Урок англійської мови «Computer. The Greatest invention».

Про матеріал

Урок проведено у 9 класі школи із поглибленим вивченням іноземної мови(п'ять годин на тиждень). Заняття рекомендовано проводити як заключне для серії уроків з теми «Наука і технічний прогрес».Робота передбачає використання методу проектної роботи, до якого учням варто пвдготуватись заздалегідь. Метою уроку є ознайомлення учнів із новими ЛО та тренування їх вживання в усному та писемному мовленні; навчання працювати самостійно та в групах; удосконалення навичок читання та усного мовлення; розвиток комунікативної та інформаційної компетенцій; розвиток творчих здібностей учнів; зацікавлення учнів у вивченні іноземної мови; прищеплення вміння аналізувати, думати, висловлювати свою точку зору.

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Клас 9

Тема: Computer. The Greatest invention.

Мета: організувати ознайомлення учнів із новими ЛО та тренувати їх вживання в усному та писемному мовленні; навчати працювати самостійно та в групах; удосконалювати навички читання та усного мовлення; розвивати комунікативну та інформаційну компетенції; розвивати творчі здібності учнів; зацікавити учнів у вивченні іноземної мови; прищеплювати вміння аналізувати, думати, висловлювати свою точку зору.



Хід уроку:

І. Оргмомент:

А) Привітання

В) Мовна зарядка:

Do you have a lot of free time? And what do you do if you mustn`t do anything? How do you spend your spare time? What do you usually do after school? And in the evenings?

Last lessons we have been talking a lot about different inventions. Now I want to see how much do you know about the things that make people`s life easier. In each sentence replace the word(s) in darker type with the correct word(s) from one of the other sentences. You will do this task in pairs.


1. Move the CD   on the table then click on the left to open a new window.

2.  I can’t do my Maths. Please lend me your microwave for a minute. 

3. I don’t wear glasses. I’ve got headphones now.

4.  I need to get some new contact lenses for my personal stereo. These ones are dead.

5. Cindy’s got lots of really exciting computer batteries. Let`s go and play one.

6. Put the soup in the computer and it will be hot in 30 seconds.


7. Do you want to listen to the new Madonna mouse?

8. Take the remote control with you. Then I can call you while you are at the shops.

9. My teacher can’t read my handwriting so I always do my homework on a mobile phone. 

10. There’s a problem with my games. I can’t hear anything through the left one.

11. Where’s the calculator? I want to change the TV programme. 

II. Актуалізація знань та вмінь учнів

А) Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

I see you know a lot about using different devices. So now it`s time to find out the name of our lesson. Let’s do the crossword and we will learn today`s topic.









1. This thing has two wheels, pedals and a  handlebar.

2. It`s the king of sweets. It is produced of the cocoa beans.

3. It can help you to cook. The ingredients can be mixed with a help of it.

4. You use it every day. It can be used to talk with somebody or to send SMS.

5. It is the popular method of transport. This word has only 3 letters.

6. If you were an astronaut, you would use it to fly in the space.

7. You take photos with…

8. You can hear the news, listen to music on …


Now when we know the name of one of the greatest human inventions we can continue our lesson. So today we are going to learn some new words concerning the topic computers and Internet, we will read what other people use the Net for and at last we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using computers and Internet. By the end of the second lesson you will be ready to compose a “For and Against Essay”. That`s why I ask you to be very attentive. All you hear today will help you to do the home task for the next lesson.

III. Основна частина уроку

А) Ознайомлення із новими ЛО

At first I propose you to play a funny game. This game is called “The type machine”. For this I need 2 volunteers. At this table we have the buttons of the type machine. You two see only the numbers. When I say the number you must choose the right paper and pick it up. And all the rest must write the letters from the papers. In such a way you will get the words that name the parts of the computer.( На парті розташовані листочки із номерами відповідними до номера букви в алфавіті. Діти-помічники бачать тільки номери, так як на картці зверху є номер, знизу – буква англійського алфавіту. Напр.: зверху 1 – знизу А, зверху 2 – знизу В, і т.д.)

