Урок , англійська мова, 6 клас, тема "Travelling"

Про матеріал
Тип уроку: урок формування компетентностей учнів. Чітке цілепокладання, практичні завдання на етапі цілереалізації, врахування вікових і іпсихологічних особливостей учнів, продумане оцінювання - всі ці аспекти прослідковані при складанні даного конспекту уроку.
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Англійська мова, 6 клас



Тема. Подорожувати весело

Theme. Travelling is fun

Objectives: to repeat some words on the topic; to train pupils in using of adverbs; to evolve pupil’s speaking skills; to develop pupils’ interest in travelling and cultures of other countries

Lesson Type: the lesson of application abilities

Equipment. English textbook for the 6-th form by Oksana Karpiuk; personal cards (grammar Adverb);

individual differentiated tasks


I. Introduction

1. Greeting. Teacher. Glad to see you in the classroom. Do you like to travel? What is your favourite kind of travelling? Do you agree that the best way to study geography is to travel? Did you travel by car, by bus, by plane, or on ship? What interesting places did you see?

2. Check on the home task– test words and expressions on the topic, play dialogues (учні розповідають про свій улюблений вид подорожі, дають відповіді на запитання).

- Hello!

- Hello! Do you like to travel?

-Yes, I do. I like travelling. I spend too much time visiting interesting places of our region.

- Have you ever travelled by plane?

- No, I have not. But I often travel by train. What about you?

- I like to travel too. My favourite way of travelling is to travel by car.

- Will we have a good time travelling together?

- Ok. It is an excellent idea. See you later.

3. Answer my questions:

1. Is travelling popular nowadays?

2. What means of travelling do you know?

3. Which is the fastest way of travelling?

4. Do you like to travel? Why?

Teacher exposes score for completed homework

II. Aim

Teacher. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. Speed, comfort and safely are the main advantages of traveling. We can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. Today’s topic is (on the blackboard) Travelling is fun. We are going to speak about different ways of travelling, to activate vocabulary on the theme. By the end of our lesson you will be able: to speak about different ways of travelling; to recognize the adverbs; to make some sentences using the adverbs.

III. Grammar practice

1. Grammar reference:

1.1. I like bright colour.  The sun shines brightly.

You are good pupils. You have worked very well at this lesson (учні читають речення, ставлять запитання до виділених слів).

1.2. Один учень вголос читає правило на с. 78 підручника, інші повторюють його.

2.Practice grammar skills.

2.1. Ex.1, p.78.Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence (учні усно виконують вправу: утворюють прислівники, вибираючи правильну відповідь).

2.2. Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence (учні, відповідно до рівня навчальних досягнень, виконують завдання).

Group A

She opened the window …              a) wide                                 b) widely

John was driving…down the street.  a) quick                    d) quickly

Oleg works… on his office.   a) hard      b) hardly

You drive too … a) fast                            b) fastly

Group B

Tanya speaks English …     a) good               b) well

This exercise is very…         a) hard                b) hardly

The room was too …         a) dirty   b) dirtily

So you coped with the task. However, students in the group B had some difficulties during the engagement.

On the next  lessons, we'll train same task verbally.

3.The time for rest


Trams and cars Look to this side,

In our town Look to that side.

Run up and down, The green says "go"

                                                   Run up and down.            Now go slow!

Stop! Look at the light!  The red says "stop'

                                                     First look to the left,  Now do so.

                                                                     Then look to the right.

IV. Reading

1. Ex.1, p. 82. Read the letter and share your experience in travelling.

2.Ex. 2,p. 82. Choose the right word according to the letter above to complete each sentence (учні читають текст вголос, вибирають із поданого тексту правильні слова, утворюють речення).

V.Summing up

1. Індивідуальна робота з тими учнями, які слабо засвоїли матеріал.

2.Диференційовані завдання тим учням, які краще засвоїли матеріал:

Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence.

The train moves (slow / slowly)

The children laughed (loud / loudly)

Our pupils study (good / well)

He painted (bad / badly)

He speaks very (quick / quickly)

They came home (late / lately)

I read English (correct / correctly)

They go on foot (slow / slowly) 

3. “The magic box” (учні виймають із чарівного мішка слово , утворюють прислівник).

Quick, happy, late, hard, fast, bright, slow, good, early, merry, bad, loud, correct.

 VI. Home task.(two levels):

Group A.Ex. 5, p. 79,complete the sentence;

Group B.To write the letter about your favourite ways of travelling.

27 березня 2020
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