Урок англійської мови для 10 класу шкіл із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов на тему "Батьки і діти"

Про матеріал

Фразеологічні одиниці (ФО) як особливі мовні знаки належать до складних і суперечливих мовних явищ. Саме вони найвиразніше передають дух і красу мови. Навчання учнів розуміння та вживання фразеологізмів у власному мовленні – одне з актуальних питань методики викладання іноземних мов.

Добираючи фразеологізми для засвоєння школярами, слід керуватися критеріями доступності ФО, їх виховного значення, вживання фразеологізмів у різних життєвих ситуаціях тощо.

Отже, для поповнення активного мовленнєвого запасу школярів і реалізації виховного та лінгвокраїнознавчого потенціалу англійських ФО, що містять у своєму складі власні назви, Вашій увазі представлено план уроку для учнів 10 класу шкіл із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов на тему "Батьки і діти".

Перегляд файлу

Макаренко Л.Ф.

План-конспект факультативного заходу для 10 класу шкіл із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов

Тема: «Батьки і діти»

Мета: навчальна: практикувати навички говоріння в монологах та діалогах; актуалізувати вивчений лексичний матеріал (фразеологізми з ономастичним компонентом);

 розвивальна: розвивати в учнів логічне мислення, увагу;

 виховна: виховувати повагу до батьків та дорослих, почуття відповідальності за свої вчинки.

Обладнання: аудіопрогравач, запис пісні Shes Leaving Home.

Форма заняття: урок-дискусія.



І. Організація класу

Teacher: Good morning, children. Today we are going to discuss a very urgent problem for you, teenagers. It is the so-called “generation gap”. I hope you will all take an active part in the discussion. Also I want you to remember that last time we got acquainted with the special class of idioms which contain proper names. During our discussion your task is to use them in your speech (as much as possible – let’s compete for your excellent marks!).


ІІ. Розминка

Teacher: You are going to read and listen to the Beatles’ song called “She’s Leaving Home”. It is about the eternal problem of “Fathers and sons”.

  1. Read the words of the first variant of the song and choose the best word in the brackets to fill in each gap.

 “She’s Leaving Home”

Wednesday morning at five o'clock as the day ________ (begins/starts),
Silently closing her bedroom ________ (door/window)
Leaving the ________ (letter/note) that she hoped would say more
She goes downstairs to the ________ (dining room/kitchen) clutching her handkerchief
Quietly turning the backdoor key
Stepping outside she is _________(independent/free).
She (We gave her most of our lives)
Is leaving (Sacrificed most of our lives)
Home (We gave her everything money could buy)
She's leaving home after living alone
For so many years.
Father ________ (sleeps/snores) as his wife gets into her dressing gown,
Picks up the ________ (letter/cat) that's lying there
Standing alone at the top of the stairs
She breaks down and ________ (cries/shouts) to her husband
Daddy, our baby's ________ (gone/left).
Why could she treat us so thoughtlessly?
How could she do this to _______ (me/us)?
She (We never thought for ourselves)
Is leaving (Never a thought for ourselves)
Home (We struggled hard all our lives to get by)
She's leaving home after living alone
For so many years.
Friday morning at nine o'clock she is far away
Waiting to keep the appointment she ______ (made/had)
Meeting a man from the ______ (car/motor trade).
She (What did we do was wrong)
Is having (We didn't know it was wrong)
Fun (Fun is the one thing that money can't buy)
Something inside was always denied
For so many years.
She's leaving home. Bye-bye…


  1. Listen to the final variant of the song and check your answers.


ІІІ. Мозковий штурм

Teacher: Is it easy to be young?

Pupil: It depends on the situation. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. Teens have a lot of problems nowadays. We need to cross the Rubicon (зробити рішучий крок) when we face the problem of choosing the profession, sometimes we meet our Waterloo (зазнати поразки) in the communication with our friends and grown-ups.

Teacher: Excellent! Good for you! We are going to have “The Brainstorming”. I will write down our problem “Fathers and sons” on the blackboard and give you 2 or 3 minutes to find out what aspects of life this problem is concerned with. You’ll have to note down ideas in your groups and then collect your ideas on the board.

(Pupils work in groups of 3-4 and then write down their ideas on the blackboard)

Smoking    Going out late at night  Choosing friends

Clothes style  Drinking alcohol   Going disco

Dating   Pocket money   Watching TV too much

Studying    Choosing a career   Doing the housework


ІV. Говоріння

Teacher:   Thank you very much. You see, there are so many problems young people face nowadays. What rules does your family have? Make up a short story about your family using the expressions on the cards.

(Pupils work separately and in 2 minutes present their stories).


My parents

Allow me to…

Let me…

Make me…

Forbid me to...


Stay late at night

Cook dinner for myself

Eat what I want

Watch anything I want on TV

Go to discos

Wear jeans to school

Be home by … o’clock

Dress the way I want

Help with the housework

Get a part-time job

Drink alcohol

Decide what to do after finishing school

Choose my own friends

Throw parties at home

Drive a car

Show my school record book

Spend my pocket money

Idioms to use:

in plain English - in simple, understandable language;

as mad as a March hare - a mad or peculiar person;

Barbie Doll - an attractive but mindless person (man or woman);

be Greek to someone - to be completely unintelligible to someone;

Silicon Valley - the world of computers;

when two Sundays come together - never.

