Завдання для контролю знань з англійської мови учнів 5 класу до підручника О. Карпюк

Про матеріал
Зошит складений до підручника О. Карп`юк, містить різнорівневі завдання для оцінювання навчальних досягнень з англійської мови учнів 5 класів. Завдання розроблені відповідно до вимог чинної програми та рекомендацій МОН України щодо оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів. Наприкінці зошита подано тексти для аудіювання та відповіді. Призначено для учнів 5 класів загальноосвітніх шкіл та вчителів англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу

Відділ освіти, молоді та спорту

Хмельницької райдержадміністрації

Хмельницький РМК

















Автор: Роща Діна Вікторівна,учитель англійської мови

Осташковецької ЗОШ І-ІІ ступенів



Рецензент: Сокол Наталія Володимирівна – методист РМК відділу освіти, молоді та спорту Хмельницької РДА



Рекомендовано до друку рішенням ради РМК відділу освіти, молоді та спорту Хмельницької РДА

(Протокол № 4 від 25 грудня 2014року)






Зошит складений до підручника О. Карп`юк, містить різнорівневі завдання для оцінювання навчальних досягнень з англійської мови учнів 5 класів. Завдання розроблені відповідно до вимог чинної програми та рекомендацій МОН України щодо оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів.  Наприкінці зошита подано тексти для аудіювання. Призначено для учнів 5 класів загальноосвітніх шкіл  та вчителів англійської мови.







Test 1. All about me and my friends 

Variant 1……………………………..5

Variant 2……………………………..6

Test 2. All about school 

Variant 1…………………………..…7

Variant 2……………………………..8

Test 3. After classes

Variant 1……………………………..9

Variant 2……………………………10

Test 4. Leisure time 

Variant 1……………………………11

Variant 2……………………………12

Listening (the first term)

Variant 1……………………………13

Variant 2……………………………14

Reading (the first term)

Variant 1…………………………....15

Variant 2……………………………16

Writing (the first term)

Variant 1……………………………17

Variant 2……………………………18

Speaking (the first term)

Variant 1……………………………19

Variant 2……………………………20

Test 5. Family and food

Variant 1……………………………21

Variant 2……………………………22 Test 6. Holidays and granny 's stories 

Variant 1……………………………23

Variant 2……………………………24

Test 7. Clothes and weather

Variant 1……………………………25

Variant 2……………………………26

Test 8. Nature and outdoors activities.

Variant 1……………………………27

Variant 2……………………………28

Test 9. Travelling From Britain to Ukraine.

Variant 1……………………………29

Variant 2……………………………30

Listening (the second term)

Variant 1……………………………31

Variant 2……………………………32

Reading  (the second term)

Variant 1……………………………33

Variant 2……………………………34

Writing (the second term)

Variant 1……………………………35

Variant 2……………………………36

Speaking (the second term)

Variant 1……………………………37

Variant 2……………………………38


Texts for listening…………………..51

- 3 -



Педагогічний контроль є ефективним засобом визначення реального стану навчально-виховного процесу, який є одним з визначальним дієвих чинників  інноваційних процесів в освіті. 

Даний зошит  пропонує завдання для контролю знань з англійської мови учнів 5-го класу. Зошит розроблений відповідно до вимог чинної програми та рекомендацій МОН України щодо оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів. Завдання охоплюють передбачену програмою тематику та орієнтовані на підручник для 5-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів «Англійська мова» О.Д. Карп’юк.  

Засвоєння кожної  теми перевіряється  за допомогою завдань різного рівня складності. Вчитель може варіювати обсяг завдань відповідно до рівня загальної підготовленості класу, щоб знайти оптимальний варіант оцінювання знань учнів. 

Всі тематичні роботи розроблені у двох варіантах, кожен варіант складається з 6 завдань, які оцінюються по 2 бали (максимальна кількість – 12 балів).

Семестровий контроль подано за чотирма видами мовленнєвої діяльності у двох варіантах, кожна робота складається з 4 завдань і оцінюються по 3 бал. 

У зошиті подаються відповіді до завдань, що  полегшує роботу під час їх перевірки. 

Різнорівневі завдання нададуть можливість організувати ефективний та якісний контроль умінь і навичок учнів, що забезпечить успішне засвоєння іноземної мови у школі та привчить учнів до виконання  різних видів контрольних робіт з англійської мови.




















- 4 -


Rewrite the sentences using the long form. 

1)                What`s her name? 

2)                He`s got a friendly family.

3)                I`m from Spain.

4)                She hasn`t got a doll.

5)                Yes, I`ve got a ball.

6)                My pet`s Rex.


II. Choose the correct pronoun.

1)                He/ his is my classmate. 4)       We/our are friends.

2)                She/her name`s Jessica.   5)       They/their car is big.

3)                I/my am at the park.        6)       Our/ we garden is nice.


III. Match the pairs.

1)                Simon          a)       You

2)                Mum b)       It

3)                Terry`s dog c)       We

4)                I and Philip d)       They

5)                You and Sara        e)       He

6)                Friends and Susan f)       She


IV.   Translate into English using the words in the box.  


parents, coat, bags, Mary, cat, class, pupils, Ann, flat, Mum.


Клас Мері, мамине пальто, портфелі учнів, кіт Анни, квартира батьків


V.      Write in words.

1)           02.00  

2)           04.05

3)           08.15

4)           09.30

5)           06.50

6)           05.40


VI.   Unscramble the sentences. 

1)                you/got/ Have/ a sister?

2)                Kate/ got/a hamster/ has.

3)                and/Tom/ have/ Bill/ got/ bicycles.

4)                eyes/ she/blue/ Has/got?








- 5 -


Variant 2

Rewrite the sentences with the long form.  

1)                What`s his name?

2)                She`s got a new computer. 

3)                Where`re you from?

4)                He hasn`t got a puzzle.

5)                Yes, I`ve got a bicycle. 

6)                My pet`s Bax.


II. Choose the correct pronoun.

1)                She/her is my friend.       4)       We/our are classmates.

2)                He/his name`s Nick.        5)       They/their garden is nice.

3)                I/my am at home.   6)       Our/ we house is big.


III. Match the pairs.

1)                Pam   a)       You

2)                Dad    b)       It

3)                Mary’s cat   c)       We

4)                I and Ginger          d)       They

5)                You and Mike        e)       He

6)                John and friends    f)       She


IV.   Translate into English using the words in the box.  


Bags, Kate, friends, book, sister, bikes, dog, dress, Tom, cousins


Книга Кейт, плаття сестри, велосипеди друзів, пес Тома, портфелі кузенів


V.      Write in words. 

1)           03.00  

2)           07.05

3)           04.15

4)           05.30

5)           08.50

6)           07.40


VI.   Unscramble the sentences. 

1)                you/got/ Have/ a brother?

2)                Philip/ got/a parrot/ has.

3)                and/Sara/ have/ Helen/ got/ kites.

4)                sweater/ she/red/ Has/got?








- 6 -

1)           Science          3)      PE     5)      Art

2)           Craft    4)      Maths          6)      Geograpy


II. Read and cross the odd word out. 

1)                Interesting, popular, dancing, boring

2)                English, Ukrainian, Museum, History

3)                Easy, swot, difficult, normal

4)                School, teacher, tricky, classmate


III. Write in words.

a)15        b) 627     c) 78      d) 12    e) 130     f) 4000


IV. Put the adjectives in brackets into correct forms.

1)                A car  is (fast) than a bicycle. 

2)                The red bag is (big) than blue one.

3)                This girl is  (beautiful) in our school.

4)                That is (high) building in the city. 

5)                It is  (interesting)  book I have ever read. 

6)                The weather  is (good) today. 


