Тренінг для вчителів англійської мови Training lesson : “ The greatest wealth is health”.

Про матеріал
Training lesson : “ The greatest wealth is health”. Мета: узагальнити та систематизувати знання з теми, розвивати уявлення про здоровий спосіб життя, формувати прагнення берегти своє здоров’я, зважаючи на його цінність і значущість для людей. Обладнання: глобус, чарівна скринька, бейджики, акваріум , кольоровий папір.
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         Training lesson  :   “ The greatest  wealth is health”.

Мета: узагальнити та систематизувати знання з теми, розвивати уявлення про здоровий спосіб життя, формувати прагнення берегти своє здоров’я, зважаючи на його цінність і значущість для людей.

Обладнання: глобус, чарівна скринька, бейджики, акваріум , кольоровий папір.   

                                            ХІД ЗАХОДУ

Відкриття. Емоційне налаштування на урок.

 (Учасники сідають у коло)

Dear colleagues, I am glad to see you. Today I’d like to involve you in a conversation about serious problems.

I want you to face each other, put your hands together, pass each other your good mood, the warmth of your hearts and smile at each other.

Now I can see that you are ready to start our work.

Організаційний момент.

Прийняття правил.

Fistly let us make the rules of our training .


  • Appreciate the time
  • Talk in chain
  • Talk briefly
  • Be positive to yourself and to others


Вправа “Знайомство”.

Firstly, introduce yourselves. Write your name on cards and say  trait of character that starts with the first letter of your name.

For example: My name is Natalia. I am native.

The next person has to repeat my name and  trait of character and add own name and trait of character.

Мотивація діяльності. Повідомлення теми.

We live' in the 21st century. It is the time of fast food, fast changing technologies and science development. We spend our free time speaking on the telephone, we eat unhealthy food. We are becoming lazy, we lack physical activities and movement.

So, as you see the topic of our  training lesson is “ The first wealth is health”.

Вправа “Очікування”.

Before starting to solve any problems let’s find out what are your expectations from our training lesson. Here is an Aquarium , catch the fish and say your expectations.

 For example: I hope for friendly cooperation.

Основний зміст роботи. Активізація мовного матеріалу.

Вправа «Що означає бути здоровим?» (3 хв)

As we are going to speak about health let’s say what it means for you

To be healthy for me means…

  • Enjoy communication.
  • . Live to old age
  • . Be calm and level-headed.
  • Eat healthy food etc.

Робота в групах.

Now you are going to work in groups. Let’s make small groups according to the fish you have

Each group has some English proverbs , which are cut into pieces.

Try to put all the pieces together and you will get a proverb.  Then choose a speaker of group who will comment their  meaning.

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

Prevention is better than cure.

Eat to live but not live to eat.

You are what you eat.

The less you eat, the longer you live.

Never let the sun go down on your enger.

Вправа” Планета Здоровя”.

Another task is to make the planet of health. The task for the first group is to cut the stars and  write  the main features of health, (physical activity, good sleep , success, , good appetite, right posture, good mood) and stick them  on one side of the planet.

The task for the second group is to  write factors  that  are harmful  for  our health (,smoking, junk food, bad mood,  polluted environment ,headache ,  insomnia,    ) and stick on the planet.

You understand, that planet and nature helps us to be healthy. It gives us possibility to breathe fresh air. It gives us positive emotions. It gives fruits and vegetables, which contain a lot of vitamins and other useful components  and it’s


Now let’s rest and  up your energy and vitality. Sing the healthy food song(  video )

Перегляд відеоролика про куріння.

Nowadays many people are addicted to harmful  habits. They smoke , drink alcohol, use drugs. They don’t value their health.

Let’s watch  videos  about bad effects of  smoking and alcohol .


What are your impressions?  Now I want you to make antiadvertisment of smoking and drinking alcohol and then to present your work.

Вправа” Найголовніша людина на Землі”.

I have a magic box. This box has a big secret. Inside the box you can see the main person of the Earth. So, let’s look inside, (учасники по черзі заглядають у чарівну скриньку, де лежить звичайне люстерко)

So, whom did you see? Who is the main  person  on the Earth?

You saw yourselves.

We can make conclusion, that everyone is unique, unrepeated. And we should do everything to keep our health. Because health is a priceless God’s gift, that cann’t be bought or sold.

You know they say,’’The body is like a piano and happiness is like music. It is needful to have instrument in good order”.

Вправа “Шлях здорового способу життя.”

Now I want you to make the steps for healthy lifestyle. You have to cut of coloured paper some flowers and write on them advices  how to keep fit and healthy. Then stick your pieces of advice on paper. Every group will make its own steps.

But before doing let’s watch the videos  which will help you.( Healthy living , 10 Tops for healthy lifestyle)

Підбиття підсумків. Перевірка очікувань.

Thanks , now if you have good mood and your expectations come true  put your fish into our Aquarium and  share your impressions .

Завершення. Вправа-розминка “Побажання” (5 хв.)

At the end of our training let’s exchange wishes

(  I wish all your dreams come true )


Our training  lesson is over. Thank you very much for your active participation. Ihope that lesson was useful for you and you have benefited from it. I wish you to enjoy the life and it’s beauty. Be always healthy and happy, may God bless you!


22 травня 2020
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