The world of painting

Про матеріал
Невелика за обсягом самостійна робота допоможе перевірити знання учнів за декілька хвилин. Тест містить лексичні питання з теми, а також запитання на знання іноземних та вітчизняних митців.
Перегляд файлу


1.          What is the difference between a drawing and a painting?

imageа) There is no difference between two words                                  image б) The first word is "to use pencils" and the second - "to use paints"

в) There is a difference but it is not important

2.          Make up the sentence with the following words:

painter / famous / a / of / 17/ the / Gainsboroug / century / is

imageimageа) Gaisborough a painter the famous is century       б) Painter Gainsborough of a 17 century is the of 17famous

в) Famous painter a Gainsborough of the 17             г) Painter of Gainsborough is famous 17 century iscentury a the

                    д) Gainsborough is a famous painter of the 17                          е) The 17 Gainsborough is famous of a century





He or she is not Ukrainian artist


imageimage                  а) Taras Shevchenko                                                                         б) Lina Kostenko

                 в) Kateryna Bilokur                                                                             г) Maria Pryimachenko

                д) Illia Repin                                                                                         е) Anatoliy Kryvolap

                 є) Kazumur Malevych                                                                        ж) Yevhenia Hapchynska

4.          Who created icons in Kyivan Rus in the end of the 10th?

imageimage                а) peasants                                                                                          б) princes

                в) monks                                                                                               г) travellers

                д) professionals                                                                                  е) hairdressers

                є) priests                                                                                               ж) rich people

5.          Portrait painters in Ukraine are.....

imageimage                  а) Taras Shevchenko                                                                          б) Yevhenia Hapchynska

в) Illia Repin г) Ivan Aivazovskyi д) Arhyp Kuindzhi

6.          One of the most (1) … portraitist of the 18th century in Great Britain was Joshua Reynolds. In December 1768 the Royal Academy was founded and Reynolds became its first president. He (2) … a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous people of that period. He usually (3) … his characters in heroic (4) … and showed them as the best people of the nation.

imageб) masters, painted, created, style

г) representatives,  countryside, well-known, contain

б) I. Aivazovskyi

г) A. Kuindzhi

е) Illia Repin

ж) M. Pryimachenko

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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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