Урок розвитку навичок говоріння "Your Environment."

Про матеріал
Мета уроку - розвивати навички зв’язного висловлювання, словникової роботи та граматичні навички ; розвивати швидку мовленнєву реакцію, навички діалогічного мовлення; розширювати знання учнів про небезпеку забруднення навколишнього середовища та наслідки від забруднення; переконати учнів у необхідності берегти Землю.
Перегляд файлу

Your Environment.



  • розвивати, навики зв’язного висловлювання, навики словникової роботи  та граматичні навички ;
  • розвивати швидку мовленнєву реакцію, навички діалогічного мовлення;
  • розширювати  знання учнів про небезпеку забруднення навколишнього середовища та наслідки від забруднення, оволодіння лексикою ;
  • переконати учнів у необхідності берегти Землю.



  • Мультимедійна дошка, проектор, картки із завданням.






  1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Today we are going to discuss a very important topic, our environment and a great number of problems connected with the world around us. The aim of our lesson is written on the board.


  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: Think and say if you change your own environment for the better or for the worse.

  • We speak about water shortages.

What did you use water for last week?

Did you waste any?

Do you often take hot baths?

Do you often wash clothes?

How much water do you spend on washing?

  • Water pollution is becoming quite bad.

Have you ever thrown anything into a river or a lake? If so, what? Why?

Have you ever washed your bicycle or car in a river or a lake? How dirty did it make the water?

  • People use a lot of washing powder.

Have you ever done it? Does your family do it?

Do you think it does harm to our rivers and seas?

  • Burning makes air pollution worse.

Have you ever burnt rubbish or dry leaves?

  • Most of the pollution in big cities comes from cars. They also make a lot of noise.

Has your family got a car?

How often do you use it?

Does it work well? Why is it important to look after it, to repair it in time?

  • One of the environmental problems is a shortage of food.

Does your family buy much food?

Do you sometimes throw it away?

How much of it do you waste?

Why is it important for the environment not to waste food?




  1. Контроль домашнього завдання.

T: At home you had to prepare and make presentation about the problem of pollution of your native town. Gathering information and making photos, what did you know and see at the territory of your native town?

(показ презентацій, створених учнями.)


  1. Розвиток навичок говоріння. Практикування учнів у вживанні лексичних одиниць.

T:  Complete the questions with the appropriate words from the list and ask your partner to answer them.

  1. Is________the source of people’s life?
  2. Has man’s ___________ in nature increased with the development of civilization? What  has led to it?
  3. Why did some species of animals, birds, plants _______ from the Earth?
  4. What is the result of man’s________ interaction with nature?
  5. What are the _________ of the Chornobyl ecological disaster?
  6. Is international coperation necessary to create a system of ___ security?


a) consequences; b) nature; c) disappear; d) interference; e) ecological; f) careless.


T: Use the following phrases when asking for opinion.

Do you think that _____?

What do you think/feel about ______ ?

Why do you think that ______ ?

What makes you feel that ______?

I have another question.


When answering the questions use the following.

This is a good/an interesting question.

I’d like to think about that for a while, if you don’t mind.

Your question is very difficult to answer.

It’s a difficult question, and I can’t answer it right now.

As far as_______ is concerned  _______


Dialogues. (завдання отримує кожна пара учнів)


  1. Read the beginning of the conversation and guess: who is talking; where it is taking place; why it is happening.

Give your own ideas about how to continue the conversation.

A: What has happened? Why are there no fruit in your garden? When I was here in spring the trees were blooming.

B: Yes, you are right. But then, in May my garden was attacked by the bugs, and the bio was destroyed. You won’t believe, but they were eating even the leaves.

A: It sounds rather strange. In town where I live the fruit trees grow everywhere, even al the roads, but they are all covered with plums, apricots, apples.

B: _________________________________________________

A: ________________________________________________ 

B: _________________________________________________


Cues: harmful insects, caterpillars, birds, nests, extinct, to attract beneficial insects: improve soil, composting, chemical(artificial)/organic fertilizers, watering properly; to use pesticides.


  1. Read the beginning of the conversation and guess: who is talking; where it is taking place; why it is happening.

A: Have you heard the weather forecast for the next week? Is it going to rain at last?

B: I’m afraid not. If the weather doesn’t change, we won’t be able to gather good harvest of crops and vegetables. The soil will dry completely, the roots of the plants will also dry. They will die without water.

A: ________________________________________________ 

B: _________________________________________________ A:______________________________________________             

Cues: harmful insects, caterpillars, birds, nests, extinct, to attract beneficial insects; to improve soil, composting, chemical(artificial)/organic fertilizers, watering properly; to use less pesticides.             


  1. Read the beginning of the conversation and guess: who is talking; where it is taking place; why it is happening.

A: It’s so cold for this time of the year.

B: Oh, the weather has changed so much lately that we don’t know what to expect.

