"The importance of choosing a job"

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Презентація розроблена до уроку в 11 класі за темою "Getting ahead", підручник "New Destinations B1+". Імформація в презентації дає учням можливість ознайомитись з професіями, які затребувані в Україні.
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Top 10 Professions in Ukraine

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Trends Job Market 2020 Ukraine. The top 10 vacancies in Ukraine: Sales Manager. Sales Representative. Accountant. Shop assistant. Account Manager. Chief Accountant. Medical representative. Call center operator. System Administrator. Cashier

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Top 10 the most highly-paid professions in Ukraine: IT developer. On average, they receive from 45,000 UAH. Dentist. The average salary in Ukraine, according to various estimates, is 20,000-23,000 UAH. Some private clinics offer 50,000-80,000 UAH. Aviation officer. The median salary for a pilot is 35,000 UAH, for a flight attendant—50,000 UAH. Media Buyer. This is a specialist who places and promotes advertising products on various information platforms. The median for a media buyer in Ukraine is 30,000-40,000 UAH, and in Kyiv their salary can reach 49,000 UAH and above.

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Commercial Director (Chief Commercial Officer). They are responsible for the commercial policy of the company, manage the sales department, develop a strategy and plans for the products sale, and monitor their implementation. The salary is 30,000 and more. National manager. Their responsibilities include developing and implementing sales development strategies. The average salary in Ukraine is 30,000 UAH. Chief Financial Officer. They are responsible for business financial flow management, financial planning and reporting. Depending on the company, the Chief Financial Officer's salary can significantly exceed the median of 29,000 UAH.

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Stock broker. They are also called the securities brokers. This is a professional intermediary in the conclusion of transactions in the stock market. They buy securities and sell at the request of a client — investor. The median salary for such a specialist is 30,000 UAH. Trader. This is a participant of stock trading who buys blocks of shares, currencies and other assets at one price and resells them at a higher price. On average, a trader earns about 30,000 UAH. Builder. The average salary in Ukraine is 20,000 UAH. But large projects can bring a builder much more—from 50,000 UAH.