V.      Sort out the words from the box.  


little, I, to play, across,  yellow, a  song, they, to go, on, us, a tree, smart, a lesson,  to  read, between













VI.   Guess the subject.  

1) Play different sports games – 2) Use numbers and calculations – 

3) Draw and paint pictures – 



4) Use the computer –  5) Learn about the past – 

6) Make different things  and cook – 


- 7 -


Variant 2

 Match the pictures with the subjects.

         A B                       C                     D E                 F 

1)           Science          3)      IT      5)      History

2)           English          4)      Music          6)      Literature


II. Read and cross the odd word out. 

1)                Different,  important, tease, difficult

2)                Religion, IT, Craft, Friday

3)                Good, guess, hurt, quarrel

4)                Timetable, fighting, blackboard, classroom


III. Write in words.  

a)11     b) 736     c) 57 d) 18     e) 140     f) 9000


IV. Put the adjectives in brackets into correct forms.

1)                This film was (popular) in that month.

2)                Bred is (strong) than Sam.

3)                A monkey  is (quick) than turtle.

4)                It is (exciting) story I have ever read.

5)                A red car is (new) than green one. 

6)                The girl is (happy). 


V.      Sort out the words from the box.  


Funny, he, to dance, under, brown, a poem, we, to write, in, their, a flower, short,  a teacher, to listen, behind













VI.   Guess the subject.  

1)  Learn foreign words –           5) Learn about our planet –

2)  Read a lot of stories and poems  –  6) Learn about nature, do some

3)  Sing the songs –          experiments –

4)  Write the composition, learn rules – 




ІІ. Read and cross the odd word out.  

1)           Toys, cookies, photos, paintings

2)           Cycling, travelling, camping, concert

3)           Choir, video, film, cartoon

4)           Guitar, chess, flute, drum


III. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1)           I collect badges.      3)      They go to the theatre.

2)           Max makes postcards.       4)      My dad plays chess.


IV.   Sort out the words from the box.  


Baseball, the piano, jogging, volleyball, the guitar, hockey, dancing, shopping, swimming, running, computer games, hiking


to play    

to go



V.      Write about what you can and what you can`t do.

Ex. I can read. I can`t fly.

Make postcards, swim, climb the trees, write test, jump to the river, play the violin, lift a plane, read at night.


VI.   Match the sentences with their endings.

1)           Terry often breaks thing. He is… imaginative

2)           Jane helps everyone. She is… lazy

3)           Sara dreams all time. She is… clever

4)           Mary likes to sleep. She is… clumsy

5)           Dan cleans up all house. He is… helpful

6)           Tom reads a lot of books. He is… tidy





Variant 2

І. What hobby is it? Look and write.  

           1 2                   3                        4 5                 6

1)           Badges, coins, sweets, stamps

2)           Painting, curious, writing stories, reading

3)           Nickname, tidy, polite, unusual

4)           Tennis, violin, basketball, cricket


III. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1)           I collect postcards.   3)      We go to the library.

2)           Jane draws pictures.          4)      My friend reads fantasy.


IV.   Sort out the words from the box.  


Badminton, jumping,  the flute, fishing, football, the drum, table tennis, for a walk, sailing, the tube, cycling, skiing


to play    

to go



V.      Write about what you can and what you can`t do.  

Ex. I can read. I can`t fly.

Ride a bike, drive a truck, bake an apple pie, make sandcastles, paint  a portrait, play the piano, speak English, sing rap.


VI.   Match the sentences with their endings.

1)      Mark always says “thank you” and “please”. He is… curious

2)      Ann have red hair. She is… sporty

3)      Max asks many questions. He is… polite

4)      Kerry knows many interesting facts. She is…  unusual

5)      Paul likes to fight. He is… smart

6)      Peter likes playing team games. He is… bully



Test 4. LEISURE TIME Variant 1

I. Match the pairs.

1)                to blow up   a)       name badge 

2)                to glue         b)       envelope 

3)                to get c)       string 

4)                to have         d)       balloon

5)                to cut e)       invitation cards

6)                to write        f)       a good time 


II.      Make up 5 true sentences.


 always watch  cartoons usually have  breakfast I sometimes reads  newspapers

We rarely play sport games

My grandma never goes to the church  often sleep on the lesson


III.   Unscramble the sentences.  

1)                travelling/ I/ interested/ am/in.

2)                is/on/ My/ friend/ keen/ badges/ collecting.

3)                is/ My/ brother/ of/ doing/ fond/ sports.

4)                at /computer/ using/ Alec/ good/ is 


IV. Finish the sentences.  

1)                There are different kinds of parties. I like…

2)                At the parties people usually wear…

3)                Also you can decorate…

4)                At the parties people usually cook…


V.  Complete the sentences using the pictures.   b Š  ¨  ²  ä

1)                I  am crazy about … 3)    I don`t like…         5)       I go…

2)                I like…        4)       I hate…


VI. Put the dialogue into the right order.  

OK. See you tomorrow.

Of course. When?

I`m doing a new culture project for school. Can you help us? Tomorrow at 4. My place.




Variant 2

I. Match the pairs.

1)                to write        a)       games

2)                to watch       b)       fun 

3)                to play         c)       invitation 

4)                to decorate   d)       a TV

5)                to invite       e)       the party room

6)                to have         f)       guests


II. Make up 5 true sentences.


 always listen to music usually go to the night club

I sometimes visits museums

We rarely knits

My grandma never do homework

 often read books


III. Unscramble the sentences.  

1)                ballet/ I/ interested/ am/in.

2)                is/on/ My/ friend/ keen/ camping.

3)                is/ My/ sister/ of/ e-mailing/ fond.

4)                at /English/ speaking/ Alec/ good/ is.


IV. Finish the sentences.  

1)                Our classmates like to have…

2)                At the parties we usually wear…

3)                Also you can write…

4)                At the parties people usually listen…


V.  Complete the sentences using the pictures.  Ä  µ  °   Q  ‡

1)                I  am crazy about … 3)    I don`t like…         5)       I go…

2)                I like…        4)       I hate…


VI. Put the dialogue into the right order.  

OK. See you tomorrow.

Of course. When?

I`m making newspapers for school. Can you help us? Tomorrow at 6. My place.




I.                  Listen to the text and choose the words and word-combinations about Dan.


Tall, short, thin, dark hair, curly hair, fair hair, straight hair, blue eyes, brown eyes, likes sport, likes books.


II.               Listen to the text and mark the sentences “True” (T) or “False” (F)? 1)          Dan and Nick are friends.

2)           The boys are pupils of the 6th form.

3)           Nick is tall, his hair is dark and straight.

4)           Dan is short, he has got big grey eyes.

5)           Nick is going in for sport.


III.   Look at the pictures. There are different things on them. 

Which are Nick's things?

          A                  B C                     D                    E                   F


IV.    Complete the sentences. 1. Dan and Nick are….

a)                 classmates

b)                friends

c)                 brothers

2. The boys are in the…form.

a)                 5th

b)                6th

c)                 4th

3. Nick`s eyes are big and….

a)                 grey

b)                green

c)                 blue

4. Nick is going in for….

a)                 sport

b)                running

c)                 football

5. Dan`s hair is curly and…

a)                 fair

b)                dark

c)                 brown



Variant 2


I.                  Listen to the text and choose the words and  word-combinations about Nick.


Tall, short, thin, dark hair, curly hair, fair hair, straight hair, blue eyes, brown eyes, likes sport, likes books.


II.               Listen to the text and mark the sentences “True” (T) or “False” (F)? 1)      Dan is fond of reading.

2)           Nick likes tennis and basketball.

3)           Dan likes to watch TV.

4)           The boys are kind-hearted.

5)           Dan doesn't like to spend free time with Nick.


III.   Look at the pictures. There are different things on them.

Which are Dan's things?

