Travelling broadens the mind. ознайомити учнів з ЛО теми; розвивати навички читання; навчити учнів одержувати основну інформацію з

Про матеріал
Хід уроку I. Початок уроку 1. Greeting and introductory talk Слайд 1 Good morning, children. How are you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? 2. Pronunciation drill (Group work) Слайд 2 Repeat together: “Every day in every way, my English is getting better and better”. 3. Theme and aim Слайд 3 Today the theme of our lesson is “Travelling broadens the mind”. Today we’ll speak about how people can travel from one place to another. We’ll read the text, we’ll discuss it and we’ll do many different exercises. Слайд 4 And now you can the quotation “The world is the book, and those who do not travel read only one page”. At the end of the lesson we’ll discuss it and prove it. 4. Warming up (Group work) Слайд 5 Let’s draw a Mind-map What words do you associate with the topic “Travelling”? And now discuss: Слайд 6-10 1. Place (China, Egypt, Australia, England) Слайд 11-12 2. Things you need (passport, ticket, money) Слайд 13-14 3. Transport (car, bus, train) Слайд 15-16 4. Activities (to go sightseeing, to bathe, to get a ten, to learn about people’s traditions) II. Основна частина 1. Presenting vocabulary (Group work) Слайд 17 Look at the screen, write down new words into your vocabulary A plane [plain] літак A train [trein] поїзд A bus [bʌs] автобус A car [ka:] машина A ship [ʃip] корабель A taxi [‘tæksi] таксі A boat [bəut] човен A double-decker [,dʌbl ’dekə] двоповерховий автобус чи тролейбус An underground [‘ʌndəgraund] метрополітен On foot [fut] пішки On horseback [‘hɔ:sbæk] верхи Repeat after me: a plane, a train, a bus, a car, a ship, a taxi, a boat, a double-decker, an underground, on foot, on horseback. (Group work) Ex. 1a p. 118 Look and say how people can travel from one place to another. 2. Reading a) Pre-reading activities (Group work) - Answer the questions: Do you like to travel? What means of travelling do you like best of all? When did you travel last time? Did you enjoy your travelling? Why? - New words from the text: Слайд 18 An airplane [‘eəplein] літак To pack one’s luggage [‘lʌgiʤ] збирати багаж A sightseeing [‘sait,si:iŋ] огляд визначних пам’яток A cathedral [kə’θi:dr(ə)l] собор A wonder [’wʌndə] чудо To broaden one’s mind [‘brɔ:dn] розширювати кругозір Repeat after me: an airplane, to pack one’s luggage, sightseeing, a cathedral, a wonder, to broaden one’s mind. b) Reading activity (P1-P2-P3) Ex. 2 p. 118-119 Read and translate the text c) Post-reading activities + Writing - (Individual work) Ex. 3 p. 119 Read and complete the sentences - (Group work) Ex. 4 p. 119 Read and match 3. Physical warming up (Group work) Head and shoulders, knees and toes Head and shoulders, knees and toes Eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes 4. Speaking + Writing (Work in pairs) Слайд 19 You have a card, make up questions and ask your partner. 1. you/travelling/Do/like? _________________________________ 2. use/means/do/of/you/What/transport? _________________________________ 3. travel/you/last/When/time/did? _________________________________ 4. places/to/you/do/visit/What/want? _________________________________ III. Заключна частина 1. Homework At home please write about your last travelling. Use the questions from card and Ex. 6 p. 119 to help you. 2. Summarizing (Group work) Today we’ve spoke about travelling, we’ve read the text and we’ve done different exercises. And now tell me do you remember the means of transport? Name it. Слайд 20 And at the beginning of the lesson we’ve read a quotation “The world is the book, and those who do not travel read only one page”. Do you agree? Prove it. 3. Scoring Слайд 21 4. Plan for future Слайд 22 On the next lesson we’ll continue to speak about travelling, about means of transport, we’ll learn new words and phrases. 5. Parting Good-bye, see you next lesson.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2


Номер слайду 3

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

Travelling Place Things you need Transport Activities

Номер слайду 6

Travelling Where?

Номер слайду 7


Номер слайду 8


Номер слайду 9


Номер слайду 10


Номер слайду 11

Travelling Things you need

Номер слайду 12

a ticket a passport a bag or a suitcase first aids clothes money a camera Things you need

Номер слайду 13

Travelling How?

Номер слайду 14

foot ship plane How do you travel? car We travel by \ on . . . train taxi bus boat double-decker

Номер слайду 15

Travelling What can you do?

Номер слайду 16

Номер слайду 17

a plane [plain] літак a train [trein] поїзд a bus [bʌs] автобус a car [ka:] машина a ship [ʃip] корабель a taxi [‘tжksi] таксі a boat [bəut] човен A double-decker [,dʌbl ’dekə] двоповерховий автобус чи тролейбус an underground [‘ʌndəgraund] метрополітен On foot [fut] пішки On horseback [‘hɔ:sbжk] верхи

Номер слайду 18

An airplane [‘eəplein] літак To pack one’s luggage [‘lʌgiʤ] збирати багаж A sightseeing [‘sait,si:iŋ] огляд визначних пам’яток A cathedral [kə’θi:dr(ə)l] собор A wonder [’wʌndə] диво To broaden one’s mind [‘brɔ:dn] розширювати кругозір

Номер слайду 19

Make up the questions and ask your partner 1. you/travelling/Do/like? _________________________________ 2. use/means/do/of/you/What/transport? _________________________________ 3. travel/you/last/When/time/did? _________________________________ 4. places/to/you/do/visit/What/want? _________________________________

Номер слайду 20

Номер слайду 21

The world is the book. So, let’s read it!

Номер слайду 22

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  1. KR Irina
    Thanks for great materials!
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