiful ….. .

a) garden;  b) sea-shore;  c) restaurant;  d) picnic.

11. A  ….. knows a lot about food and enjoys good food and wine.

a) chief;  b) cook;  c) teacher;  d)gourmet.

12.  I asked the waiter to bring us a wine …..so that we could decide what to drink.

a) menu;  b) programme;  c) list;  d) chart.








It’s Your Planet (Unit 5)

1.  …..of our land, sea and air is very bad for the health of humans.

a) development;  b) research;  c) pollution;  d) investigation.

2. Most scientists agree that the temperature of our Earth is …..

a) falling;  b) rising;  c) changing;  d) usual.

3. The Earth’s weather will be worse and there will be more wind, rain and …..

a) sun;  b) storms;  c) moon;  d) stars.

    4. People at home can try to use less electricity by turning …lights.

a) off;  b) on;  c) in;  d) of.

5.  Good can never grow out of …..

a) good;  b) evil;  c) nothing;  d) friendship.

6. The biggest polluter today is a ….., especially in cities.

a) man;  b) child;  c) seller;  d) car.

7. …..is the organization for protecting the ecology of our planet.

a) Green Grass;  b) Green Planet;  c) Green Tree;  d) Green Peace.

8. …..is difficult for some animals.

a) climate change;  b) good weather;  c) fresh air;  d) dirty water.

9. We could all use our cars less and walk or use ….. more.

a) planes;  b) ships;  c) taxes;  d) public transport.

10.  Many countries must try to control the growth of the ….. .

a) population;  b) temperature;  c) crops;  d) youth pregnancy.

11.  We are not doing enough to protect the environment from  …..

a) development;  b) research;  c) pollution;  d) investigation.

12.  People should ….. as much of their rubbish as possible.

a) food;  b) recycle; c) attitude;  d) salary.














Speaking About Art (Unit 6)

1. An …..is a story of a person‘s life, written by that person.

a) autobiography;  b) horror story;  c) science fiction;  d) comedy.

2. A  ….. is a story or film which makes people laugh and has a happy ending.

a) autobiography;  b) western;  c) cartoon;  d) comedy.

3. A  ….. story or film is about events in the future or other worlds.

a) science fiction;  b) thriller;  c) horror story;  d) war story.

4. A  ….. is a period of fighting between countries or states.

a) cartoon;  b) war story;  c) thriller;  d) horror story.

5.  I love cinema with a big …… It makes you feel part of the action.

a) screen;  b) heroes;  c) popcorn;  d) audience.

6. J.M. Turner is one of  …..well-known painters.

a) French;  b) Italian;  c) British;  d) German.

7. Children’s books appeal to children if they have attractive ….. .

a) stories;  b) pictures;  c) puzzles;  d) layout.

8. At the end of the performance the ….. usually stands up and applauses for several minutes.

a) producer;  b) moderator;  c) actors;  d) audience.

9. Impressionism was founded in France in the 1870’s by Claude Monet and his  …...

a) family;  b) friends;  c) neighbors;  d) animals.

10.  …..art became popular in the 20th century.

a) Abstract;  b) Expressionism;  c) Cubism;  d) Surrealism..

11.   …..is the most important actor or actress in a film.

      a) Star;  b) Director;  c) Plot;  d) Scene.

12.  …..is music of a film.

  1. Soundtrack ;  b) Sequel;  c) Effects;  d) Cast.












Focus on Youth (Unit 7)

1.  …..is an ability to learn, understand and think about things.

a) anxiety;   b) response;  c) illiteracy;  d) intelligence.

2. Without emotions, we are just like….. .

a) cats;  b) pets;  c) robots;  d) goose.

3. We should ….. our emotions.

  1. control;  b)wait;  c) look;  d) expect.

4. Some teens may become ….. and spend too much time with the computer.

a) interested;  b) net addicted;  c) depressed;  d) adults.

5. Young people today are getting more economically ….. , but at the same time they become more pragmatic.

a) active;  b) right ;  c) wrong;  d) depressed.

6. It is necessary now not only to help young people with some of their problems, but to pay more attention to the youth on a ….. level.  .

a) democratic;  b) first;  c) political;  d) pragmatic.

7. The ….. of our country depends on our younger generation.

a) control;  b) family;  c) understanding;  d) future.

8. Statistics shows that the number of ….. marriages has dropped over the past decades.

a) registered;  b) money;  c) man-man;  d) friends.