          A                  B C                     D                    E                   F



IV.    Complete the sentences. 1. Dan has got dark … eyes.

a)                 brown

b)                green

c)                 blue

2. Dan doesn't like….

a)                 books

b)                sport

c)                 school

3. The boys are kind-hearted, sociable and….

a)                 noisy

b)                friendly

c)                 helpful 4. Dan and Nick are … years old.

a)                 10

b)                11

c)                 12

5. They always find something to….

a)                 read

b)                watch

c)                 do


- 14 -



І. Complete the text with the words from the box.


friends, sun,season, greener, family, camp


Summer is the best (1)  _______for holidays and vacations. After cold winter most people want to rest somewhere at the seaside. The international summer camp is located exactly in such a place.

Last summer my dream came true. I visited summer (2)_______. It is a very nice place. Here the (3)_______ shines brighter, the parks and forests are (4)______and the air is full of fresh nature aromas. 

We spent our days going on excursions, lying in the sun, swimming and taking part in interesting competitions. And how exciting was our night fire! All our children were sitting around it late at night and discussing different things. Summer camp taught us to be real (5)______, helpful and active. We have become one large (6)__________ and our friendship will last long.


II. Read the text of ex. I and correct the false sentences.

1)                Winter is the best time for holidays.

2)                The international summer camp is located in the country.

3)                We spent our days playing computer games. 

4)                All our children were sitting around swimming-pool. 


III.  Match the pictures with the texts.                     A        1) Ні! My name's Teresa and I'm from Brazil.  I love sport. My favourite football team is Vasco da Gama. I play tennis and volleyball and I go  diving and windsurfing.

2)  Hi! My name's Colin. I'm from Australia.                                B

My hobby is photography. I take photos of               people and animals. I have brilliant                     C photographs of koala bears! 

3)  Hello! My name's Rebeca and I'm from  South Africa. I'm fourteen and I'm at school. I like painting. I paint pictures of the  countryside. 


IV.   Read the text of ex. III and choose the correct word.

1)           Teresa loves sport / music / koala bears.

2)           Colin is from Australia / Austria / Brazil. 

3)           Rebeca is thirteen/ fourteen/ seventeen.

4)           Teresa goes dancing/ diving/ windsurfing.

5)           Colin takes photos of people/ buildings/animals.

6)           Rebeca paints pictures of animals/ countryside/ flowers.


Variant 2


І. Complete the text with the words from the box.


brighter, active, cold, holidays, excursions, summer


Summer is the best  season for (1)_______and vacations. After

(2)________winter most people want to rest somewhere at the seaside. The international summer camp is located exactly in such a place.

Last summer my dream came true. I visited (3)_______camp. It is a very nice place. Here the sun shines (4)_______, the parks and forests are greener and the air is full of fresh nature aromas. 

We spent our days going on (5)_______, lying in the sun, swimming and taking parts in interesting competitions. And how exciting was our night fire! All our children were sitting around it late at night and discussing different things. Summer camp taught us to be real friends, helpful and (6)________. We have become one large family and our friendship will last long.


II. Read the text of ex. 1 and correct the false sentences.

1)                Autumn is the best time for holidays.

2)                The international summer camp is located in the city.

3)                We spent our days watching TV. 

4)                All our children were sitting around the tree.


III. Match the pictures with the texts.               A

1) Hi! My name`s Mathew. I`m from Scotland. I love music. I sing and play the 

guitar in a rock group. I don't play sport and 

I don't watch TV!                                                                                 B

2) Ні! My name's Paula and I'm from France. 

I love books. I like to read detective stories and fantasy. Every month I read one interesting book.                C It`s exciting for me.

3) Hello everyone! My name`s Kate. 

I am from Italy. My hobby is swimming. 

I go to the swimming-pool three times a week. 

Water is my choice. I don`t like reading books.


IV. Read the text of ex. III and choose the correct word.

1)           Mathew loves sport / music / TV.

2)           Paula is from France / Scotland /Italy. 

3)           Kate goes to the swimming-pool twice/ three times/ once a week.

4)           Mathew plays sport/ the guitar/ in a rock group.

5)           Paula reads detectives/ fantasy / novels.

6)           Kate doesn`t like reading/ swiming/ water. 

- 16 -



I.      Separate the words in the following text and write it correctly.


AnnstartedlearningEnglishthreeyearsagoandshehasthreeEnglishlessonsaweekShe thinksEnglishisimportantforworkbecauseshewantstobeajournalistAnnlikesreading booksinEnglishwhichherteachergivesher.

Ann  started __________


II.   Choose the correct forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.

1) Ron ______ his car yesterday.

a) washed                                                 b) washes

c) wash                                                    d) is washing

2) Children _____football in the yard now.

a) play                                                       b) are playing

c) will play                                                d) played

3) We usually _____ to the swimming pool three times a week.

a) goes                                                        b) go

c) are going                                                d) gone

4) Jane ______her room every day.

a) cleaned                                                   b) are cleaning                                             

c) cleans                                                    d)  clean  

III. Write the correct degrees of comparison of the adjectives.

1)           The Nile is ... (long) river in the world.

2)           The Tiger Shark is  ... (dangerous) of all sharks.

3)           Rita is the ... (intelligent) girl in the class.

4)           Summer is  ... (hot) season of the year. 5)       February is ... (short) than September.

6)    Dogs are ... (good) friends of men.


IV. Write an e-mail letter to your friend. Use the plan below.


Your name and age.

Your form and school.

Your favourite subject.

Your hobby.




Variant 2


I.      Separate the words in the following text and write it correctly.


DenisstartedlearningenglishtwoyearsagohehasfivelessonsofenglishaweekHisteacher giveshimalotofhomeworkattheweekendDenisthinksEnglishisimportantfortravel becausehewantstotravelaroundtheworld.

Denis started_____________ 


II.   Choose the correct forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.

1) Mike ______his car yesterday.

a) fixed                                                  b) fixes

c) fix                                                     d) is fixing

2) Pupils _____volleyball in the yard now.

a) play b) are playing

c) will play                                             d) played

3) They usually _____to the gym three times a week.

a) goes                                                     b) go

c) are going                                              d) gone

4) Colin_____ his room every week.

a) cleaned                                                b) are cleaning                                         

c) cleans d) clean  

III. Write the correct degrees of comparison of the adjectives. 

1)           The Dead Sea is ... (salty) sea in the world.

2)           The Pacific Ocean is  ... (deep) ocean in the world. 

3)           Our class is... (friendly) in our school.

4)           Winter is ... (cold) season of the year. 5)         Max is ... (tall) than Peter. 

6)    Victor is my … (good) friend. 


IV. Write an e-mail letter to your friend. Use the plan below.


Your name and age.

Your form and school.

Your favourite subject.

Your hobby.



I.      Look at the picture.



Say what the children are doing in the picture.

Tell your classmates about your hobby.


II.   Answer the questions.

What is your name and surname?

How old are you?

Do you have large family?

Do you have friends?

What is your least favourite school subject?

What is your friend`s favourite school subject?

What do you like to do after classes?

What kinds of hobby do you know?












SPEAKING (THE FIRST TERM) Variant 2 I. Look at the picture.



Say what the children are doing in the picture.

Tell your classmates about your hobby.


II. Answer the questions.

What is your name and surname?

How old are you?

Do you have a large family?

Do you have friends?

What is your least favourite school subject?

What is your friend`s favourite school subject?

What do you like to do after classes?

What kinds of hobby do you know? 














Variant 1


I.      Fill in the missing letters.

Mo..er, c..sin, d..ghter, pa..nts, gr.nds.n, f.mil., un..e, sist.., grandm., d.d.


II.   Match the pairs.

1)              journalist        a)       ветеринар 

2)              police officer b)      поліцейський

3)              doctor   c)       водій

4)              driver    d) секретар 5) vet           e) журналіст 

             6)     secretary                                               f)      лікар 


III. Fill in: am, is, are.

1)              Look! My mother… dancing.       4)      A dog... eating meat now.

2)              I... reading a book at the moment.          5)      Children... cooking dinner.

3)              We… playing football now.         6)      You… working very good!


IV. Complete the sentences with some or any.  

1)        I have... apples in the fridge. 2)        We do not need ... milk.

