Урок - проблема "Nuclear pollution"

Про матеріал
Урок присвячений проблемі ядерного забруднення планети. Зокрема розглядаються причини та наслідки аварії на ЧАЕС. Пропонується перегляд фільму «For A Few, Chornobyl Exclusion Zone Is Still Home»; Метою уроку є - навчати непідготовленому усному висловлюванню про проблеми ядерного забруднення та рактикування учнів у використанні лексичних одиниць з даної теми.
Перегляд файлу

Nuclear pollution.



  • Запропонувати перегляд фільму «For A Few, Chornobyl Exclusion Zone Is Still Home»;
  • Навчати непідготовленому усному висловлюванню  про пробле­ми ядерного забруднення;
  • Практикування учнів у використанні лексичних одиниць з даної теми.



  • Ноутбук (вихід в Інтернет), картки із завданням.






  1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: The topic of today’s lesson is "Nuclear pollution ". By the end of the lesson you should be able to actively use the target vocabulary in your talk about Nuclear pollution.

The film, you see, will help you to understand the dangerous of  nuclear pollution.  The topic we are going to study and discuss is one of the most actual problems of the world and Ukraine especially.


  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Активізація знайомих учням ЛО теми «Природа. Довкілля» методом “Eliciting”.

Т: What kinds of pollution are there?  What kinds of power station do you know? Are they dangerous? Why?




  1. Пред’явлення фільму «For A Few, Chornobyl Exclusion Zone Is Still Home» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6ZJpvX8Wko ;
  • Pre-watching activity: Before watching the film say when was the Chornobyl accident?
  • I want you read an interesting fact about  Chornobyl power station.

“The wordl’s worst ever-nuclear reactor disaster took place at Chornobyl No.4 in the USSR (now Ucraine) in April 1986. Contamination was experienced over an area of 10,900 sq miles and about 1,7 million people were exposed to varying amounts of radiation.”

  • Перегляд фільму.
  • Post-watching activity. What have you seen in the film? What do you think about these people?


  1. Практикування учнів у вживанні лексичних одиниць під час читання.


  1. Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words given at the end of the sentence.
  1. What can we do to reduce the _______________________

of the atmosphere?

  1. The change in the climate has produced _________________ floods.
  2. Many rare species are threatened with_______________ .
  3. Many of the gases produced by factories are _____________ to our health.
  4. Many countries must try and control the growth of the ___________________.
  5. Protecting the environment is essential to our __________. 
  6. The ______________________ of the environment is everyone’s  responsibility.
  7. 40 per cent of the world’s _________________________ 

disappeared in the last 80 years.

  1. People don’t just pollute the _____________, they pollute

themselves, too, with cigarettes, junk food, alcohol, 

illegal drugs.

  1.       Many countries bury and forget millions of tones of ____________ every year.
  2.       A lot of what we throw is still useful, and it’s possible, in fact, ______________________  80 per cent of domestic rubbish.
  3.          ___________________ is expensive, but it saves trees, saves energy and cuts pollution.



  1. Population


  1. Protection


  1. Disastrous


  1. Pollution


  1. Survival


  1. Extinction


  1. Atmosphere


  1. Harmful


  1. Rubbish


  1. To recycle


  1. Recycling


  1. Rainforests



2.Underline the correct word in the following sentences.









  1. The fuel (which/what) nuclear power stations use is a rare metal — uranium.
  2. One tonne of uranium can produce as (many/much) energy as 20 000 tonnes of coal.
  3. Nuclear power (doesn’t/don’t) pollute the atmosphere like fossil fuels.
  4. But it (does/is) produce waste.
  5. This {stays/leaves') radioactive for thousands of years and is very dangerous.
  6. At the moment most stations bury (their/there) waste deep underground, at sea, or send their waste to (another/other) countries.
  7. Nuclear experts (say/tell) it’s safe to bury radioactive waste, other scientists think it will seriously (pollute/destroy) the sea or the Earth one day.
  8. The (accident/incident) at Chernobyl (sent/send) a cloud of radioactive pollution (over/above) Scandinavia and Western Europe.
  9. This pollution travelled for more (then/than) 1 000 kilometres.
  10.                  As a result, farmers (must/had to) kill millions of pigs, sheep and cows.
  11.                  But the accident (hadn’t/didn’t) just affect animals — it affected people, too. Doctors (waited/expected) to see 25 000 extra cancers before the year 2000 because of Chernobyl.
  12.                  (Since/From) Chernobyl, many countries have stopped building new nuclear power stations.
  13.                  Green organizations all over the world are (against/opposite) nuclear energy. In their (opinion/mind) it’s dirty, unhealthy and dangerous.


  1.  Say what damage people have done to nature by treating their environment so carelessly, and what people can do to improve ecological situation in your place.




1. Домашнє завдання.

Т: Write a summary of the text.


2. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: Say, what new was learnt at the lesson.