Alpha and Omega - the beginning and the end;

work like a Trojan - to work very hard.

as wise as Solomon - a very wise person.

E. g.: My parents will allow me to choose my own friends when two Sundays come together.

Teacher: Well, many things are forbidden for you. Now I want to tell you something interesting. Both Ukraine and Great Britain joined the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1991. The British government worked out some documents with age limits for some activities for children. Look through the leaflet and find at what age young people in Britain can:

  • drive a car?
  • leave school?
  • join the army?
  • buy alcohol?
  • get married?

What do you think of these age limits?

At twelve

You can get a pet without your parents’ consent (permission).

At thirteen

You can get a job. But the law allows you to work only two hours a day on school days.

At fourteen

You can enter a bar, but you can only buy soft drinks (non-alcohol). The law forbids you to buy or drink alcohol.

The law makes you fully responsible for your criminal actions.

Boys (not girls) can be sent to a special prison for young people.

Boys and girls can get their ears pierced without their parents’ consent.

At fifteen

You can see a category-15 film at the cinema.

You can buy a category-15 video.

At sixteen

You can leave school. But you are entitled to receive fulltime education until you are 19.

The law permits you to work fulltime if you have left school.

You can leave home without your parents’ consent.

You can apply for your own passport.

Boys can join the army.

You can buy cigarettes. The law allows a young person to smoke at any age. But if you are under 16 and caught by the police, they can take your cigarettes away. You can buy beer or wine. But you are allowed to drink it only in the restaurant or pub.

You can buy liqueur chocolate.

You can buy fireworks.

You can sell scrap metals.

You have to pay full ticket on trains and on buses and the tube in London.

You can marry if your parents permit you to do it.

At seventeen

You can get a licence to drive a car and ride a motorbike.

Girls can join the army.

You can buy firearm or ammunition.

At eighteen

You are an adult. You do not need your parents’ permission for anything. You can get married, vote, borrow money from a bank and drink alcohol.


Teacher: Children are now more independent, more confident in solving problems on their own. They become alienated from the family – teenagers who have a rocky relationship with their parents are usual, even typical, nowadays. They try to keep up with the Joneses (намагатися бути не гірше за інших), to astonish the Browns (робити виклик суспільству) for being special. Read these letters, identify the problem and give some advice about overcoming the difficulties described in the following situations. Pay your attention to the idioms with proper names, translate them.



Not fair

I get 1,5 dollars pocket money, but most of my friends get much more. Sometimes I need to rob Peter to pay Paul (позичати гроші в однієї людини, аби розплатитися з іншою). When I ask Mum and Dad for more, they say I can have more, if I help in house, but I don’t see, why I should. Mum’s at home all day, and it’s her job to look after the house, not mine. What do you think?

Sharon, 14

Bullies at school

Please. Help me, because I’m in terrible trouble. There are bullies at my school who hit me and kick me. And they say, I have to give them money or they’ll really hurt me. I’m frightened of them. I haven’t got any money to give them. I want to find some kind of Alladin’s lamp to (чарівний засіб) to get rid of them. Please, tell me what to do.

Jeremy, 14

Roses are red…

I’ve been in love with a very beautiful girl for a month of Sundays (дуже довго). A friend has introduced us to each other but, anyway, she doesn’t know how I feel. I have her address and telephone number, but I don’t know what to do. Should I call her? I could send her some roses or chocolates, but I can’t decide which is better. If I send something, what should I write on the card?

Andrew, 15.


V. Читання

Teacher: Children, you know that not only you have problems, your parents have lots of them, too. You will work in two groups. Before reading make up a list of problems that your parents face.

(Pupils work in two groups and share their opinions, then speakers present them.)

Example: Long working hours, lack of money, health problems, family relationships etc.

Teacher: And now let’s brush up on the idioms with proper names which we discussed during our last meeting. Match the set expressions with their definitions. By the way, you’ll come across some of them in the texts you are going to read.


  1. Achilles’ heel
  1. beautiful but impracticable plans
  1. Utopian dreams
  1. cruel, ruthless
  1. Tommy Atkins
  1. in difficulty or trouble
  1. before one can say

            Jack Robinson

  1. a weak part of someone's character, which could cause them to fail at something
  1. in Queer Street
  1. the US army private (an ordinary soldier)
  1. on Easy Street
  1. very quickly or suddenly
  1. since Adam was a boy
  1. an average citizen
  1. as rich as Croesus
  1. from time immemorial
  1. as hard hearted as a Scot of Scotland
  1. to achieve something unusually good or interesting, which makes people notice you
  1. grin like a Cheshire cat
  1. to try to achieve the same social position and wealth as one’s neighbours or acquaintances
  1. set the Thames on fire
  1. in a situation in which you have plenty of money
  1. keep up with the Joneses
  1. have a big and rather silly smile on your face
  1. G. I. Joe
  1. a typical Englishman
  1. Joe Blow
  1. a British soldier
  1. John Bull
  1. extremely wealthy


Teacher: Now you will work with the text. Group A will have the beginning of the text; group B will have the ending. Your task is to fill in the gaps in the text asking questions the members of the opposite group on the information you need.

