Unit 1. My family and friendsLesson 2

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Номер слайду 1

Unit 1. my family and friends. Lesson 2 Alla Nesvit. By Artem Duboviy

Номер слайду 2

Task 1. Listen to the children talking about the things they have learnt to do from their relatives. Match the children’s names with the activities they can do.{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}1. Tetiana. A to knit and embroider 2. Taras B to cook spaghetti and make sandwiches 3. Olha C practical life skills: to choose the clothes to wear according to the weather, brush the shoes, make the bed in the morning, keep things in the right place4. Oleksandr D to make bird feeders. Task 2. Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue and act it out. • to keep promises • to share activities • to be honest with each other • to stay in contact with each other • to take an active interest in each other’s hobbies • to care about each other • to do things for each other A: Hi, ......! We are doing a survey on family ties. Can I ask you a few questions? B: Yes, please. A: What makes a home a pleasant place to live in? B: Happy families have certain traits in common. They enjoy ..... A: Who do you admire most in your family? What have you learnt to do from this person? B: I like my best. He / She We often ........ A: ...... B: Children benefit from regular mealtimes, affection, play, traditions and outings with the whole family.

Номер слайду 3

Grammar Lab: Pronouns{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Subject / Personal pronouns Object pronouns Reflexive pronouns. Imemyself. Weusourselves. You you yourself. You you yourselves. Itititself. Hehimhimself. Sheherherself. They themthemselves Compare: I always help my parents. Who can help me? We use myself, etc when an object is the same person / thing as the subject. He tried to do his homework by himself. Task 3. Read and choose the correct item.1. Tell we / us your address. 2. Where are the children? Do you see they / them? 3. She likes looking at her / herself in the mirror. 4. Mary talks about her / herself all the time. 5. We really enjoyed us / ourselves at the party last night. 6. Find chairs for you / yourself and sit down. 7. Can you repair this, or must we do it themselves / ourselves?

Номер слайду 4

Tapescripts to Task 1. Taras: My name is Taras. My father loves cooking. He often creates new dishes. He has taught me to cook spaghetti and make sandwiches. When my friends come to see me, I always try to cook something to surprise them. Olha: My name is Olha. I think we learn from our parents a lot o f simple practical life skills. W e learn which clothes to wear according to the weather, brush our shoes in the evening, make our bed in the morning, and keep things in their proper places. This is really very important. Oleksandr: My name is Oleksandr. I like to spend time with my uncle. He lives in the village. He is very good at making things. He has taught me to make bird feeders and I can do it very well now. Tetiana: My name is Tetiana. I live in Ivano-Frankivsk. We like traditional Ukrainian things. There is the embroidered cloth on the table in our living room. This is my aunt’s piece of work. She has taught me to make handmade things. Now I am fond of knitting and embroidering, too

Номер слайду 5

Home Work1. Write sentences with different pronouns as in the example. Example: I am nine. (A subject pronoun.) John is kind and he often helps me. (An object pronoun.) I can tell you about myself. (A reflexive pronoun.) 2. LEARN NEW WORDS.

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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
25 квітня 2022
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