Тестові завдання на тему "Passive voice"

Про матеріал
Тестові завдання для учнів 8-9 класів на тему "Passive voice". Завдання можна виконувати для перевірки знань та для повторення вивченнего граматичного матеріалу .
Перегляд файлу

1. They were interviewing her for the job.
She ________________ for the job.
  was being interviewed
  was interviewed
  has been interviewed

2. Tom is writing the letter.
The letter ________________ by Tom.
  was written
  is being written
  has been written

3. Everyone understands English.
English ________________ by everyone.
  is understood
  has been understood
  was understood

4. The employees brought up this issue during the meeting.
This issue ________________ by the employees during the meeting.
  has been brought up
  is brought up
  was brought up

5. The professor told him not to talk in class.
He ________________ by the professor not to talk in class.
  has been told
  was told
  was being told

6. They say that women are smarter than men.
Women ________________ to be smarter than men.
  were being said
  were said
  are said

7. The fire has destroyed the house.
The house ________________ by the fire.
  has been destroyed
  was being destroyed
  is destroyed

8. She would have told you.
You ________________ by her.
  would have been told
  would be told
  were being told

9. She would reject the offer.
The offer ________________ by her.
  will have been rejected
  would be rejected
  will be rejected

10. This surprises me.
I ________________ by this.
  would have been surprised
  will be surprised
  am surprised

До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
13 травня 2020
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