Types of public speeches and their characteristics.

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An article on the theme ``Types of public speeches and their characteristics. Aristotle's three rules for oratory and their modern interpretation.`` Стаття описує типи публічного мовлення та їхні характеристики. Також у кінці доданий повний список використаної літератури.
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 Types of public speeches and their characteristics.  Aristotle's three rules for oratory and their modern interpretation.

 Depending on the content, purpose, form, or method of utterance, and the circumstances, public talk is divided into genres such as report, speech, conversation, lecture, report.

 The business report containing a summary of certain matters with conclusions and proposals. The information that is contained in the report, calculated on the prepared audience, ready to accept, discuss and resolve problems. The maximum result will be achieved if the meeting participants will be familiarized with the text of the report. Then you can expect active discussion, well-reasoned criticism, posting additions and productively Express solutions.

 The report contains illuminated objectively reporting the facts and realities for a certain period of life and activity of the head, the Deputy, the organization or its units and the like. In the process of preparing the accounting report, the Rapporteur should clearly define the purpose, nature and tasks for each position to find substantiated facts and verified figures, convincing examples, accurate and appropriate citations. Costs also enter into the General plan and all provisions and parts linked into one coherent system of presentation.

 After discussion of additions and adjustments to approve the report of the meeting and make the final decision, as the future actions for the next period.

 Speech is an oral presentation with the aim of providing specific information and effects on the mind, feelings and the ox listeners, logical harmony of the text emotional intensity, and strong-willed impulses of the speaker.

 Roman oratorical scheme: what, why, how, could now be decisive for the speaker. Therefore, given the form of a speech, he needs to change and the nature of the performance, and means which will operate during its utterance.

 With the speaker at rallies, mass gatherings in honor of a specific event, anniversary and the like.

 Rallies it is usually pronounced on the topical theme and relates to public interest issues, which is of concern to the General public. This is a short, emotional speech were based on direct perception of the audience. The task of the operator is to identify new, innovative aspects of the subject, encouraging the audience a new sense of the already known facts and realities.

 The overflowing success of the speech depends on the individual style of the speaker, his ability is appropriate to use the entire Arsenal of verbal and non-verbal communication and skills to improvise depending on the audience reaction. Stick salicina, relevant, overflowing artfully spoken speech, as history has shown - an effective factor of influence on the minds of listeners.

 The agitation of the question common to almost all components of speech rallies. Referring to the actual social and political problems, actively influencing the consciousness, the speaker encourages the listener to certain activities, the need to take a certain civil position, change views or create new ones. In campaign speeches, as a rule, explain or investigate certain issues, promoting certain thoughts, beliefs, ideas, theories, etc., are actively campaigning for their realization or implementation.

 Business language is characterized by brevity, criticality, directions, polemon and validity of the facts contained therein. Unlike rallies and campaign business it is focused on the expressed logically, not emotionally agitated perception of the listener. Often this statement has no independent value, it is clear and is perceived only in the context of the problem, which is discussed at a specific meeting.

 The anniversary speech. Represents a date associated with honoring an individual, group of individuals, celebrations in honor of the events of life and activities of the organization, institutions, institutions. If this is the result of activity - to the anniversary speech can include in chronological order the major stages of the activities and achievements of the jubilee and wishes further fruitful development and well-being.

 Appropriate pathos should not go into zastepowane, boring monotony. Appropriate the commemorative speech will be an impromptu and improvisation, tactful jokes and witty focus listeners on the distinctive features of the hero of the day, the memories about interesting and little-known facts about his life and activities. The form and content of commemorative speech, despite the ease and wit of its presentation, should morally and ethically balanced speaker, so as not to offend neither the singer, nor his family, nor the audience.

 The lecture is a form of propaganda transmissions, explanations are purely scientific, educational, popular science and so on. knowledge through oral presentation, scientific theme, which has systematic character.

 Educational program of lectures amount to a systematic exposition of a particular scientific discipline. An integral part of these lectures should be review and a review of the scientific literature, focusing on the as yet unresolved issues and problems.

 Attitude introductory lecture aims to introduce the listener to a range of issues in a specific discipline, to introduce its subject matter, interest students in further study of the proposed material.

 Lectures, generally recited after studying the entire course. They aim to systematize the knowledge of students with a specific subject, to push on further independent study of a problem, to intensify the idea.

 Lectures of special course is usually designed for a specific narrow area of science, research. They provide ample opportunity to introduce students in science, to arouse their opinion. These lectures much easier to build as a problem compared to educational software.

 This form of public speaking requires more formality and academic presentation. Typically, the lecture is traditionally a clear structure - introduction, main part, conclusions.

 Introduction – a kind of solo, an introduction to the topic selected lectures, its relevance in time, place and audience of the event, should be concise, to a certain extent intriguing. Rallying and appealing to students, the lecturer should make an effort to hold their attention.

 In the main part of the boom should set out systematically and logically solved the core issue lectures on Virasana all the causal relationships of each Smyslova-independent parts.

 Conclusions should flow logically from the content of the lecture: summarize the basic and occupy about 5% of the time and volume of the speech. Would be appropriate in the conclusion and final and nastarovje element to perform certain actions.The lecturer should be ready for questions from the audience on the topic of the speech.  His answers must be correct, balanced and concise.

 The speech, as a rule, is not prepared in advance, but is a spontaneous reaction to what has just been heard from the speaker, the speaker.  In a concise speech, the speaker may raise one or two questions or give a specific answer without departing from the subject of the agenda.

 Speech at meetings, conferences, seminars provides:

 - statement of the essence of a certain issue;

 - emphasis on the main;

- expressing their attitude and assessment;

-  emphasizing the significance, importance and relevance (or vice versa);

- supporting their evidence with examples (references to sources).

