Урок англійської мови "Права і обов'язки підлітків"

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Конспект уроку для учнів 9-11 класів на закріплення теми "Права і обовязки підлітків". Використано статті Конституції України, Конвенція дитини. У конспекті проаналізовано приклади з життєвих ситуацій, зроблено висновки та пропозиції. Для вчителів англійської мови.
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«The Rights and Duties of Teenagers»


























У розробці вміщено зразок уроку, нетрадиційний за формою організації навчального процесу.

Мета уроку – допомогти вчителю урізноманітнити структуру уроку і методи роботи, відійти від шаблонів, навчити учнів діяти творчо і самостійно, враховуючи індивідуальні особливості та інтереси школярів.

У контексті особистісно – зорієнтованого навчання такий підхід  сприяє формуванню креативного  мислення та  розвитку навичок  прийняття нестандартних рішень.

На допомогу вчителю англійської мови







Lesson – discussion «The Rights and Duties of Teenagers» ____________________с.4-16



     Додаток 1________________________________________________________с.17-27 

     Constitution of Ukraine - Title II

     Human and Citizen Rights, Freedoms and Dutie



































Theme   « The Rights and duties of teenagers»




  • to develop students speaking skills  maintaining a free discussion.
  • to develop students citizenship knowledge; skills, attitudes, values and dispositions for active participation;
  • to develop students` logical and critical thinking;
  • to practice speaking about rights and duties of teenagers; to encourage students` to memorize useful vocabulary;
  • to broaden students` outlook and teach them to appreciate the real value of life.


Pictures on the topic, cards with the situations, Constitution of Ukraine , a table «Rights and duties of teenagers», The Convention on  the Rights of Child , exhibition of  literature  about Rights and duties.


The Procedure


1.Organization moment.

Т. We have a lot of quests. Let`s say «Good morning» to them.



Т. Are you hard – working person? Do you want to be clever and educated?

    Prove this to me. Do the best to be active at the lessons. And step by step you`ll reach progress in English.


3. Warming-up . Home  Assignment  Checking.

Teacher. What  symbols  of  life  do  you  know?


Pupil1.  Sun  is  the  symbol  of  life.


Pupil2. The  sun  is  the  best friend of  our planet.


Teacher.  What  is  life?


Pupil3.  To  my  mind  life  is   a  light  soul;


Pupil4. – beauty  in  the  person;


Pupil5. – a  sunny  morning;


Pupil6. – smell  of  flowers ;


Pupil7. – Peace  in  the  world  because

    If  there  is  a  light  in  the  soul,

   There  is  beauty  in  the  person.

   If  there  is  beauty  in  the  person,

   There  will  be  harmony  in  the  home.

   If  there  is  harmony  in  the  home,

   There  will  be  order in  the  nation.

  If  there  is  order  in  the  nation,

  There  will  be  peace  in  the  world. 

Are you ready to start our lesson?

 I think you are ready. The theme of our lesson is   “The Righst and Duties of Teenagers in Ukraine”

 For beginning let`s review the material of the previous lesson.

 Think and answer my questions. Be quick. Give right answers. First think than speak.(questions about the Constitution of Ukraine.)


1.Answer the questions


  1. What branches and the powers of government  divided into?


(Ukrainian powers of government are divided into three branches: the  legislative, the executive, the judicial).


  1. Who is the head of the legislative  branches?


(The Verkhovna Rada is the head of the legislative  branches).    


  1. Who is the head of the executive branches?


(The President is the head executive branches).


  1. Who is the head of judicial branches?


(The Supreme Court is the head of judicial branches).


  1. Who is the head of the country?


(The President is the head of Ukraine).


  1. What is the main function of Verkhovna Rada?


(The Verkhovna Rada`s main function is making laws).


  1. Our monetary unit is Hryvnia, isn`t it ?


(The monetary unit of our country is Hryvnia).


  1. How many deputes are there in the Parliament?


(The only body of the legislative power in Ukraine is the Parliament. There are 450 people deputies.)


  1. Who proclaimed the  Constitution of Ukraine?


(The Constitution of Ukraine was proclaimed by Verkhovna Rada).


  1. When is the Constitution of Ukraine confirmed?


(The Constitution of Ukraine was confirmed on June 28).


