Урок: "Англійський марафон"

Про матеріал
Під час уроку-марафону учні 6-7 класів мають змогу проявити себе у різноманітних конкурсах за темою: Велика Британія. Клас працює у командах. Кожна команда готує презентацію, вірш та активно бере участь у вікторинах, тощо.
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Сценарійпозакласного заходу для 6-х класів




"Англійський марафон"














Капелюшна Вікторія Олександрівна,

вчитель англійської мови

вищої категорії спеціалізованої школи №16  з поглибленним вивченням англійської мови


  • освітні: підвищувати рівень якості знань англійської мови, розвивати соціолінгвістичну компетенцію через різні форми і прийоми позакласної роботи;
  • виховні: підвищувати рівень культури спілкування учнів, виховувати почуття дружби, підтримки, взаємовиручки;
  • розвиваючі: розвивативмінняроботи в команді, швидко і правильно реагувати на поставленізавдання в умовахзмагання.



У великомукабінетіабозаліучасникирозсідаються командами в кількості 5-6.Учасники команд заздалегідьготуютьназву та подання до своєїкоманди. При можливостітаблицюрезультатівконкурсівможнарозмістити на екранімультимедійного проектора.



Teacher: Good afternoon dear pupils, good afternoon dear teachers, good afternoon dear guests! We are glad to see you. Today we are going to have a nice time, I hope. On behalf of our English teachers I congratulate you on the beginning of our traditional week of foreign languages. Today we are having acompetition among 6th grades. And we'll try to find out who of you knows English better, thinks English better and loves English better. You have chosen best pupils of every grade and made up teams. Now you'll compete between yourselves. Your work, knowledge and results will be estimated by our jury. Please greet them! The first task for you will be introducing of your team. Maximum point is 5. You are to tell the name of your team, your motto, and a few words representing yourselves.             

(представлення команд)

Teacher:Welldone! We'vegotsomuchpleasure. Thenexttaskforyouisbrainstorming. You will answer my questions . So you will get three questions. For every right answer you will get one point or one flag. If you don't know the answer your classmates can help you. But if your team doesn't know the right answer pupils from other team will have a chance to get a point. So, let's start!


1. Which river runs through London?

  1. TheThames
  2. TheSevern
  3. TheSeine


2.What is a double - decker?

  1. a bus
  2. a lorry
  3. a ship


3.What is the popular name for the underground system in London?

  1. thetunnel
  2. thechannel
  3. thetube


4.Who gave London its first name?

  1. theEgyptians
  2. theGreeks
  3. theRomans


5. Which is the only London's bridge that can be raised?

  1. TowerBridge
  2. LondonBridge
  3. WaterlooBridge


6.Why was 2012 be a special year for London?

  1. it'sthecity 20th anniversary
  2. the city was hosting the Olympic Games
  3. there was  eclipse of the sun


7.Who designed Saint Paul's Cathedral?

  1. ChristopherWren
  2. BendgamineHole
  3. FrancisDrake


8. What colour is the traditional London taxi?

  1. yellow
  2. black
  3. green


9.Which birds, according to legend, protect the tower of London?

  1. pigeons
  2. ravens
  3. swans


10.Where can you make a speech in Hyde Park?

  1. Poet'sCorner
  2. Speaker'sCorner
  3. RevolutionaryCorner


11.Which is the most shopping street in London?

  1. OxfordStreet
  2. DowningStreet
  3. BakerStreet


12.What is the London Eye?

  1. a telescope
  2. anobservationalwheel
  3. a newspaper


13.Where are the British kings and queens crowned?

  1. StPaul'sCathedral
  2. WestminsterAbbey
  3. TheHouseofLords


14.Which bridge over the Thames was put down in 1917 and transported peace by peace to Arizona in the USA?

  1. LondonBridge
  2. TowerBridge
  3. WestminsterBridge


Teacher: How clever you are! We shall count your flags and sum up your marks for two tasks. Have a look at the table: Listen to the next task. You are to look at your tongue-twisters for 5 seconds and try to read them as clear and quickly as you can.

  • Why do you cry, Willy, why do you cry? Why, Willy, why, Willy, why, Willy why?
  • How many cookies could a good cook cook, if a good cook cooks cookies?
  • When you write copy you have the right to copywrite the copy you write.
  • How much pot could a pot roast roast, if a pot roast could roast pot?
  • The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.
  • She saw Sheriff's shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure she saw Sheriff's shoes on the sofa?
  • If you can't can any candy can, how many candy cans can a candy canner can if he can can candy cans.