  The speaker should address his address not only to the speaker or the presidium, but also to all present, constructing it in such a way that the information received by them is clear and forms the basis of their own thoughts and conclusions.


The oratory was known in Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, India, China.

 The continuous history of oratory begins in ancient Greece where public speaking was engendered by urgent public needs, has become an effective instrument of social progress and development of the slave democracy.

 Although the first reminder about the oratory and its representatives are found in the "Iliad" and "Ads", created in the IX-VII centuries. n. e., the "Golden age" of Greek eloquence came in the second half of the V century. to H. E., after the Greco-Persian wars, when oratory becomes a significant factor in the public life of Athens and an instrument of political struggle. From members wishing to influence the course of public Affairs required the ability to publicly defend their point of view, to convince and lead people.

 To study elocution, to master it has become a necessity for all Greek citizens. In this period arises the theory of rhetoric - rhetoric as a theoretical generalization of the practice of oratory, as well as a collection of rules and techniques of teaching eloquence. The profession which were popular there, it was a teacher of rhetoric.

 The first teachers of rhetoric were the sophists - "wandering teacher of wisdom." The basis for the understanding of the nature of eloquence, they put the doctrine of the relativity of truth. According to the sophists, the objective truth does not exist, only subjective judgment about her. Therefore, we cannot assume that one idea is true and the other not.

 Against the doctrine about the relativity of truth, a cornerstone of the rhetorical views of the sophists - the first came Socrates and especially his student Plato that the sophists rhetoric thesis "true eloquence," founded on genuine knowledge and therefore is available only to the philosopher. Socrates was the first who got to know cultural, the actual "human" value of communication between people, turning the conversation into a genuine art. In the "Socratic" discussions instead of the teacher and students is bestow for which there is nothing more important than to get to the truth. Its admits only one referee - the highest thoughts.

 The greatest political orator of Ancient Greece was Demosthenes (384 BC). As evidenced by contemporaries, the first speech of Demosthenes the public met with a hail of ridicule: Burr and weak by nature the voice of the speaker was not impressed temperamental Athenians. But this frail young man lived a truly powerful spirit. Incessant work and training he defeated him. From ancient writers we find "It is clear, that pronunciation overcame by investing in the mouth the stones and read on memory excerpts from poems, the voice is strengthened Jogging, talking on steep slopes..."...To get rid of involuntary shrugging, he hung a sharp spear over himself, which caused him pain with any careless movement.

  Perseverance and energy won.  Demosthenes overcame physical defects, perfected his oratory technique, and became the greatest political orator.  By his example, he confirmed the most important principle: almost anyone can become a speaker, if he does not spare time and effort.  At the same time, of course, it is not necessary to use the "method" of Demosthenes, although we meet followers of his extraordinary methods in later times.  Thus, at the beginning of our century, on the banks of a loud Caucasian river, Rion delivered speeches, picking up stones in his mouth, a twelve-year-old boy.  The teenager's name was Vladimir Mayakovsky.

  In his speeches, the orator and great politician Demosthenes called on the Athenians to pursue a vigorous policy, exposing the inaction and treachery of the Athenian rulers, and tried to unite the Greek dwarf states to fight the enemy together.                His fiery speeches were the result of hard work, and oratory techniques were based on a deep knowledge of the psychology of the audience.  Demosthenes harmoniously combined oratory with the passion of a fighter convinced of the rightness of his cause.  "It is not the words or the sound of the voice that make up the speaker's fame, but the direction of his policy," he said.

 The result of the ancient Greek period in the development of oratory was summed up in the works of the greatest thinker of antiquity - Aristotle (384 BC).  His most important work on the theory of eloquence is "Rhetoric", written around 330 BC.  Before Christ period represents the first truly scientific development of oratory.


  If before Aristotle all theorists of eloquence were limited almost exclusively to the list of oratory techniques, he first gave a scientific basis for oratory as a special kind of human activity, defining rhetoric as "the ability to find possible ways of persuasion on each subject."  For many centuries, theorists of eloquence adhered to the views and principles of Aristotle, only developing and reworking them to one degree or another.

 Classical rhetorics, rational rhetoric has evolved from the practice of oratory and practice art of speech. They embody a set of successful techniques of eloquent speech was heuristically justified by rhetoricians. Aristotle's "Rhetorics" originates from three specific differences: demonstrative, judicial, and deliberative.

 "Rhetorics" of Aristotle begins with the distinction of three types of language: indicative, judicial and deliberative.

 This heuristic division: "there are such kinds of languages". But in these initial terms are hidden, first, the category of ethos - the types of gatherings which may be a public speech, and secondly, the category of pathos is to glorify or vilify anyone and anything, examining past and not now visible events, to persuade the proposed solutions, discard them in a clear and aesthetically complete. All of these categories: pathos, ethos and logos - are combined in its configuration in this statement.

It follows such rules:

1) Each kind of speaking is the natural unity of ethos, pathos and logos that are specific to this type of speech;

2) All kinds of speeches in the category of logo there are such kind of speech meaning, like a relationship in time;

3) All kinds of speeches in Paphos to mark the modality of the relation to reality through action: an exception action, study the result of the intention to perform an action;

4) all kinds of speeches in the category of ethos distinguish the real and the conceivable reasons for the creation of audience in the rhetorical practices; an association of people (a solemn Assembly), the establishment of justice in the dispute (the court), ensuring future security (national Assembly). These three reasons are the ingredients of society.

 In fact, the division of speeches into types is the result of deduction, carried out implicitly, externally heuristically, but in fact by intellectual appreciation. This separation of the types of speeches aimed at a better, more accurate consideration. It helps to approach the definition of speech influence the different parties: ethos, logos and pathos. Classification of types of speech gives a certain systematics, the accuracy in the determination of speech activity.

















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