  1. Ukraine is an Unitarian state isn`t it?


(Ukraine is an Unitarian state).


  1. What is the state language of Ukraine?


(The state language of Ukraine is Ukrainian)


  1. What are state symbols  of Ukraine?


(The state symbols  of Ukraine are: the National Emblem, the National Flag and the  National Anthem of Ukraine).


  1. Describe the National Flag of Ukraine?


(The National Flag of Ukraine is a cloth with two equal horizontal stripes, the upper coloured blue and the lower golden yellow).


  1. Describe the National Emblem of Ukraine?


(The National Emblem is a golden Tryzub on a blue shields).


  1. Do you know National anthem?


(I know National anthem).


  1. Who is the only source of power in our country?


(The people are the only source of power).


  1. Who establishes the political system in Ukraine?


(The Constitution of Ukraine establishes the countries political systems).


  1. Citizens have equal rights  and freedoms, don`t they?


(Citizens have equal rights  and freedoms).


  1. What are the duties of citizens?


(Defense to the Motherland of the Independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and respect  for the state symbols and the duties of Ukraine).


  1. What do citizens of Ukraine perform?


(Citizens of Ukraine perform military services in compliance with the law).


  1. What does over Constitution guarantee ?


(The Constitution guarantee the right to life noninterference in private and family life , personal inviolability and the inviolability of dwelling, free choice of residence work rest, education, social security, housing, health protection, medical care and medical insurance, a safe and healthy environment).


  1. Are there any restrictions in right based upon colour  of skin?


(There are no privileges or restriction based upon face, colour of skin).


  1. Who is the head of the Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine?


(The prime Minister of Ukraine manages work of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine).


  1.  What  do  you  know  about  UNESCO?


(UNESCO  organization  deals  with  such  problems: the  healthy development  of  the  growing  nation; prohibition  bad  habbits; smoking, drinking, using  drugs; the  ecological  problem  providing  facilities  for  sport  the  main  concern  is  how  to  make  the  world  the  better  place   for  us  all  to  live  in).


  1. What  can  you  say  about  Convention  on  the  Rights of  Child?


   (Realizing  the  great  importance  of  children’s  protection, UNESCO  has  created  the  Convention  on  the  Rights of  Child  in  1989 ).






II. Main Part of Lesson.


Т. So we are ready for discussion about the rights and duties of the Ukrainians people. We have invited many guests today your parents, a doctor, a police executive, a director of our school and psychologist, because we an unusual lesson- discussion.


Т. Let`s  remember the rights  and duties of the Ukrainian citizens.




P1. According to the Constitution it self every person has the right to the free development of his or her personality, and has obligations before society where free and full development of the personality is assured.


P2. The Constitution guarantee the rights to life, non – interference in private and family life, personal inviolability  and the inviolability of dwelling, free choice of residence ,  work , rest, education, social security, housing, health protection, medical care and medical  insurance  safe and health environment.


P3. There are no privileges or restrictions based upon of face, colour of skin, political and other beliefs,  gender, ethnic and social origin, property, ownership, position, place of residence, language, religion.


P4. Citizens  have equal Constitutional rights and freedoms and are equal before law .  Citizens of Ukraine perform military services in compliance with the law.


P5. Defense to the Motherland of the Independence and territorial  integrity of Ukraine and respect for the state symbols are the duties of citizens. Every person must pay taxies in the order and amount determined by law. No person may damage the environment, cultural heritage.


Т.You know that we all live in democratic society and democracy is political system in which supreme power belongs   to the people. Democracy needs time to become establishes in  newly independent countries. Dear students tell us please how do you understand  the word democracy?






P1. As for me I know democracy is the declaration of citizens`, freedoms; the equality of citizens` rights.


P2. In fact democracy – guaranteeing of citizens` rights  and  freedoms in all aspects  of public and private live.


Т.In general  you know some facts about democracy and how can you characterize our society?


The characteristic features of the Ukrainian society are:



  •    Mismanagement
  •    Unemployment
  •    Law salaries
  •    Corruption
  •    A lot of criminal features like drug – dealing, mugging, robberies, shop – lifting.
  •    Crisis of cultural and moral values.