3)              Is there... juice in the bottle?

4)              There are ... butter on the plate.

5)              Have you got... sweets?

6)              You haven't... cheese.


V. Read and cross the odd word out.  1)   Meat, chicken, ham, cucumber.

2)              Apple, garlic, pear, plum.

3)              Milk, water, tea, pasta.

4)              Candy, cake, fish, ice cream.


VI. Find out what is for lunch today.














































Variant 2


I.      Fill in the missing letters.

F.the.,br.ther, grandp., s.n, gr.ndp.rents, f.mil. tr.., а.nt, m.m, gr.ndd..ghter


II.   Match the pairs.

1)                dancer a)       продавець

2)                pilot     b)      вчитель

3)                cook     c)       танцівник

4)                seller    d)      пілот

5)                teacher           e)       поштар

6)                postman         f)       кухар


III. Fill in: am, is, are.

1)        My father… watching TV now.          5)      My friends… playing hockey. 2)        I... cooking soup at the moment.         6)      You… reading better!

3)              Look! We… riding a bike.  

4)              A monkey... eating bananas now.


IV. Complete the sentences with some or any.  

1)              I have... oranges on the table.

2)              We do not need ... water.

3)              Are there... eggs in the fridge?

4)              There are ... bananas in the basket.

5)              Have you got... chocolates?

6)              You haven't... sugar.


V. Read and cross the odd word out.  1)   Carrot, tomato, cabbage, peach.

2)              Salt, yogurt, milk, cream.

3)              Pie, biscuit, meat, cookies.

4)              Coffee, cup, cola, juice.


VI. Find out what is for lunch today.  













I. Match the pairs.

1)              Mother's Day           a)       День Перемоги 

2)              Christmas       b)      День Матері 

3)              Easter   c)       казка

4)              Victory Day   d)      свята, канікули 

5)              Holidays         e)       Різдво

6)              Fairytale         f)       Великдень


II. What holiday is this? Look and write.




1) Turkey is a 2) Everybody puts 3)  They say ghosts 4) Holiday for all traditional food on their presents under and witches come sweethearts. this day. the tree. out on this day. 


III. Write the dates in words.  

Ex. the third of June

1, September                        9, March 

25, February                         24, August


IV. Choose the correct preposition.  

1)                on/at holiday           5)     in/on October

2)                on/at weekend         6)     in/at half past six

3)                at/in the afternoon   7)     at/on Easter

4)                in/on Tuesday          8)     in/on summer

17, July 

2, May


V. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1)                Mother asked me to help yesterday.

2)                You were at the yard.

3)                Ron went to the cinema last Sunday.

4)                I was in the park two days ago.

5)                My sister played with ball.

6)                Sam ran in the morning last summer.







Variant 2


I. Match the pairs.

1)           Birthday          a)       вечірка 

2)           New year         b)      День Святого Валентина

3)           Thanksgiving c) Новий рік  4) Party      d) День Подяки 

5)           Childhood                 e)       дитинство 

6)           Valentine’s Day        f)       День народження


II. What holiday is this? Look and write. 



1) Coloured eggs     2) Everybody puts 3) We remember   4) Holiday when are symbols of flowers to their      war on this day.     people sing “Happy

                   this holiday.          mothers.                                                    birthday”


III.   Write in words.

Ex. the third of June

             1, January                            9, May                                 13, June

             16, September                      2, August                             25, November


IV.   Choose the correct preposition.  


on/at home             5)

in/on April


on/at my birthday   6)

in/at half past four


at/in the evening      7)

at/on Thanksgiving


in/on Friday            8)

in/on autumn


V.       Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1)                Father fixed car yesterday.

2)                They were at the forest.

3)                Kevin went to the circus last Saturday.

4)                I was in the village two days ago.

5)                My brother played with a car.

6)                Terry wrote a poem last week.








I.          Write what is the weather like? 

1)Õ 2)Ù 3)Ú 4)Û 5)Ü 6) ×

II.      Complete the words.

Fo_gy,   w_t, w_rm,  sk_,  winte_, s_mmer, sprin_, s_nny, co_l.


III.   Read and match.

1)                It is Halloween party.

2)                It is snowing. Let`s go to the park.

3)                It is raining. I am going to the shop. 4) It is hot and sunny. I am going to the beach.

5) I am going to the theatre.



a)                 I am going to put my ghost costume.

b)                I am going to put my swimsuit and sandals.

c)                 I am going to put my raincoat and boots.

d)                I am going to put my new dress.

e)                 I am going to put my hat, fur-coat and mittens.


IV.   Finish the sentences.  

1)           When it`s rainy I don`t put on my…

2)           When it`s cold I put on my…

3)           When it`s hot I put on my…

4)           When it`s frosty I don`t put on my…


V. Solve the riddles.  

1)           You wear them on your feet in winter.

2)           You put it on your head.   

3)           You put it around your neck.   

4)           You put them on your hands.   

5)           You put them when you play sport. 


VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

1)           It often… (to snow) in winter.

2)           Is it … (to rain) now?

3)           I didn`t … (to go) to the concert last Friday.

4)           We … (to play) tennis yesterday.










Variant  2


I. Write what is the weather like? 

1) Ö2) Þ 3)Ú 4) Ý5)Ü 6) Û  

II.      Complete the words.

sprin_,  aut_mn,  wind_,  _old,  c_ol, slip_ery, h_at, frost_.


III.   Read and match.

1)                It is Halloween party.

2)                It is snowing. Let`s go to the yard.

3)                It is raining. I am going to the school. 4) It is hot and sunny. I am going to the picnic.

5) I am going to the concert.



a)                 I am going to put my spider costume.

b)                I am going to put my T-shirt, skirt and glasses.

c)                 I am going to put my raincoat and umbrella.

d)                I am going to put my new blouse.

e)                 I am going to put my sweater, fur-coat and hat.


IV.   Finish the sentences.

1)           When it`s rainy I put on my…

2)           When it`s cold I don`t put on my…

3)           When it`s hot I don`t put on my…

4)           When it`s frosty I put on my…


V. Solve the riddles.  

1)           You wear them on your hands in winter.

2)           You put it when you go sleep.   

3)           You put it with your trousers.   

4)           You put them on your feet in summer.   

5)           You put it when I is raining. 


VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

1)           It often … (to rain) in autumn.

2)           Is it … (to snow) now?

3)           I didn`t … (to go) to the cinema last Sunday.

4)           They … (to play) hockey yesterday.










I. Choose the word from the box and fill in the sentences.  

swimming,  skiing,  camping,  fishing,  sunbathe,  football

1)                We usually go _______when it is hot.

2)                We  never_________ when it is raining.

3)                My family go ___________ every summer.

4)                My sister and I go________ when it is snowy.

5)                We always play_______ after school. 6)         My father and I go______at the river.


II.      Choose the items you need when you go camping (8).  

Compass, lipstick, table, sleeping bag, photo album,  gas cooker, tent, plates, pillow, teddy bear, torch, waterproof boots, bed, thermos flask, matches.


III.   Fill in the preposition of place: in, at.

Kyiv Ukraine the country the seaside the river

the café the woods the room

the garden home


IV.   Write 6 true sentences.

It snows

Some birds fly south                        spring

It rains a lot                       in summer

Flowers grow autumn

It is hot                                             winter

The birds come back


V.       Match the parts of words and word-combinations 

1)                Janu             ust       1)       Poisonous             games

2)                Aug              ary       2)       Outdoor                course

3)                Septem         ary       3)       Rock activities 

4)                Febru            ch        4)       First-aid climbing

5)                Mar               ber      5)       Group mushrooms 


VI. Do the crossword puzzle. What is in the marked fields?  

1)  Autumn, spring and winter are…

2)  Tree, bush and grass are…

3)  January, June and November are…

4)  Orange, apple and pear are… 5) Strawberry, current and  raspberry are…

6)Tulip, rose and violet are…



Variant 2

I. Choose the word from the box and fill in the sentences.  

badminton, table tennis, chess, jogging, for a walk, skating

1)                We go _______every morning.

