Урок англійської мови "Famous Composers. Mozart and Beethoven"

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Урок узагальнення та систематизації знань з теми "Музика" у 8 класі. Учитель використовує різні види завдань для активізації вивченої лексики. На уроці учні вчаться виділяти найголовніші факти у біографіях відомих композиторів, відповідають на запитання, доповнюють речення , грають у лексичну гру "Хрестики-нолики". Для хвилини емоційного розвантаження слухають запис уривку з твору Моцарта і озвучують емоції, які виникли під час прослуховування.
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Клас : 8

Тема : Музика

Тема уроку : Відомі композитори

Тип уроку : урок узагальнення  знань та умінь

Практична ціль: вдосконалювати навички читання, письма та говоріння , вчити виокремлювати головне в потоці інформації, активізувати вивчену лексику по темі.

Обладнання : підручник, презентація, запис музики, вислови про музику,  

                     картки з лексичним матеріалом


 Хід уроку

  1. Введення до іншомовного середовища.

 Dear children, good afternoon! How are you today ? Perhaps, you are tired. At this lesson you’ll be able to relax a bit, because we are going to speak about music. Now tell me, please, what music helps you to relax and feel fine.


P1.- pop

P2 -  rap

P3 - rock


  1. Лексичні вправи

a)  People all over the world listen to music and enjoy it. Read the sayings about music and agree or disagree on them.



 Music is the universal language.

Music is the world of beauty.


P1. I agree on it. Bеcause no matter what language you speak you can understand the same piece of music.


b) clustering

 Let’s draw a word- tree. The central word is “ Music”


c) Ask your friend and tell your friend what his favourite style of music is.


           Eg. -What is your favourite music style?

                 - I like rap.


  1. Основна частина уроку

The world of music is rich and varied. It is not only pleasant but helpful. For example, Mozart’s music helps people to learn English better. Would you like to try it? Let’s learn something about him and his works.


  1.     I’ll give you some pieces of music and your task is to guess which one is classical.

   Listening to music

b) Complete the sentences about classical music

Classical music is     quiet








c) Presentation

    Now let’s get to the composers L. Beethoven and A. Mozart. Your task is to watch the presentation and to be ready to answer the following questions.


When ? Where? How many? Why? What instruments?


Group work

Group 1 will concentrate on Mozart’s life

 Group 2 ---on Beethoven’s


While watching try to find the answers to our questions


d) Reading


Read the texts in the books for more information about their lives.


 e) Relaxation


Listen to Mozart’s “Music of Angels”. Try to relax and say what emotions it evokes in your souls.


P1 This music is emotional and vivid.

P2. It is optimistic.


f) Writing.


Fill in the gaps. 

 Variant A

Ludwig started learning the --------and piano at a very early age. In 1783 he published his first----. He was only ---.   In 1787 he traveled to Vienna to study under-------, but returned to Bonn because his mother was dying. After her death he moved to-----. He never returned to his hometown. In 1795 he gave his first public performance as---. It was a success. In the late 1790s, Beethoven began to lose his hearing and by 1819 he was completely---. After he became deaf, he continued to compose great music which was joyful and-----.In his later years, he was lonely and ------and didn’t write much. Although he fell in love several times he never married. Beethoven ---on March 26, 1827 in Vienna. More than 10.000 people came to his funeral.

 Word bank:  a pianist ,Violin, Mozart , optimistic, composition, deaf, Vienna,13, depressed, died

Variant B

Mozart was the greatest Austrian---   . He was born in 1756. His …..was a musician. He taught his son to play ----instruments. From the age of 6 he gave concerts. Mozart lived in----. Mozart composed his first -----at age 8.  Mozart’s father pushed him very hard to become a musical genius.  Mozart spent his ……touring Europe with his father and sister performing for monarchs and church officials. By that age, Mozart had already composed …… pieces of music. Mozart died 10 years later on December 5,…...  He had over $150,000 in debts due to his party…….

He was ….in an unmarked place.


  Word bank: father , Vienna , symphony, 415, composer, 1791, musical, childhood, buried, lifestyle.


   Game “ Crosses and noughts”


1    O

2       X

3       O

4     O

5     O

6     X

7     X

8      X

9      X


   Each number in the table contains a question. If you answer it correct, you can get ‘o” or “x”. The more you answer the quicker you win.


Questions :

  1. When was Mozart born?
  2. Who was his teacher?
  3. When did Beethoven start to compose music?
  4. Was he famous during his life-time?
  5. What famous works by Beethoven do you know?
  6. When did Mozart die?
  7. Did Beethoven have children?
  8. What instrument did Mozart play?
  9. Was Beethoven married ?
  10. Did Beethoven travel Europe?



Now, let’s see what you have learnt . Name a word which you heard during the lesson beginning with the following letters


B - born

E - emotional

E – exciting

T - teacher

H - heroic

O - optimistic

V - violin

E - educated

N – native


Hometask : to read the text about K. Stetcenko and fill in the gaps

Summarising  It’s time to finish our lesson. Hope you have found something new and interesting for yourselves.


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
11 лютого
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