A: My cousin heard they’re expecting frost at night and thunderstorm with hail in the daytime.

B: How’s that? Frost in June? There were never frosts in summer in our region.

A: Nothing strange. My son’s colleague has been on a business trip in Siberia and he says they have unbearable heat this summer without rains.




Cues: harmful insects, caterpillars, birds, nests, extinct, to attract beneficial insects; to improve soil, composting, chemical(artificial)/organic fertilizers, watering properly; to use less pesticides.             

  1. Read the beginning of the conversation and guess: who is talking; where it is taking place; why it is happening.

A: Would you like to buy these apples, madam? Look, they are so nice.

B: Yes, they look nice, perhaps you use too many chemicals in your garden.

A: Why do you say so?

B: It’s very simple. If even a worm doesn’t want your apple, what do you suppose it consists of?



Cues: harmful insects, caterpillars, birds, nests, extinct, to attract beneficial insects; to improve soil, composting, chemical(artificial)/organic fertilizers, watering properly; to use less pesticides.


  1. Read the beginning of the conversation and guess: who is talking; where it is taking place; why it is happening.

A: I can’t understand why the price for those two chickens is so different. This one is not fat and looks worse but it’s more expensive. You might be mistaken.

B: Oh, no. I know my chickens well enough. This one was fed by organic food and that one chemicals. Of course, it’s your right to choose. But ecologically clean food products always more expensive. Right?

A: _________________________________________________




Cues: harmful insects, caterpillars, birds, nests, extinct, to attract beneficial insects; improve soil, composting, chemical(artificial)/organic fertilizers, watering properly; to use 1 pesticides.


  1. Пред’явлення тексту для читання.

T: Four words in each sentence are underlined and marked A, B, C, D. Identify the one underlined word that is not correct. Circle the letter of the underlined portion which is not correct.



  1. Modern industry produce a lot of dangerous gases.

                              A            B        C  D

  1. Two of   the more dangerous are sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

                   A      B                          C       D

  1. To stop pollution near factories and power stations, these gases enter

                                         A                                                     B

 to the atmosphere from tall chimneys.

   C                                               D

  1. Then they mixing with water in the air.

                     A       B         C                  D

  1. After that the wind carry them for hundreds and even thousands of

                                             A      B    C                           D

kilometres from the factory.

  1. Finally, the mixture of water and chemicals fells back to earth as acid

              A                                                     B          C                    D




  1. Seven million hectares of European forest are died or dying because of

                                       A                                     B          C          D

acid rain polluting  the ground.

  1. In Britain there are danger high levels of acid in 120 Welsh rivers and 57

                                     A      B                C           D

Scottish lakes.

  1. When scientists tried to put new fish into one lake, all the fish died in less

                                       A                             B                        C 

then two days.


  1. Acid rain doesn’t just kill trees and lakes, it’s also attacking many of

                              A                                               B               C

Europe’s more famous buildings — Notre Dame in Paris and St Paul’s in



  1. Also, doctors now think that acid rain can harm people, too, and figures


show more lung and kidney illness in a countries with high levels of acid

             B                                             C                                           D


  1. But it’s not cheap to make power stations or factories more cleaner, i. e.

                                A                                                                             B

less acid rain means more expensive electricity. That’s why it’s not easy to stop

  C                                      D

acid rain.




1. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: You worked hard and were very active and attention. What was it difficult for you?

2.Домашнє завдання.

Т: Use either Present Simple or Future Simple, in the appropriate form, for the verbs in brackets.

Most scientists agree that the Greenhouse Effect______ (1) (to add) between

1,5°—4° to the Earth’s temperature by 2030. This_____ (2) (to change) the weather everywhere. For example, the ice at the North and South Poles ____(3)  (to start) to melt. And when that________              (4) (to happen) the level of the sea

_____ (5) (to rise). If it ______ (6) (to rise) one metre by 2030 there _______(7) (to be) serious floods in many countries. Eighteen million people ________              (8)

 (to lose) their homes in Bangladesh and eight million in Egypt. A rise in

sea level _______  (9) (to have) other effects, too. Holland, for example, already

__________ (10) (to spend) more on seawalls (as a %) than America spends on military defense.

Then there’s the problem of food. When the climate ________ (11) (to change)

there ________(12) (to be) less food in the world. At the moment, areas like the mid­west of America and central Russia ________              (13) (to grow) a lot of wheat. In the future that may change when these areas _________              (14) (to become) too dry for farm­ing. Other countries like Canada and Sweden ________(15) (to become) wetter, but that _________(16) (not to help). The soil there _______              (17) (not to be) as rich. It ___________ (18) (not to be) possible to grow the same amount of food as before.

Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter. You are going to write an article on the Greenhouse Effect and you are to interview a scientist working over this problem. Write 6 questions to the scientist to get more information.



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