1. Костюми і традиції
а) customs and traditions б) customs and fashion
в) customs and festivals
2. Малювати стін газету
а) to read a wall newspaper б) to write a wall newspaper
в) to draw a wall newspaper
3. Забити гол
а) scored the goal б) won the goal
в) played the goal
4. Йти до дитячого садочка
а) to go to the junior school б) to go to the infant school
в) to go to the secondary school
5. Виконували граматичні вправи
а) do grammat exercises б) make grammar exercises
в) did grammar exercises
6. Прибувати вчасно
а) to arrive in time б) to arrive on time
в) to arrive of time
7. Ann ....teeth in the morning yesterday.
а) brush б) brushed
в) is brushing
8. We .....on computers.
а) work б) works
в) is working
9. Miss Alison ....her pupils interesting story at the moment.
а) tell б) is telling
в) told
10. He usually ...a lot of books.
а) read б) is reading
в) reads
11. She .....songs at the fairy dress party tomorrow.
а) will sing б) is singing
в) shall sing
12. My brother .... a beautiful butterfly on the beach yesterday.
а) see б) sees
в) saw
1. а (1 балів) |
2. в (1 балів) |
3. а (1 балів) |
4. б (1 балів) |
5. в (1 балів) |
6. б (1 балів) |
7. б (1 балів) |
8. а (1 балів) |
9. б (1 балів) |
10. в (1 балів) |
11. а (1 балів) |
12. в (1 балів) |