Eternal Problem of “Fathers and Sons”

Text for Group A

When studying at school I was surprised to hear such words from my best friend: “I never say anything about _________ (my private life) to my parents; they have no interest in me. They never notice if I’m happy or crying; they don’t think whether I need a piece of advice, or need to share my joys and sorrows. When I tried to discuss my problems, they were always too busy to listen to “rubbish” which isn’t worth paying attention to. If I told something about my problems, they grinned like a Cheshire cat and answered nothing”. My friend was really depressed about ________ (her relationship with her relatives) and I had no words to help her. It was a kind of shock to me: how can these people be so indifferent to their child? How can their dearest child be left to the mercy of fate?!

Since Adam was a boy parents have always been the most loved and nearest people for us. When a new person is born, it’s ______ (a great occasion) for everybody in his family. And your first steps, first attempts to communicate, and first experience in spelling words – all the important moments of your life – happen only thanks to a mother who is always near you. Her heart fills with joy when she sees you making progress in studying and achieving good results in your life.

All this seems to be a wonderful tale. But what has changed during the last 10 – 20 years? Children now are more independent, more confident in _________ (solving problems) on their own. We are slowly become alienated from our family – a teenager who has spoilt his relations with his parents is usual nowadays. It is an Achilles’ heel of our society. Think: who would you like to tell about your problems – your friends or your parents? Of course, a friend knows more about you than your relatives; he or she is closer to you. Is the eternal problem of “fathers and sons” a characteristic feature of Ukrainian family relations?

In today’s difficult situation in Ukraine, everybody relies on ________ (himself) and never waits for help. There is no other country in the world like Ukraine, where nobody can predict what will happen tomorrow, where the government lives one life (its members are as rich as Croesus) and citizens another. We can’t control our future – and try to adapt to the existing Ukrainian system.

Questions from group A to group B:

  1. What does she never tell her parents about?
  2. What was her friend depressed about?
  3. What is the birth of a new person for everybody in the family?
  4. What are modern children more confident in?
  5. Whom does everybody rely on in Ukraine now?


Text for Group B

Comparing our family relations with those in the USA, we come to the conclusion: how the state power treats us is reflected in ________ (people’s attitudes to each other). Every father in America dreams about the splendid future of his son, his successful career as a sportsman, singer, diplomat, or even as President, not just a G. I. Joe! How much time they devote to their children!

And we? – We send them to ________ (a grandmother, an aunt, or some other relative, who is eager to look after a kid). It’s clear: in the USA parents have fewer problems getting money, they live in better conditions, they are mostly on Easy Street, and their living standard is much higher than ours. What are our parents busy with? They earn money, and supporting their family is the meaning of their lives. And if we look at remote regions (far from the capital), we’ll be shocked _______ (by the miserable wages): teachers’ salaries and doctors’ fees. People there are too worried about fighting for survival to spend time and communicate with their child. At best the mother or father exchanges a few words with him before going to bed, and it’s enough after a long working day. That is why children become estranged from their families before one can say Jack Robinson!

Parents are always absent, and who will show the best way of, for example, entertainment. Nobody can guarantee that your little boy or girl won’t start smoking at an early age or even worse –  ________ (taking drugs). It’s good when there are grandmothers and grandfathers to control a teenager; but what to do if there are none? The world seems so beautiful to us, citizens, who have access to higher education, places of interest, and every kind of entertainment. We don’t even have an idea of the dull, monotonous life in the suburbs and villages!

It’s a great question to think over. I don’t want to say that the USA is better to live in; but I want to show that in such a situation in Ukraine, only we can change the relationship between children and their parents and make our Utopian dreams turn into reality. We must try to be more thoughtful and pay more attention to _________ (the family, especially to kids). Let’s dream about our children, and use all means to realize these dreams and to make them well-known stars in sport, TV, etc. Everything depends only on us!

 Questions from group B to group A:

  1. What is the state power treatment reflected in?
  2. Where do parents send their children?
  3. What will we be shocked by?
  4. What is the worst thing that can happen to a teenager?
  5. Who or what must we pay more attention to?


VІ. Підбиття підсумків. Домашнє завдання.

Teacher: Do you know many facts from your parents’ biography? What do you know about their marriage? When did they marry? Is the date of their marriage a family holiday for you? What kind of marriage did your parents have? You know, there are a love marriage, a mixed marriage and an arranged marriage etc. What do you know about them? Which of them do you like best? So your home task will be to write a short essay about marriages. Use in your work about 5 idioms with proper names and be ready to explain their meaning.

Thank you for your active and creative work. Good-bye!


20 квітня 2018
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