9. I have to do much homework and to read many foolish books, while some teachers don’t ….. that their subjects are not the most important thing in my life.

a) understand;  b) watch;  c) tell; d) describe.

10.  Some of my friends found a ….. job in order to have an opportunity to earn some money .

     a) part-time;  b) best;  c) most important;  d) well-paid.

11.  Parents should teach their children that smoking is ….. .

      a) important;  b) forbidden;  c) dangerous;  d) multinational.

12. Many young people think that ….. makes them look like an adult, look sexy.

a) dancing;  b) education;  c) party;  d) smoking.







People and Society (Unit 8)

1.  …..is the group of people who rule or control the country.

a) political party;  b) government;  c) team;  d) the Prime-Minister.

2. …..must be held every four or five years.

a) sports competitions;  b) elections;  c) exit polls;  d) referendums.

3. Who did you …..for in the last elections?

a) vote;  b) wait;  c) look;  d) expect.

4. On … the Ukrainian Parliament proclaimed Ukraine’s independence.

a) June, 28, 1996;  b) August, 23, 1991;

c) August, 24, 1991;  d) August, 25, 1991.

5. State power in Ukraine is based on the division of authority into legislative, …..and judicial.

a) executiwe;  b) exekutive;  c) ekzecutive;  d) executive.

6. The national holiday, ….., is celebrated on August,24 .

a) Constitution Day;  b) Independence Day;

c) Ukrainian Flag Day;  d) President’s Birthday.

7. …..is someone who works in politics, especially a member of a parliament..

a) politician;  b) president;  c) minister;  d) party member.

8. According to the Ukrainian Constitution the President, besides representing our state, has many duties and .... .

a) wishes;  b) money;  c) rights;  d) friends.

9. All citizens have the rights and freedoms which are guaranteed by the ….. of Ukraine..

a) laws;  b) President;  c) courts;  d) Constitution.

10. The head of our state is the  ….. .

a) President;  b) best;  c) most important person;  d) people.

11. Ukraine is a member of many ….. organizations like the Council of Europe or the United Nations.

      a) important;   b) forbidden;   c) international;  d) multinational.

12. I don’t belong to any political ….. .

a) view;  b) programme;  c) discussion;   d) party.


Перегляд файлу

Ключі до тестів НМК «Enlish’11» Карпюк О.Д.


Introductory Review

1b 2c 3a 4a 5a 6d 7c 8c 9b 10a 11c 12b

Unit 1

1a 2c 3d 4a 5b 6a 7d 8c 9d 10a 11c 12c

Unit 2

1d 2c 3d 4a 5d 6a 7d 8a 9c 10b 11d 12c

Unit 3

1c 2b 3d 4a 5a 6b 7d 8c 9b 10c 11c 12a

Unit 4

1d 2a 3b 4d 5b 6a 7c 8a 9b 10c 11d 12c

Unit 5

1c 2b 3b 4a 5b 6d 7d 8a 9d 10a 11c 12b

Unit 6

1a 2d 3a 4b 5a 6c 7b 8d 9b 10d 11a 12a

Unit 7

1d 2c 3a 4b 5a 6c 7d 8a 9a 10a 11c 12d

Unit 8

1b 2b 3a 4c 5d 6b 7a 8c 9d 10a 11c 12d


Перегляд файлу

Пояснювальна записка


Дана розробка пропонує до уваги тести для експрес- перевірки загального рівня засвоєння учнями інформації з певної теми («Being a Student”, “Make upYour Mindetc) по закінченню її вивчення. Запитання охоплюють навчальний матеріал, викладений у НМК  English’11”(рівень стандарту для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) Карп’юк О.Д., та деякі запитання для перевірки загальної ерудиції стосовно теми, що вивчалася.

За наявністю варіантів відповіді подані тести  закритої форми з вибором однієї правильної відповіді та відкритої форми( на доповнення, з короткою відповіддю).

Формулювання відповідей дозволить оцінити не лише рівень володіння навчальним матеріалом, але й перевірити лексичні, граматичні та правописні навички учнів.

Окремо подані ключі до тестів.


Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 8
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Терещенко Олена
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Дониченко Лариса Євгенівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  3. Usianova Sanya
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  4. Черемісінова Юлія Леонідівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  5. Діброва Наталія Вікторівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  6. Найбородіна Інна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  7. Дударєва Ірина Сергіївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  8. Тарасенко Светлана
    Дякую за тематичніі тести, обов'язково використаю на уроках.
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
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