Topic: Travelling.
Equipment: pupils’ books and workbooks, topical pictures, a lap top computer.
The procedure of the lesson
I Greeting
Hello, children! It’s nice to see you! Well, everybody looks wonderful today. We study the theme “Travelling” and this lesson is devoted to this theme. During our lesson we’ll review our vocabulary, tenses, sing the song, watch a presentation.
II Introductory teacher’s talk about travelling.
Everybody knows that modern life is impossible without travelling. We often travel for pleasure, on business, to visit other countries, to make new friends, to rest, to study.
Why do people travel?
Do you like to travel?
How do you get to school?
What way of travelling do you prefer?
P.1: I prefer travelling by car. It’s more comfortable
P.2: I prefer travelling by air. It’s the fastest way of travelling.
P.3: I prefer travelling by train. It’s the cheapest way of travelling.
Phonetical and vocabulary practice
East or west – home is the best.
There’s no place like home.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Teacher: You know that nowadays people like to travel very much. Today we shall speak about different kinds of travelling and expesially about travelling by train. At first let’s check what kinds of transport do you know.
Teacher: To begin with, let’s remember the words
Teacher: I want you to sing a song and such way we’ll repeat the means of transport once more.
(a song “Over the mountains”)
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III Revising grammar
Teacher: Thank you for your good work, I have another task for you.
Put the verbs into the right form
1 They ___ (to like) to visit different countries.
2 ___ she (to go) to Lviv last year?
3 My parents ___ (to travel) by a fast train last year.
4 Makar ___ (to buy) a ticket tomorrow.
5 His friend ___ (to travel) now. He ___ (to look) through the window.
Watching through the film
Teacher: Let’s see a very short film
(a film “Travelling”)
1 What mean of transport is this?
2 Where does it stop?
3 Is it slow or fast mean of transport?
4 Is it comfortable?
5 Have you ever traveled by train?
6 Where did you go?
7 Did you like it?
Working with the book
Teacher: Let’ read and translate the dialogue and answer the questions
Ex.2 p. 109-110
Ex.3 p.110
Teacher: Now I want you to revise some words and then complete the text of Ex.5 p .111
Travel, slower, could, read, dining-car, fields, compartment, summer
Vocabulary in pictures and listening
Teacher: Now, let’s imagine that we are artists and draw two pictures. But first of all we’ll divide into three groups and than we’ll see whose picture will be the best.
1 This is a railway station. You can see a train on the platform 5. There are two suitcases and a ball on the platform 6.
2 This is a compartment. There are four seats there. You can see a table with a book in the compartment. The window is there too.
IV Summary
Teacher: You did well on today’s lesson and I think you liked it. So, your marks are…
Your hometask will be speak about travelling by train.
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1 They ___ (to like) to visit different countries.
2 ___ she (to go) to Lviv last year?
3 My parents ___ (to travel) by a fast train last year.
4 Makar ___ (to buy) a ticket tomorrow.
5 His friend ___ (to travel) now. He ___ (to look) through the window.
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1 They ___ (to like) to visit different countries.
2 ___ she (to go) to Lviv last year?
3 My parents ___ (to travel) by a fast train last year.
4 Makar ___ (to buy) a ticket tomorrow.
5 His friend ___ (to travel) now. He ___ (to look) through the window.