16 18 9 14 20 5 18 (printer)

19 16 5 1 11 5 18 19 (speakers)

13 15 14 9 20 15 18 (monitor)

11 5 25 2 15 1 18 4 (keyboard)

13 15 21 19 5 (mouse)

19 25 19 20 5 13    21 14  9 20 (system unit)

23 5 2 3 1 13(webcam)

Write these words on the papers and now put them on the board in front of the letters that means the parts of the computer. (На дошці малюнок комп’ютера, до якого треба приєднати отримані в попередньому завданні слова).


B) Розвиток навичок читання

The computer and Internet make our life better and easier. Let’s see if you can use the PC correctly.

At the tables you have such papers. Come up to the blackboard those who have these papers. Now I need a person who could help me. Put the following computer operations in the correct order.  



Close the application

Open the application

Print you work

Save your work on the hard disk

Switch off the computer, the monitor and the printer

Switch on the computer, the monitor and the printer



  • Read and translate the titles.

A. Unwanted mail

B. Needed protection

C. Fast and cheap

D. Clever criminal

E. Stay connected

F. Isolated future

 G. When I need to know

  • Match the titles and the texts. Use 1 letter only one time.

1. I can’t imagine my life without a computer. I even do most of my grocery shopping on-line now. Price comparison websites show the best thing for me is you can get information on any subject in seconds. Now, when I am preparing for an essay or research for a project I don’t need to go to a library to get the information I need. I just click the right button to get it! (G)

2. I don’t understand the motivation of these people. May be it is some kind of revenge on society. But the kids (and it is mostly young people) who create and send out viruses cause incalculable damage. So everybody needs anti-virus software now. With all the updates needed it is not cheap. But these days you cannot go on-line without defending your machine. (B)

3. I have filters, virus protection software and a fairly high tech system for storing unwelcome  addresses but I still can barely cope with the huge amount of spam I receive. What is slightly alarming is that so much of it seems to contain risky or dangerous material. Many of them concern drugs and a lot are trying to steal your money. (A)

4. It is amazing to think that even twenty years ago most people wrote letters with pen, paper, and ink. These were sent in envelopes on which were stuck postage stamps and the message sent would arrive in two or three days. Business letters are still sent but it is increasingly rare. You could send and receive 10 or 12 letters in a month at some cost. You can exchange 10 or 12 emails in two hours at virtually no cost. (C)

5. On-line  theft (крадіжка) continues to grow year by year, in step with new technologies. Some of the computer criminals can hack through any firewall to penetrate a system and steal valuable data. Some have also created sensors for reading credit and debit card numbers whilst they are being used in cash machines. It is a good idea to change your passwords regularly but even this does not protected you completely. (D)

6. Company is stimulating and most of us prefer to travel to a place of work  where we can be amongst other people all day. Like wise the majority would prefer not to stay at home working and be alone all day. But the fact is that communications technology is now so good that efficient and secure home working is now possible. Probably in the future, most people will need to work from home part time. (F)

C) Project works “Advantages and disadvantages of using computers”. (Роботи були підготовлені учнями у групах заздалегідь)

D) Extra task. Quiz “Interesting facts about English”.

1. In English there is a sentence which consists of 8 words in a row without any punctuation marks: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. It is possible to translate it like: «Бізони з Баффало, налякані іншими бізонами з Баффало, лякають бизонів з Баффало».

2. The shortest sentence in English consists of only three letters: I am.

3. And the shortest expression in English  is "Go".

4 .Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – the longest word in English. It is the medical term that means one of respiratory diseases.

5. The English word "set" is a champion by amount of values: 44 meanings for a verb, 17 meanings for a noun and 7 meanings for an adjective!

6.  In English there are four words which don't have any rhyme: month, orange, silver, purple.

7. "Almost" — the longest word in English in which all letters are located in alphabetical order.

8.  English, contrary to an established opinion –is  not the most widespread language in the world! The first place belongs to Chinese, the second place is taken by Spanish, and English possesses only the third one

9. According to the estimates of scientists, the dictionary structure of English is the biggest in the world and contains about 800 000 words..
10. Over 70% of pages on the Internet are written in English.

IV. Заключна частина уроку.

А) Підбиття підсумків уроку

Thank you for the lesson. I liked your today`s work. All of you have excellent marks for you presentations. We will continue working during the next lesson and by the end of the 2nd lesson you will be ready to do you home task – writing a “For and against essay”.

В) Заключне слово вчителя


15 лютого 2018
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