The painting traditions in Ukraine. The famous Ukrainian painters.

Про матеріал
The offered presentation contains the quotations of famous people about art, genres of painting, examples of Ukrainian painters works (Marchuk, Shevchenko, Kasiian, Pryimachenko). There are also texts for reading with after-reading tasks.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

I am O.K. Perfect I am well Topics 30, 31 The painting traditions in Ukraine. The famous Ukrainian painters. t! I am sad So- So I am not well! I am angry gr.1 lessons 30, 31

Номер слайду 2

the famous people said about the art of painting…

Номер слайду 3

Task1 :Try to remember the words and fill this mind map. Warming up graphics still- life landscape seascape portrait battle picture cityscape graffiti folk art caricature

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

Номер слайду 6

Gypsy Fortune Teller, 1841. Oil on canvas. Winner of the 1841 Katerina

Номер слайду 7

Ілюстрація до поезії "Перебендя"

Номер слайду 8

Artistic traditions of Ukraine In Ukraine portrait painting as a separate genre appeared during the Renaissance (16th century) and was influenced by the icon tradition. T. Schevchenko devoted most of his painting to Ukraine and has been considered the Father of modern Ukrainian painting. Schevchenko painted numerous portraits, self-portraits and landscapes which are the architectural monuments of Ukraine. During the 19th century landscape painting appeared as a separate genre, and not only in the work of T. Schevchenko. Impressionism made itself felt in the work of several Kyiv artists who had worked in Paris, including P. Levchenko, A. Manevich, M. Burachek, O. Murashko, and V. Krychevskyi. The early 20th-century avant-garde movement had a direct impact on Ukrainian painting. The most prominent of them were K. Malevich, D. and V. Burliuk, A. Ekster and V. Tatlin. Ekster introduced futurism to Kyiv and helped bring avantgarde exhibitions to Ukraine. During this period the Ukrainian State Academy of Arts (1917—1922) was established in Kyiv. It made possible for Ukrainian painters to get advanced art training in their homeland. M. Boichuk revived fresco painting and aspired to develop an art for the masses based on a combination of Ukrainian traditions and Western models. Many of painters gained international prominence. Changes brought about by perestroika resulted in greater creative freedom of styles and manners of depiction. In contemporary Ukraine artists of our country are now free to continue the development of various artistic traditions and have prospects to rejoin the international artistic mainstream. Exercise: Decide if the sentences are true or false. In Ukraine portrait painting appeared during the Renaissance (18th century) and was influenced by the icon tradition. T. Schevchenko devoted his painting to Ukraine and has been considered the Father of modern Ukrainian painting. During the 19th century landscape painting appeared as a separate genre. The early 20th-century impressionism had a direct impact on Ukrainian painting. The Ukrainian State Academy of Arts was established in Kyiv in 1925. Perestroika gave creative freedom of styles and manners of depiction.

Номер слайду 9

Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko (March 9, 1814 – March 10, 1861) was a Ukrainian poet, artist and humanist. His literary heritage is regarded to be the foundation of modern Ukrainian literature and the modern Ukrainian language. Shevchenko also left many masterpieces as a painter and an illustrator. In view of his literary importance, the impact of his artistic work is often missed, although his contemporaries valued his artistic work no less, or perhaps even more, than his literary work. A great number of his pictures, drawings and etchings preserved to this day testify to his unique artistic talent. He also experimented with photography and it is little known that Shevchenko may be considered to have pioneered the art of etching in the Russian Empire (in 1860 he was awarded the title of Academician in the Imperial Academy of Arts specifically for his achievements in etching.) Etching is the process of using strong acid or mordant to cut into the unprotected parts of a metal surface to create a design in intaglio in the metal (the original process—in modern manufacturing other chemicals may be used on other types of material). As an intaglio method of printmaking, it is, along with engraving, the most important technique for old master prints, and remains widely used today. Taras Shevchenko was a remarkable Ukrainian poet, writer, playwright, artist who was active in civil and political spheres. With his many gifts and interests, he was a renaissance man. He dedicated his life and works to the Ukrainian nation. The great poet and artist dreamed of the time his land would become an independent country, when the nation's language, culture, and history would be valued, and the people would be happy. Taras Shevchenko's name is known throughout the world. Monuments have been erected to him in many countries, and his works have been translated into nearly all world languages. In Ukraine, schools, theaters, squares, streets, and cities carry his name. The Ukrainian National Opera Theater, Kyiv National University, and the city's central boulevard wear the name of this exceptional son of the Ukrainian nation. T. Shevchenko Self-portrait, 1840

Номер слайду 10

Номер слайду 11

Maria Pryimachenko Painter, classic of Ukrainian folk art Maria Pryimachenko was born in the village of Bolotnia in Kyiv region in 1908. She lived there, grew up and created her masterpieces, suffered hardships, met happiness of love and motherhood, bitter pain of losses. She became a painter by herself, found her own style of creating the beautiful. The painter made her first steps in embroidery, painting on sand, house painting and drawing. Work in experimental studios of the Kyiy Museum of Ukrainian Arts and contacts with outstanding folk masters influenced Pryimachenko's creative development. Originality and rich imagination marked all her works of that period — paper-, ceramics-, wood-painting, book design. At the First All-Ukrainian Exhibition of Folk Art (1936) M. Pryimachenko was awarded the 1st class diploma. Thence her creativity became a great event in artistic life of Ukraine. The world of M. Pryimachenko's inimitable images is fairy and fantastic. It is based on the best samples of Ukrainian folklore. The key directions of her creative works were plot compositions, images of fantastic flowers and unreal animals. "Animal series" by M. Pryimachenko became a unique phenomenon having no analogues in world art. They include everything — good and evil, power and defenceless, aggression and cunning. The themes of war and peace, space exploration, peasants' work and life, Chornobyl tragedy are in her range of view. Fabulous vision of life and at the same time keen feeling of reality helped Maria Pryimachenko, a common peasant woman, to create charming symbolical images, to originally depict major events of the epoch and leave a wonderful world of painting behind her. Her creative activity is an exceptional phenomenon in world art. She died in 1997. Exercise: Ask and answer questions: 1.Where ... Maria Pryimachenko ... and ... up? (live, grow) 2.How ... she ... a painter? (become) 3.When ... she ... the first class diploma? (award) 4.What... her images ... on? (base) 5.What... her best flower compositions? (be) 6... her "Animal Series" ... any analogues in world art? (have) 7.What... the themes of these series? (be)

Номер слайду 12

Читати текст Maria Pryimachenko, виконати післятекстову вправу ( слайд № 9, 10) Записати лексику уроку до словнику. Random wheel ( 2.22) гордість України. Історія художниці Приймаченко asynchronous student work: Homework: Запам’ ятати лексику уроку використовуючи тренажер Random wheel Прочитати текст Task 4, Taras Shevchenko as a painter виписати ключові слова для переказу тексту Task 5, exercise in writing form, Retell about a painter. відео творчість Приймаченко ( 3.18)

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