"Ukraine. Superheroes"

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Конспект бінарного уроку "Ukraine. Superheroes" з англійської мови а курсу "Захист України" для 10 класу. Конспект містить текст про Збройні сили України з післятекстовими завданнями , вправи комунікативної спрямованості та аудіювання.
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Subject of the lesson :  UKRAINE.  SUPERHEROES

Form : 10

Objectives :

  • to bank the active vocabulary on the topic;
  • to practice extended use of new word-combinations on the topic;
  • to develop  students` reading skills (skimming, scanning, ability to analyze the text);
  • to stimulate students` listening and  communicative skills, memory and thinking;
  • to introduce some key information about Armed Forces of Ukraine (foundation, structure, leadership etc);
  • to form a sense of pride and admiration for the Ukrainian warriors and heroic resistance of Ukraine in war ;
  • to form stable civic position of young people;
  • to raise real patriots  and worthy citizens of the state.

Type :  binary lesson (English and Defense of Ukraine)

Supplies : pptx presentation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glsqf4fQu5U

Lesson structure:

1   Greeting. Warm–up .

  1.         Vocabulary practice. .
  2.         Presenting  new material of the lesson. Reading activity.
  3.         Communicative practice.
  4.         Listening practice.
  5.         Summarizing.


  1. Greeting. Warm–up .  Hi guys! Glory to Ukraine !

     This greeting has become  widely used recently. The answer goes : Glory to the heroes ! Have you ever wondered  who they are ? Let`s talk about them during today`s lesson. 

  1. Vocabulary  practice 

russia started full-scale invasion in Ukraine in February, 2022. War has become our  terrible reality. Let`s remind At War Vocabulary:

   Renew the word-combinations  to describe Ukraine nowadays :

1.  to launch                                                A) full-scale  invasion

2.  to start                                                    B) war crimes

3.  heavy                                                     C) weapons

4.  to attack                                                      D) both military and civilian objects

5.  to commit                                              E)  massive air attacks

6.  to resist                                           F) evil together

7.  to  declare                                             G)  the territories

8.  to  stop                                 H) the fire

9.  to recapture                                      I) martial law

10. to cease                                                J) heroically

11. to provide shelters                                  K) for refugees

 Key  :  1e, 2a, 3c, 4d, 5b, 6j, 7i, 8f, 9g, 10h, 11k.

3.  Main part  of the lesson . Presenting  new material of the lesson. 

  Our country is suffering from the war, but it is heroically resisting to the russian invasion. Ukraine will win because it is under reliable protection if its superheroes. Who are they ?

 Students` answer : They are Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Reading practice. Read the key information about Armed Forces of Ukraine . Pay attention to the new words and phrases .

                                                   Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are the military forces of Ukraine. They are most commonly known in Ukraine as ZSU (Ukrainian: ЗСУ). All military and security forces, including the Armed Forces, are under the command of the President of Ukraine and subject to oversight by a permanent Verkhovna Rada parliamentary commission. They trace their lineage to 1917, while the modern armed forces were formed after Ukrainian independence in 1991.

Founded :   29 March 1917

Current form: 6 December 1991; 31 years ago

Service branches : Ground Forces, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Forces,

Air Assault Forces, Special Operations Forces, Territorial Defense Forces

Headquarters :        Ministry of Defense Building, Povitroflotskyi Avenue, Kyiv

Website www.mil.gov.ua/en

                                       The Leadership of The Armed Forces of Ukraine

Supreme Commander –in- Chief

Minister of Defense

Commander –in- Chief

President Volodymyr Zelensky

          Rustem Umierov

    Valeriy Zaluzhnyi


Post-reading activity . Completing. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences:

1.The Armed Forces of Ukraine are the military/civil  forces of Ukraine.

2.The structure of The Armed Forces of Ukraine comprises  six/seven  branches .

3. The Armed Forces of Ukraine were founded in 1917 /1991.

4. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are subordinated /aren`t subordinated to the President of Ukraine.

5.  The Minister of Defense / The  President is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

 4 . Communicative  practice. No doubt our heroes are the best. Let`s describe Ukrainian defenders in more details . Use the adjectives  below :

 Find  the opposites to  compare Ukrainian warriors and russians :

UKRAINIANS                                                  russians

1  Fearless                                                           a) Cruel

2  Determined                                                     b) Unmotivated

3  Mighty                                                                   c) Weak

4  Humane                                      d) Immoral

5  Honest                                                             e) Unqualified

6  Skilled                                                             f) Stupid

7  Motivated                                                        g) Unsure

8  Smart                                               h) Unmotivated


Describing our soldiers we must admit that the worst adjective to speak about soldier is “fallen”. Let`s  mention the fallen soldiers of this war. They were graduates and teachers of our school . R. I. P.

Moment of silence

 5. Listening practice.

Copy the link below and watch Volodymyr Zelenskyi`s speech in April 2022.  Then skim the extract from his speech and express its main idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glsqf4fQu5U

                              Our defenders need  heavy weapons

Various experts said that Ukraine wouldn’t hold for more than a week if Russia invaded Ukraine. Not only did we manage to stop the Russian Army – we have pushed them back! But our war is far from over. putin and his army are changing their strategy. They are strengthening their forces to push even harder on Kharkiv and all Donbas region. To continue heroically defending the world from Russian aggression, Ukraine needs a specific list of weapons. I appeal to citizens of the whole world to help convey to your governments, presidential administrations, and leaders of your countries the real needs of Ukraine, which will help stop the war.

We urgently need heavy artillery, heavy armored vehicles, air defense systems and aircraft:

Artillery pieces (caliber 155 mm) and ammo;

Artillery shells (152 mm caliber). As much as possible;

Multiple Rocket Launch Systems: “Grad”, “Uragan”, or American M142 HIMARS;

APCs (armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, etc.);

Tanks (T-72, either American or German analogs);

Air defense systems (S-300, BUK, or similar modern western air defense systems);

Combat aircraft.

We are asking the whole world to unite and help us fight this cruel aggression.

#ArmUkraineNow, so that we can defeat this evil together!

 Post- listening practice .Try to express  the main idea of this extract. 

 Expected answers : 

  1. Ukraine is strong but it needs heavy weapons.
  2. russians didn’t expected that Ukraine would fight so hard.
  3. Ukrainian army needs a specific list of weapons.
  4. President appeals to the world to arm Ukraine and to unite against evil.

 6 . Summarizing .

 Which of the phrases  of our lesson are the most important ?  Why?

 Expected answers :    LOVE UKRAINE !

                                     SUPPORT UKRAINE !


                                     GLORY TO UKRAINE !

                            GLORY TO THE ARMED FORCES OF UKRAINE !

                                     UKRAINE WILL WIN !

Hometask :   Look through the materials of the lesson and make up  the  cinquain about  Ukrainan warrior.   



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