2)                We never go _________ when it is raining.

3)                My family play ___________ on weekends.

4)                My brother and I go________  on Saturday.

5)                We usually play_______ after classes.

6)                My father and I play______ when  it is cold. 


II.      Choose the items you need when you go camping (8).  

Mirror, blanket, compass, skirt,  sleeping bag, gas cooker,  kettle, tent, chair,  torch, waterproof boots, perfumery, thermos flask, matches, umbrella.


III.   Fill in the preposition of place: in, at.


Great Britain the city the camp work

the pizzeria the  forest the kitchen the park the circus


IV.   Write 6 true  sentences.  

It is foggy

Trees blossom spring

It  is heat                      in summer

The bears sleep autumn

It is frosty                                          winter

The birds return home


V.       Match the parts of words and word-combinations.

1)                Novem              ust             1)       Waterproof building

2)                Apr                    ne   2)       Comfortable boots    

3)                Aug                   ber 3)       Shelter                        plants

4)                Decem               il    4)       Forest daughter

5)                Ju                      ber 5)       Brave cabin


VI. Do the crossword puzzle. What is in the marked fields?  

1)  Summer, spring and winter are…

2)  Flower, berry and tree are…

3)  October, May and July are…

4)  Peach, plum and pear are…

5)  Blackberry, red current and barberries are…

6)Lily, daisy, and sunflower are…




Variant 1


I. Match the words with their definitions.  

1)        Swimming pool          a)       You can save money there.

2)        Theatre   b)       You can see a doctor there.

3)        Zoo         c)       You can see an actor there.

4)        Bank       d)       You can eat there.

5)        Restaurant        e)       You can swim there.

6)        Hospital f)       You can see many animals there.


II. Mach the parts of the sentences.

1)    The United Kingdom of Great Britain…

2)    London is the capital …

3)    UK consist of 4 parts:…

4)    British money is …     

5)    London stands on the Thames River,…

6)    The highest mountain of the UK  is…


a)                 the longest river in Great Britain.

b)                and Northern Ireland.

c)                 England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 

d)                of Great Britain. 

e)                 Ben Nevis. 

f)                  called pounds.


IV. Write if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1)           Ukraine is the largest country in Europe.

2)           The Ukrainian flag has got three stripes on it.

3)           Ukrainian people are talented and friendly.

4)           Kyiv is a very ancient city.

5)           The 28th of June is the Independence Day in Ukraine.


V.      Put the dialogue in the right order.

              No problem.                                              Go down this street. Then turn left.

              Is the cinema next to the museum?             Thank you!

_   Excuse me. Where is the cinema? 

 Yes you are right.


VI.   Look and match. 

  1                         2 3                          4                    5                     6

a)       the Houses of Parliament       d) St Paul's Cathedral

b)      the River Thames                           e) Buckingham Palace

c)       London Eye       f) Trafalgar square


VII. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

             1)      I shall go to the cinema tomorrow.      2) Mary will read English book. 




Variant 2


I.      Match the words with their definitions.  

1)        Museum a)       You can read books there.

2)        Library   b)       You can watch films there.

3)        Cinema   c)       You can buy things there.

4)        Cafe        d)       You can pray there.

5)        Shop       e)       You can eat there.

6)        Church    f)       You can see exhibits there.


II.   Mach the parts of the sentences.

1)  The longest river in Great Britain is…

2)  Pounds are…

3)  England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are… 

4)  Ben Nevis is the highest

5)  The capital of Great Britain is…

6)  The full name of Great Britain is…

a)       the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

b)      London.

c)       mountain of the UK.

d)      British money.

e)       parts of the UK.

f)        Thames.


 IV. Write if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).  

1)           Ukraine is the smallest country in Europe.

2)           The Ukrainian flag has got two stripes on it.

3)           Ukrainian people are boring and mean.

4)           Kyiv is a very new city.

5)           The 24th of August is the Independence Day in Ukraine.


V.      Put the dialogue in the right order.

               That's OK.                                                Go up this street. Then turn right.

            _ Excuse me, where is the hospital?             Yes you are right.

Thank you!

Is the hospital next to the park?


VI.   Look and match. 

1                         2 3                      4                      5                          6


a)       Big Ben                                       d) Windsor Castle

b)      London Eye                                 e) Tower Bridge

c)       Tower of London                         f) Trafalgar square


VII. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1) I shall go to the zoo tomorrow.      2) Kelly will dance at the concert. 




Variant 1


I.      Listen to the text and find Mary.

A                         B C                          D


II.   Listen to the text and choose the right word-combination about Mary. 

a)            like nature

b)           read books

c)            collect pictures

d)           paint animals


e)            sing well

f)             watch TV

g)           like music

h)           play chess

III.                Listen to the text and mark the sentences “True” (T) or “False” (F)? 1) Mary is Ted's little sister.

2)           Mary is 10.

3)           She is a pupil of the 5th form.

4)           The girl has got long curly hair and blue eyes.

5)           Mary looks like her father.


IV. Listen to the text and complete the information about Mary.















Variant 2


І. Listen to the text and find Mary.

     A B                            C                              



II.   Listen to the text and choose the right word-combination about Mary. 

a)            good looking girl

b)           short hair

c)            beautiful princess

d)           5 years old


e)            look like mother

f)             haven`t friends

g)           the youngest in family

h)           lover of  nature 

III.                Listen to the text and mark the sentences “True” (T) or “False” (F)? 1)        She likes nature and collects pictures of animals.

2)           The girl is a good musician.

3)           She can play the guitar well.

4)           Mary isn`t a beautiful girl.

5)           She has got a lot of friends.


IV. Listen to the text and complete the information about Mary`s brother.   

Name and surname 






 Sister`s hobby


Sister`s appearance


Sister`s character















Variant 1


І.Complete the text with the words from the box.


meat, miles, nine, night, live, tiger  


The tiger can live in almost any natural environment from hot, steamy jungles to snowfields with subzero temperatures. A female (1)_______has her first cubs when she is less than four years old. They kill their first animals when they are about one and leave their mother a year later. Tigers are good swimmers, can climb trees and eat 23 kilos of (2)________ in a night. They can jump nearly (3)_______metres. A tiger has got good eyes and ears. It can wait in cover and then rush at the animals it hunts. It can go for more than a week without catching anything. Tigers communicate by many sounds, including a roar that we can hear over several (4)________. Adult tigers usually (5)_______alone, but they are quite friendly with each other. They mostly hunt at(6)_________. 


II. Write the information which these numbers refer to.

1)           23_______    3)      1________

2)           4________    4)      9________


III. Match the pictures with the texts and complete the

sentences.                    A            

Throughout the year, people get together with friends and family to celebrate. When do people celebrate?                          B

1)                People celebrate ______ in January. They make noise at midnight and wish each other a happy New Year.

2)                People celebrate _______in February. They send cards

and give people chocolates. C

3)                People celebrate _______in October. Children wear costumes and go trick-or-treating.

4)                People celebrate ________ in November. They have

turkey for dinner and pumpkin pie for dessert.                           D


IV. One word in each sentences is wrong. Cross it out and write the correct word from the box.


autumn, spring, chilly, crops, snow, plant 


Spring is a time when the weather warms up and clouds  melts. It`s a time when farmers gather crops. New leaves grow on trees in winter.

Autumn is a time when the weather gets hot. It`s time when farmers harvest their clothes . Leaves change color and fall to the ground in summer.





