Past Simple Tense. Закріплення вивченого матеріалу за темою It Was Yesterday
План-конспект уроку в 3 класі
Богуславської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст.
Борівської селищної ради Харківської області
Вчитель: Орел Маргарита Олександрівна
Unit 5. It was yesterday.
Тема: Cake party. Готуємо торт для вечірки.
Дата: 15.03.2021
Тип уроку: combined
Обладнання: телевізор, ноутбук, флешкартки, підручники, зошити, святкові капелюхи, паперові або пластмасові тістечка різних кольорів (6).
Хід уроку
Hello, children! Welcome to the party! Let’s greet in a special way.
Pupils take the greeting cards from the bag and greet each other in a special way: blow a kiss, hug, smile, say hi, say hello, hand heart, fist bump, elbow bump, wave, shake hands etc.
How are you today? Draw a picture of your mood and stick it on the mood board.
Pupils draw emotion pictures and comment them.
Let’s read this letter!
Hello, children! I am Smiling Sam. Do you remember me?
I like cakes! And what about you? Do you like cakes?
Welcome to my cake party.
Today we are going to play games, guess the riddles and do a lot of interesting things together! I prepared new games for you.
It was yesterday! Are you ready to play?
How many cakes do we have?
What colors are they?
Take a green cake and open it!
Children open the green cake and see the first task.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.
A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
Where is the peck of pickled pepper
Peter Piper picked?
There is a small note in the end of the tongue twister:
The next task is in the cake that has the color of the sky.
Pupils take a cake, open it and read the task: Fill in a/an or some.
A teacher presents the flashcards with some pictures of food, children say a or some before a name of food.
Next task in the bottom of the last card. This is the color of a pig.
Children read the poem and complete it with the regular verbs.
On Sunday I _____with my friend, (played)
On Monday I _______ my school. (started)
On Tuesday I ______the play to the end, (watched)
And ________my mum to cook. (helped)
On Wednesday I _______the dishes. (washed)
On Thursday I _______TV, (watched)
On Friday I _______ my dear cousins, (visited)
On Saturday they ________ me. (phoned)
T: В якому часі відбуваються дії у вірші? What Tense is it?
Ps: Past Simple Tense!
T: Look! We have a cake with this name! Let’s open it!
T: The verb to be in the Past Simple Tense has two forms. What are they?
Ps: Was and were!
T: You are right! Let’s remember when we use the verb was and when we use were. With the pronouns I, he, she, it we use ____ (children say “was”), and we use ____ with the pronouns you, we, they.
We ____ in a café last weekend.
We _____ at the pasty yesterday.
Bob ____ in the swimming pool last Saturday.
I ____ not at school on Sunday.
The weather _____ fine on winter holidays.
Riddle: The next game has the color of snow.
Task: remember the song. Song about irregular verbs.
T: What type of verbs do you know?
Які бувають дієслова в англійській мові?
Ps: Irregular, Regular.
Present the new words with the help of cards.