"The role of chemistry in my life" "Роль хімії у моєму житті"

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Ця презентація написана англійською мовою, якщо вона вам потрібна українською, то перекладіть текст через перекладач. Ця презентація розроблена для проектів, учні можуть її використовувати, корегувати, або змінювати і*мя на своє, я даю на це дозвіл. Вчителі теж можуть використовувати її для уроків, так точно можуть корегувати та роботи на свій лад, дозвіл даю
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The role of chemistry in my life. The presentation was prepared by a student of the 11th-А grade: Nikita Litvinov

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Purpose. The goal of this presentation will be to explore the role of chemistry in our daily lives. We will discuss the ways in which chemistry impacts our daily routines, personal care, health, environment, industry, and future. Through this exploration, we aim to raise awareness of the importance of chemistry and its impact on our world. By learning about the role of chemistry in our lives, we hope to foster a greater appreciation for this essential field of study.

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Introduction. Chemistry is the study of matter and its properties. It plays a significant role in our lives, from the food we eat to the clothes we wear. It is also essential in the development of new drugs, materials, and technologies. In this presentation, we will explore the role of chemistry in my life.

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Daily Life. Chemistry is present in our daily lives in many ways. From the food we eat to the water we drink, chemistry plays an essential role. In the kitchen, we use chemical reactions to cook our food. For example, baking soda and vinegar react to produce carbon dioxide, which makes cakes and cookies rise.

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Personal Care. Chemistry is also essential in personal care products such as sunscreen, shampoo, and toothpaste. These products contain chemicals that protect us from harmful UV rays and keep our skin and hair healthy.

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Health. Chemistry is crucial in the field of medicine. Scientists use chemical reactions to develop new drugs and treatments for various diseases. Medications are also made up of chemicals that interact with our bodies to treat illnesses and relieve symptoms.

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Environment. Chemistry plays a crucial role in protecting the environment. Scientists use chemistry to study the impact of pollutants on our planet and develop new technologies to reduce their impact. Recycling is also a form of chemistry, as it involves using chemical reactions to break down and repurpose materials.

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Technology. Chemistry is essential in the development of new technologies. Computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices rely on chemical reactions to function. For example, batteries use chemical reactions to store and release energy.

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Industry. Chemistry is essential in the industry. Chemical reactions are used to create new materials, such as plastics, and to produce energy through fossil fuels. Chemical engineers use chemistry to develop new products and improve manufacturing processes.

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Future. Chemistry will continue to play a vital role in shaping the future. Scientists are developing new technologies to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and create more sustainable energy sources. Chemistry will also play a significant role in developing new materials and technologies that will improve our lives.

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Conclusion. In conclusion, chemistry plays a crucial role in our lives. From the food we eat to the technology we use, chemistry is present in almost every aspect of our lives. As we continue to discover new ways to use chemistry, we can create a better future for ourselves and for the planet.

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Сonclusion. In this presentation, we explored the various ways in which chemistry plays a vital role in our daily lives. We talked about how chemistry is present in everything from the food we eat to the technology we use. We discussed its importance in personal care, health, the environment, industry, and the future. Through this exploration, we have learned that chemistry is an essential field of study that continues to shape our world and improve our lives.

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The presentation is over. Thank you

Litvinov Nikita Oleksiyovich
Пов’язані теми
Хімія, 11 клас, Презентації
26 квітня 2023
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