Variant 2


І.Complete the text with the words from the box.


animals, eyes, four, meat, hunt, swimmers  


The tiger can live in almost any natural environment from hot, steamy jungles to snowfields with subzero temperatures. A female tiger has her first cubs when she is less than (1)______years old. They kill their first (2) ______when they are about one and leave their mother a year later. Tigers are good (3)_______, can climb trees and eat 23 kilos of  (4)_______in a night. They can jump nearly nine metres. A tiger has got good (5)_______and ears. It can wait in cover and then rush at the animals it hunts. It can go for more than a week without catching anything. Tigers communicate by many sounds, including a roar that we can hear over several miles. Adult tigers usually live alone, but they are quite friendly with each other. They mostly (6)______at night. 


II. Write the information which these numbers refer to.

1)           1_______      3)      9________

2)           4________    4)      23________


III. Match the pictures with the texts and complete the

sentences. A            

Throughout the year, people get together with friends and family to celebrate. When do people celebrate?                         B 1) People celebrate _______ in May. They send cards and  give flowers, chocolates, presents for their mothers.

2)           People celebrate _______ in May. They remember war 

on this day.                                                                                  C

3)           People celebrate _______ in January. They decorate  trees and give presents to friends and family.

4)           People celebrate ______in April. They gather in the 

church and bless their baskets.                                                    D 

IV. One word in each sentences is wrong. Cross it out and write the correct word from the box.


winter, summer, beach, people, snow, warm


Summer is a time when the weather is hot and people go to the museum. It`s a time when crops grow in the wet sunshine. The days are long and the nights are short in spring.

Winter is a time when the weather is cold and sun covers the ground. It`s a time when birds dress warm. The days are short and the nights are long in spring.




Variant 1


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense form.

It's seven o'clock and I… (be) in the kitchen. I … (cook) breakfast now. I… (not, drink) juice in the morning, only a cup of tea or milk. 

I usually… (have) sandwich or some toasts with butter for breakfast. But yesterday Mum…. (be) at home and… (make)  pancakes. We also …(eat) Mum's favourite strawberry jam. It…(be) a nice morning.


II. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1)           John  plays  tennis every morning.

2)           Peter telephoned  his friend yesterday.

3)           Last month we  went to the Picture Gallery.

4)           The teacher is speaking English now.

5)           I like this film.


III. Fill in the preposition: in, at, on.

1)           … midnight

2)           … spring

3)           … half past two

4)           …Christmas 

5)           … April

6)           … the morning

7)           … Saturday  


IV. Write an e-mail letter to your friend about your holidays.  

Answer the questions below.

Where did you spend your holidays?

What was the weather like?

What did you do on holidays?

What was the best moment of your rest?


Variant 2


I. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense form.

It's eight o'clock and I… (be) in the kitchen. I …(cook) breakfast now. I… (not, drink) coffee in the morning, only a cup of tea or juice. 

I usually… (have)  cornflakes with milk for breakfast. But yesterday Mum…. (be) at home and… (make) pancakes. We also …(eat) Mum's favourite raspberry jam. It…(be) a nice morning.


II. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1)           Nora  plays  volleyball every morning.

2)           Jack telephoned  his mother  yesterday.

3)           Last month they  went to the museum.

4)           The doctor is writing now.

5)           I like this chocolate.


III. Fill in the preposition: in, at, on.

1)           …night 

2)           .…summer 

3)           … half past four

4)           …Easter

5)           … March

6)           …the afternoon

7)           …Wednesday


IV. Write an e-mail letter to your friend about your holidays.  

Answer the questions below.

Where did you spend your holidays?

What was the weather like?

What did you do on holidays?

What was the best moment of your rest?



Variant 1


I.      Look at the picture.




Say what the children are doing in the picture.

Tell your classmates about your favourite holiday.


II.   Answer the questions.

Do you have a family? 

Do you have friends?

Do you like parties? What party do you like most of all?

What is your favourite season? Why?

What clothes do you like to wear?

Do you like to wear school uniform?

What place in Ukraine do you like to visit?

What place in Great Britain do you like to visit?












Variant 2


I.      Look at the picture.



Say what the children are doing in the picture.

Tell your classmates about your favourite holiday.


II.   Answer the questions. 

Do you have a family? 

Do you have friends?

Do you like parties? What party do you like most of all?

What is your favourite season? Why?

What clothes do you like to wear?

Do you like to wear school uniform?

What place in Ukraine do you like to visit?

What place in Great Britain do you like to visit? 















Test 1

All about me and my friends 







What is her name?  

He has got a friendly family.

I am from Spain.





She has not got a doll.

Yes, I have got a ball.

My pet is Rex.




He    3) Her          4)




5)                Their 

6)                Our




e)                 He

f)                  She

b)        It





c)         We

a)        You 

d)        They

V.      Mary`s class, mum`s  coat, pupils` bags, Ann`s cat, parents` flat. VI. 

1)                It`s two o`clock.

2)                It`s five past four.

3)                It`s quarter past eight .

4)                It`s half past nine.

5)                It`s ten to seven.

6)                It`s twenty to six.


1)                Have you got a sister?

2)                Kate has got a hamster.


3)                Bill and Tom have got bicycles.

4)                Has she got blue eyes?




1)                What is h name?  

2)                She has  got a new computer. 

3)                Where are you from ?


4)           He has not got a puzzle.

5)           Yes, I have got a bicycle.

6)           My pet is Bax.

1)                She    3)       I

2)                His     4)       We


5)                Their 

6)                Our

1)                e)       She 

2)                f)       He

3)                b)       It

4)                c)       We

5)                a)       You 

6)                d)       They

V.     Kate`s book, sister`s dress, friends` bikes, Tom`s dog, cousins` bags. 


1)                It`s three o`clock.

2)                It`s five past seven.

3)                It`s quarter past four.


4)                It`s half past five.

5)                It`s ten to nine.

6)                It`s twenty to eight.

1)                Have you got a brother?

2)                Philip has got a parrot a.

3)       Sara and Helen have got / kites. 4)       Has she got /red sweater?



Test 2

All about school 


I.   1)A   2)C 3)D   4)E   5)F    6)B   

II.               1) dancing 2) Museum  3) swot     4)   tricky III.     

a)        fifteen   d)   twelve 

b)       six hundred twenty seven    e)   one hundred thirty

c)        seventy eight  f)    four thousand


1)                faster           3)       the most beautiful 5)       the most interesting 

2)                bigger          4)       the highest  6)       good


1)     a tree,  a lesson, a  song                  4) to play, to go, to read

2)     I, they, us         5) across, on, between

3)     little, smart, yellow

VI. 1)  PE    2) Math 3) Art   4) IT        5) History      6) Craft



I.   1)D   2)A 3)C   4)B   5)F    6)E   

II.               1) tease    2) Friday   3) good     4) fighting  III.       

a)        eleven    d)  eighteen 

b)       seven hundred thirty six      e)  one hundred fourty

c)        fifty seven       f)  nine thousand


1)                the most popular    3)       quicker        5)       newer

2)                stronger       4)       the most exciting   6)       happy


1)  a flower, a teacher , a poem   4) to dance, to listen, to write

2)  he, we, their      5) under, in, behind

3)  funny,  brown , short 

VI. 1)   English   2) Literature    3) Music  4) Ukrainian    5) Geography   6) Science Test 3

After classes



1)      dancing

2)      singing

3)      aerobics

4)      reading

5)      listening to music

6)      camping/hiking


1)      cookies    2) concert     3) choir         4) chess III. 

1)                I do not collect badges. What do I collect?

2)                Max does not make postcards. Does Max make postcards?

3)                They do not go to the theatre. Where do they go?

4)                My dad does not play chess. What does my dad play?

IV.  to play  - baseball, the piano, volleyball, the guitar, hockey, computer games to go – jogging, dancing, shopping, swimming, running, hiking      V. 

I can make postcards.                                     I can`t jump to the river.

I can swim.                                                   I can`t play the violin. 

I can write test.                                              I can`t lift a plane.

I can climb the trees.                                      I can`t read at night.


