Урок англійської мови "Дні тижня"

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Розробка уроку до підручника Г. Мітчелл, 3 клас Modul 4 . Year in, year out
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Form 3

Modul 4 . Year in, year out

Lesson 1. Sing a song

Aim: to sing a song;

        to identify the days of week;

        to talk about one’s favourite day.

Vocabulary: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Structures:  What day is it today?

                     What’s your favourite day?


Lesson plan

  1. Greeting

T: Good morning, dear children!

P: Good morning, dear teacher!

T: How are you?

P: I’m OK.

  1. Aim.

Today you’ll revise the days of the week and practice the use of them in games and exercises. We’re going to sing of song and to have lots of fun. And now let’s start our lesson.

  1. Warming up

Hold up an English calendar for students to see. Point to each of the days of the week and say them aloud. Repeat and have stbdents repeat after me.

  1. Vocabulary    (Track 53)


  • Students have open their books at page 43. Point out the days of the week in the vocabulary section.
  • Play the CD a few times and have Ss point to the days of the week and repeat.
  • Say the days of the week again in random order and have Ss repeat and point.


  1. Activity 1
  • Ask students what they see in the picture (The boy and the girl are playing with a frisbee.). Tell the students  they’re going to listen to a song. Ask them to guess what it’s going to be about.
  • Ask students   to read the song silently.
  • Play the song once and have students listen.
  • Play the song again and when students feel comfortable, invite them to sing the song.


  1. TPR Activity

Cut down Ukrainian word and glue to English equivalent.

C:\Users\Сім’я Карначових\Desktop\урок\day-of-the-week_exercise 1.jpg

  1. Grammar box

• Draw Ss’ attention to the grammar box.

 • Explain to Ss that we use the question What day is it today? when we want to ask about what day of the week it is on that particular day.

We use the question What’s your favourite day? when we want to ask someone about his/her favourite day.


  1. Activity 2

 • Write today’s date on the board, point to the day and say It’s (Tuesday). Then ask Ss What day is it today? Encourage Ss to answer It’s (Tuesday).

• Say My favourite day is (Saturday). Then ask Ss What’s your favourite day? Encourage Ss to answer.

 • Direct Ss’ attention to the two children in the picture and ask them to guess what’s happening. (The girl is asking the boy what day it is and what his favourite day of the week is).

• Read the exchange and have Ss chorally repeat after you.

 • Divide Ss into pairs and, in turns, have them ask their partners what day of the week it is and what their favourite day is.

 • Have some pairs of Ss present the exchange to the class.


  1. Optional

 • Explain to Ss that you are going to play the song My favourite day (Track 54) and stop it every now and then. They will have to try and remember what comes next in the song and continue singing.

• Play the song once for Ss to hear the whole thing.

 • Then play it again pausing only a couple of times for Ss to sing.

 • Keep playing the song pausing more and more each time so Ss have more to sing without the CD each time.

• In the end, see if Ss can sing the whole song without hearing the words.


  1. Before leaving

Ask each S what his/her favourite day is before leaving.



C:\Users\Сім’я Карначових\Desktop\урок\day-of-the-week_exercise_2.jpg

  1. Workbook (OPTIONAL)

Activity 1

1. Monday                    5. Friday

2. Tuesday                    6. Saturday

3. Wednesday              7. Sunday

4. Thursday

Activity 2

Listening transcript

1.Girl: What day is it today? Is it Saturday?

   Boy: No, it isn’t. It’s Friday. We go to school on Friday.

 2. Girl What’s your favourite day?

     Boy: Sunday! I go to the cinema on Sunday.

 3. Boy: What’s your favourite day?

     Girl: Saturday! I go to the park with my friends on Saturday.

  1. 2 b. 3 c. 1
  1. TPR Activity

Make words from the given parts

C:\Users\Сім’я Карначових\Desktop\урок\46763.001.png




  1. TPR Activity

Colour the flower.

C:\Users\Сім’я Карначових\Desktop\урок\18475.001.png

  1. Home task


Ask members of your family what their favourite day is when you get home,

 e.g What’s your favourite day?

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