Teacher: Thanks to all of you! We liked the way you presented us your tongue-twisters. Our referee will count all your marks and summing them up you will find out your position on the table. The next tasks will be for our both teams. We shall see how well you know country which language we study. Every team gets its own task. All members of the team discuss it and help the captain. In two minutes teams will come to the blackboard and tell us allintersting information on his or her question. For your presentation you may get 5 points.


Teacher: Thank you very much. You showed us how much you know about Britain. Our referee will count your points and we shall see your positions. Well, our today's next  task will be reciting of your favourite poems which you have prepared beforehand. Any member of your team can recite your poems. Jury will value your knowledge of the context and the manner of reciting poems.

(Вірші діти обирають самостійно. Ми пропонуємонаступні варіанти віршів)


A Red, Red Roseby Robert Burns

O my luve's like a red, red rose. 
That's newly sprung in June;
O my luve's like a melodie 
That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will love thee still, my Dear,
Till a'the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my Dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
I will luve thee still, my Dear,
While the sands o'life shall run.

And fare thee weel my only Luve!
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
Tho' it were ten thousand mile!


WilliamWordsworth, 1770 - 1850



A sightsotouchinginitsmajesty:

ThisCitynowdoth, like a garment, wear

Thebeautyofthemorning; silent, bare,

Ships, towers, domes, theatres, andtempleslie

Openuntothefields, andtothesky;

All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.


Inhisfirstsplendour, valley, rock, orhill;

Ne’ersaw I, neverfelt, a calmsodeep!


DearGod! theveryhousesseemasleep;




Teacher:Yourecitepoemsverywell! Andhowdoyouknowproverbs? I wiilshowthefirstpartoftheproverbandyouhavetotellthesecondpart. Onerightanswer-onepoint.

1. A good dog deserves     a good bone

2. Many men,    many minds

3.Money spent on the brain    is never spent in vain

4. Nothing is impossible   to a willing heart

5.No pains   no gains

6.When in Rome     do as Romans do

7.Like fatherlikeson

8.A soundmindin a soundbody

9. Burnnotyourhousetogetridof a mouse


Teacher:Andnowlet`sseehowquicklyyoucanfindthewordsrefertoEngland. Theyare 16.One word-onepoint. Goodluck!!!












Teacher:Welldone! I knowthatyouliketoeatverymuch!. So our nextcompetition is for everyone who loves delicious dishes.

Teacher:Thankyoueversomuch. The next competition is Quiz about Great Britain

  1. What is the Queen's name?
    a. Queen Ela I
    b. Queen Elizabeth II
    c. Queen Margaret IV
  2. Where does the Changing of the Guard take place?
    a. Buckingham Palace
    b. Downing Street
    c. Victoria and Albert Museum
  3. What is a double-decker?
    a. A bus
    b. A chocolate bar
    c. A taxi
  4. What is Harrods?
    a. A kiosk
    b. A department store
    c. A language school
  5. Where can you buy stamps?
    a. At the post office
    b. At a butchers
    c. At the tobacconists
  6. What is «Stonehenge»?

a. an old castle
b. a prehistoric monument
c. a palace.

  1. What is the name of the famous stadium in the north of London?
    a. Wembley
    b. Westminster
    c. Wimbledon
  2. Which band was John Lennon a member of in the 1960s?
    a. The Beatles
    b. The Police
    c. The Rolling Stones
  3. Where is a monster supposed to live?
    a. The Lake District
    b. Loch Ness
    c. River Thames
  4. In Britain, cars are driven on the ______ side of the road.
    a. left-hand
    b. right-hand
    c. wrong-hand
  5. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote lots of ______.
    a. detective stories
    b. plays
    c. poems
  6. Chelsea is a popular ______ team.
    a. cricket
    b. football
    c. rugby
  7. Which famous writer was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?
    a. Geoffrey Chaucer
    b. Agatha Christie
    c. William Shakespeare
  8. Which king had 6 wives?
    a. Henry IV
    b. Henry V
    c. Henry VIII


Teacher: Thank you ever so much. And how many famous people do you know from the UK ? Guess them.  You are such clever pupils! You deserve to watch an interesting video and get useful information from it.

Teacher: Thank you ever so much. We've got a great pleasure today. All of you are great, but the winner of today's competition is:

Our congratulations!!!


29 листопада 2020
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