1) clumsy   2) helpful   3) imaginative  4)  lazy   5) tidy  6) clever




1)      fishing   3) gardening          5) cooking

2)      playing the guitar      4) painting   6) watching a tv


1)       sweets   2) curious 3) nickname   4) violin 


1)                I do not collect postcards. What do I collect?

2)                Jane does not draw pictures. Does Jane draw pictures?

3)                They do not go to the library. Where do they go?

4)                My friend does not read fantasy. What does my friend read?

IV.  to play  - badminton, the flute, football, the drum, the tube, table tennis

to go – jumping,  fishing, for a walk, sailing, cycling, skiing V. 

I can ride a bike.

I can make sandcastles.

I can sing rap.

I can speak English.

I can`t drive a truck.

I can`t bake an apple pie. 

I can`t paint  a portrait.

I can`t play the piano.


1) polite 2) unusual  3) curious  4)  smart    5) bully  6) sporty



Test 4

Leisure time 






d) balloon                       3)       a) name badge                        c) string

b) envelope                     4)      f) a good time                6)        e) invitation cards 




My grandma usually reads 3) I always have breakfast. newspapers. 4) I rarely watch  cartoons.

My grandma often goes to the   5)      We sometimes play sport games. church.           6)      We never sleep on the lesson.



I am  interested in travelling.                3)      My brother is fond  of doing

My friend is keen on                           sports.

collecting.badges.                                       4)      Alec is good at  using computer. 

IV. 1)  theme parties 2) fancy dress  3) the party room 4) tasty food V.  

1)       I  am crazy about   2)       I like riding a bike.          4)       I hate cooking. listening to music.         3)       I don`t like reading.         5)       I go swimming.


1   - I`m doing new culture project for school. Can you help us?

2   - Of course. When?

3   - Tomorrow at 4. My place.

4   - OK. See you tomorrow.

V2_______________________________________ I.        

1)                c)       invitation     3)       a)       games          5)       f)       guests 

2)                d)       a TV 4)       e)       the party room 6)   b)       fun


1)                My grandma usually knits. .      4)       I rarely listen to music.

2)                My grandma often visits museums.     5)       We sometimes read books.

3)                I always do homework.   6)       We never go to the night club.


1)                I am interested in ballet. 3)       My sister is fond  of e-mailing.

2)                My friend is keen on camping.  4)       Alec is good at speaking English.

IV. 1) parties  2) fancy dress  3) invitation cards  4) to music. V. 

1)                I am crazy about taking a picture.                       4) I hate skiing.

2)                I like playing the music.                                      5) I go camping. 3)     I don`t like playing computer games.      


1   - I`m making newspapers for school. Can you help us? 

2   - Of course. When?

3   - Tomorrow at 6. My place.

4   - OK. See you tomorrow.


Test 5

Family and food


I. Mother, cousin, daughter, parents, grandson, family, uncle, sister, grandma, dad. II.

1)                e) журналіст         3)      f) лікар       5)      a) ветеринар 

2)                b) поліцейський   4)      c) водій       6)      d) секретар


1)              is        3)      are     5)      are

2)              am      4)      is       6)       are

IV. Complete the sentences with some or any. ……………………..2 бали 1)  some  2)  any  3) any  4) some  5) any  6) any 


1)      cucumber    2)  garlic   3)  pasta   4)fish VI.









































I. Father,brother, grandpa, son, grandparents, family tree, aunt, mum, granddaughter


1) c) танцівник  2) d) пілот  III.


3)  f) кухар 

4)  a) продавець 

5)  b) вчитель 

6)  e) поштар


1)      is 2)      am



3)              are

4)              is

5)                are

6)                are


1)     some    2)


3)     any        4)     some 

5)      any        6)



1)      peach     2)salt     3) meat    4)cup VI. 







Test 6

Holidays and granny's stories 



1)         b) День Матері        3)  f) Великдень    d) свята, канікули 

2)         e) Різдво        4)  a) День Перемоги     6)    c) казка


1) Thanksgiving.   2) Christmas         3) Halloween        4) Valentain`s day III.      

the first of September                                the twenty fourth of August

the twenty fifth February the seventeenth of July  the ninth of March the second of May

IV. 1)on  2) at   3) in   4) on      5) in 6) at 7) at     8) in V.  

1)                Mother did not ask me to help yesterday. When did mother ask me to help yesterday?

2)                You were not at the yard. Where were you?

3)                Ron did not last Sunday. When did Ron go to the cinema?

4)                I was not in the park two days ago. Where was I two days ago?

5)                My sister did not play with ball. Who played with a ball?

6)                Sam did not run in the morning last summer.  Did Sam run in the morning last summer?




1)  f) День народження   4) a) вечірка         6) b) День Святого

2)  c) Новий рік     5) e) дитинство     Валентина

3)  d) День Подяки 

II. 1) Easter 2) Mother`s          3) Victory Day        4) Birthday III.

the first of January the second of August the sixteenth of September the thirteenth of June 

the ninth of May                                         the twenty fifth  of November

IV. 1) at    2) on  3) in   4) on    5) in     6) at       7) at       8) in V. 

1)                Father  did not fix car yesterday. What did father fix yesterday?

2)                They were not at the forest. Where were they?

3)                Kevin did not go to the circus last Saturday. When did Kevin go to the circus?

4)                I was not in the village two days ago. Where was I two days ago?

5)                My brother did not play with a car. Who played with a car?

6)                Terry did not write a poem last week. Did Terry write a poem last week?






Test 7

Clothes and weather


I.   1) sunny 2) cloudy  3) snowy 4) rainy 5) lightning 6) partly cloudy

II.               Foggy,   wet, warm,  sky,  winter, summer, spring, sunny, cool III.

1) a)  2) e) 3) c) 4) b) 5) d) IV. 

1)           When it`s rainy I don`t put on my fur-coat.

2)           When it`s cold I put on my coat.

3)           When it`s hot I put on my cap.

4)           When it`s frosty I don`t put on my swimsuit.

V. 1) boots  2) hat  3)  scarf  4) mittens/ gloves  5)  trainers  VI.  

1)           It often snows in winter.

2)           Is it raining now?

3)           I didn`t go to the concert last Friday.

4)           We played tennis yesterday.



I. 1) sunny  2) windy 3) snowy 4) storm 5) lightning 6) rainy II. Spring,  autumn,  windy, cold,  cool, slippery, heat, frosty III.

2) a)  2) e) 3) c) 4) b) 5) d) IV. 

1)                When it`s rainy I put on my raincoat.

2)                When it`s cold I don`t put on my dress.

3)                When it`s hot don`t I put on my mittens.

4)                When it`s frosty I put on my scarf.

V. 1) mittens 2) pajama 3)  belt  4) sandals  5)  raincoat VI. 

1)           It often rains  in autumn.

2)           Is it snowing now?

3)           I didn`t go to the cinema last Sunday.

4)           They played hockey yesterday.












Test 8

Nature and outdoors activities.



1)                swimming    3)       camping      football

2)                sunbath        4)       skiing          6)       fishing

II. Compass, sleeping bag, gas cooker, tent, torch, waterproof boots, thermos flask, matches. III.

in Kyiv in Ukraine in the country

at the seaside at the river at the café

in the woods in the room at the garden

at home


It snows in winter.                                         Flowers grow in spring.

Some birds fly south in spring.                       It is hot in summer. 

It rains a lot in autumn.                                  The birds come back in spring.

V. 1) January  2) August       3)September         4) February         5) March

1)                Poisonous mushrooms     4)       First-aid course

2)                Outdoor activities  5)       Group games

3)                Rock climbing             VI. 




1)                jogging,       3)       badminton  5)       table tennis 

2)                for a walk    4)       skating        6)       chess

II. Compass, sleeping bag, gas cooker, tent, torch, waterproof boots, thermos flask, matches. III.

in Paris                      at the camp

in Great Britain     at work in the city    at the pizzeria


in the  forest                   at the circus

in the kitchen at the park

It is foggy in autumn.

Trees blossom in spring.

It is heat in summer.  

The bears sleep in winter.

It is frosty in winter.

The birds return home in autumn.

V. 1) November 2)April    3)August     4)December     5)June

1)                Waterproof boots                       4)       Forest plants                    

2)                Comfortable cabin 5)       Brave daughter 3) Shelter building     VI. Seen  Test 8 V1 Test 9

Travelling From Britain to Ukraine.



1) e)                2) c)               3) f)               4) a)               5) d)               6) b)


1) b)               2) d)               3) c)               4)  f)               5)  a)              6)  e) 


1) T                         2) F                    3) T                    4) T                    5)


1)  Excuse me. Where is the cinema?  4) Yes you are right.

2)  Go down this street. Then turn left.           5) Thank you. 

3)  Is the cinema next to the museum? 6) No problem. 


1)           c) London Eye         4)      d) St Paul's Cathedral

2)           a) the Houses of Parliament        5)      b) the River Thames     3)          e) Buckingham Palace          6)      f) Trafalgar square         


1)           I shall not go to the cinema tomorrow.  

When shall I go to the cinema?

2)           Mary will not read English book. 

Will Mary read English book?




1) f)                 2) a)               3) b)               4) e)               5) c)               6) d)


         1) f)          2) d)               3) e)               4)  c)              5)  b)              6)  a) 


1) F                      2) FT                  3) F                    4) F                     5) T


1)      Excuse me. Where is the park?      4) Yes you are right.

2)      Go down this street. Then turn right.       5) Thank you. 

3)      Is the hospital next to the park?     6) That`s OK.


1)           c) Tower of London          4)      f) Trafalgar square         

2)           e) Tower Bridge      5)      a) Big Ben 3)         b) London Eye      6)      d) Windsor Castle


1)           I shall not go to the zoo tomorrow.  

When shall I go to the zoo?

2)           Kelly will  not dance at the concert. 

Will Mary dance at the concert?




Listening (the first term)

I.      Dan: short, curly hair, fair hair, brown eyes, likes books.

II.   1 T       2 F     3 T     4 F     5 T  

III.           B E F IV.    

1.   b) friends

2.   a) 5th

3.   c) blue

4.   a) sport

5.   a) fair



I.          Nick: tall, thin, dark hair, straight hair, blue eyes, likes sport.

II.      1 T       2 T       3T     4 T     5 F 

III.   A C D


1.   a) brown

2.   b) sport

3.   b) friendly

4.   a) 10

5.   c) do


Listening (the second term)


I.      B

II.   a)    c) e)    g)    

III.           1 T       2 F     3 F     4 T     5 F   IV.    

Name and surname 

Mary Brown




Mother, father, brother,


Collecting pictures of birds and animals


Tall, thin, long curly hair, big blue eyes.


Kind, friendly, helpful



I.      D

II.   a)    c) e)    g)     h)

III.           1 T       2 T       3F    4 F     5 T IV.  

Name and surname 

Ted Brown




Mother, father, brother,

Sister`s hobby

Collecting pictures of birds and animals

Sister`s appearance

Tall, thin, long curly hair, big blue eyes.

Sister`s character

Kind, friendly, helpful




Reading (the first term)


1) season        2) camp          3) sun             4) greener       5) friends        6) family


1)      Summer is the best time for holidays.

2)      The international summer camp is located at the seaside.

3)      We spent our days going on excursions, lying in the sun, swimming.

4)      All our children were sitting around fire. III. 1) C  2) A  3) B  IV.

1)      sport 

2)      Australia 

3)  fourteen

4)  diving and windsurfing

5)  people and animals

6)  countryside




1) holidays  2) cold  3) sun 4) brighter 5) excursions   6) active  II

1)      Summer is the best time for holidays.

2)      The international summer camp is located at the seaside.

3)      We spent our days going on excursions, lying in the sun, swimming.

4)      All our children were sitting around the fire. III. 1) A  2) C 3) B  IV.

1)      music     3) three times        5) detectives and fantasy

2)      france    4) the guitar in a rock group      6) reading


Reading (the second term)


I.        1) tiger  2) meat  3)  nine 4) miles 5) live 6) night

II.     1) 23 kilos of meat    2) 4 years old    3) 1 years old     4) 9 metres  III.

1) New Year – D 2) Valentine’s Day – C 3) Halloween – B 4) Thanksgiving Day - A IV. Spring is a time when the weather warms up and snow melts. It`s a time when farmers plant crops. New leaves grow on trees in spring.

Autumn is a time when the weather gets chilly. It`s time when farmers harvest their crops. Leaves change color and fall to the ground in autumn.


I.          1) four   2) animals    3)  swimmers 4) meat 5) eyes  6) hunt

II.      1) 1 years old     2) 4 years old    3) 9 metres 4) 23 kilos of meat    

III.   1)Mother`s Day - D 2) Victory Day – A 3) New Year – C 4) Easter - B

IV.   Summer is a time when the weather is hot and people go to the beach. It`s a time when crops grow in the warm sunshine. The days are long and the nights are short in summer.

Winter is a time when the weather is cold and snow covers the ground. It`s a time when People dress warm. The days are short and the nights are long in winter.  



Writing (the first term) 

I. Ann started learning English three years ago and she has three English lessons a week. She thinks English is important for work because she wants to be a journalist. Ann likes reading books in English which her teacher gives her. II. 1) a) 2) b) 3) b) 4) c) III.

1)  the longest 

2)  the  most dangerous

3)  the most intelligent 

4)  the hottest   

5)  shorter

6)  the best



I. Denis started learning english two years ago he has five lessons of english a week. His teacher gives him a lot of homework at the weekend. Denis  thinks english is important for travel because he wants to travel around the world. II. 1) a) 2) b) 3) b) 4) c) III.

1)  the saltiest

2)  the deepest

3)  the most friendly

4)  the coldest 

5)  taller

6)  the best 


Writing (the second term)


I. am, am cooking, do not drink, have, was, made, ate, was


1)           John doesn`t play tennis every morning. What does John play every morning?

2)           Peter didn`t telephone his friend yesterday. When Peter telephone his friend?

3)           Last month we went to the Picture Gallery. Where did we go last month?

4)           The teacher is not speaking English now. What is the teacher doing now? 5)    I don`t like this film. What do you like?


1) at            2) in            3) at            4) at            5) in            6) in            7) on



I. am, am cooking, do not drink, have, was, made, ate, was


1)           Nora doesn`t play volleyball every morning. What does Nora play every morning?

2)           Jack didn`t telephone his mother yesterday. When Jack telephone his mother?

3)           Last month they went to the museum. Where did they go last month?

4)           The doctor is not writing now. What is the doctor doing now? 5) I don`t like this chocolate. What do you like? 


1) at            2) in            3) at            4) at            5) in            6) in            7) on






- 50-



Listening (the first term) Dan and Nick

Dan and Nick are friends. The boys are 10, they are in the 5th form. 

Nick is tall and thin. He has got dark straight hair and big blue eyes. Nick is going in for sport, he likes basketball and tennis. 

Dan is different from Nick, his hair is curly and fair. And he has got dark brown eyes. He is short. Dan's hobby is drawing. Dan doesn't like sport, he prefers to read books and to watch interesting TV-programs. 

The both boys are friendly, kind-hearted and sociable. They can always find something to do together.



Listening (the second term)

My sister

Hello! My name is Ted Brown. I'm 15 years old. I am here with my little sister Mary. She is only 8. Mary is the youngest in our family. Mary is a good-looking girl. She is like a beautiful princess. Mary is tall, thin, she has got long curly hair and big blue eyes. She looks like our mother. My little sister is very kind, she has got a lot of friends. 

Last year Mary went to school to the 1st form. She is a great lover of nature. Her hobby is collecting pictures of birds and animals. My sister is a good musician. She can play the piano and sing well. Mary is little, but she is a real friend. She is always ready to help.






















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