Pupils discussing the problems of the society.


P1. The government ought to take a programme of anti -   crisis  measures.


P2. They ought to manage  the funds  carefully.


P3. They should increase the numbers of policemen not only in towns, cities but in villages too.


P4. We demand that the Government took care of the Environment.


P5. The government ought to take a programme of treatment from such disease as cancer.


P6. It`s high time they limited traffic in city center.


P7. Nowadays we have so many crimes that it is dangerous to go in the streets. Drug dealers, muggers and burglars can be out in the streets only a few weeks or mouths after committing their crimes. I think it is unfair. They don`t even have enough time to stop and think about their crimes.


Т.You are right. And as you know we all are citizens of our independent country. I want to say that a citizen is a person who must observes Constitution, preserves the freedoms  and rights  of others people and carry out his own duties. Tell me please what is your opinion?


P1. In my opinion the citizen` is a person who is responsible for one`s work, for the feature of our country.


Т. I`m agree with you. I want to say that the main aim of school is the development of citizen`. Teachers do not only teach their subject. They develop their pupils` intellect   form, their view and characters, their attitudes to life to other people. We must realize that children are our future so   we must try to give them good education, safe environment. To have a family and healthy   life are the main rights of every child. And what about rights and duties of teenagers in our school?


P2. I know that every student is guaranteed the right to know his rights and duties that determined by current  legislation, regulation and by these  rules;


                    1.Every student has the right:


P1.  To choose form of studies, optical, special courses, out – of – school and extracurricular employments.


P2.  On access to information from all areas of knowledge’s;


P3.  To take part in all kinds scientifically – particular activity, conferences, olympiads, exhibitions, competition and other like that.


P4.  To take part in process organs of public self – government of school.


P5. To take part in discussions and make own suggestions in relation to educational – educator process, sporting leisure of students.


P6.  To take part in amateur associations, creative studios, clubs, groups, groups after interests.


P7.  On protecting  from any forms    of exploitations, psychical and physical violence that violate rights or humiliate their honour, dignity.


     Т. On the one hand you have many rights but on the other hand you  have many duties too.


     P8. You are right. Every student is under an obligation conscientiously and in full to execute rules internal   order for students.


               2. A student is under an obligations:


P1.  To take hold on knowledge`s, abilities, practical skills to promote general cultured level.


P2.  To adhere to  the requirements of Regulation, rules of internal order.


P3.  Thriftily to behave to state, public and private property.


P4.  To adhere  to the legislation, moral and ethnic norms.


P5.  To accept the feasible participating in the different types of labour activity that are not forbidden a current legislation.


P6.  To adhere to  the rules of personal hygiene.


P7. I`d like to add that there are requirements to original appearance of students:   


3.  Requirements  to original appearance of student:

P1.  A  school  form  is  obligatory for  all  students  of  school. The   student  of   school  must  appear  in  exact,  business  strict  after  style  clothes.


P2.  It  is  forbidden  to  carry  decorations, valuables, pierces  on  the  face  and  opened  areas  of  body.


P3.  It  is  forbidden  to  use by  cosmetology  during  a  stay  at  school.

P4.  A hair-do must  be  exact.


P5.  Nails of  fingers  of  hands  must  be  shortly  cut, clean  and  neat.


P6.  To  a  lesson  of  physical  culture  a  student  must  appear  in  form  and  sporting  trainers, changed  clothes  must  be  in  specially  apartments  appointed  for  this  purpose (locker  rooms  of  gymnasium).


 4. The  rules  of  behavior  of  student  on  the  lessons:


P1 . A  student  is  under  the  obligation  to  have  a  dairy  textbooks  and  notebooks  according  to  the  time-table  necessity  stationery  and  educational  materials  in  accordance  with  the  requirements  of  teacher.


P2 . Educational  materials  must  be  saved  and  carried  in  school  bags, backpacks, brief-cases .


P3 . A  student  must  be  in  time (to  the  second  bells) prepared  to  the  lessons  in  obedience  to  a  time  table.


P4.  It  is   forbidden  to  use  a  mobile  telephone   during  a  lesson.


P 5. Text  books  must  be  neatly  wrapped-up, to  have  book-marks. Notebooks  must  answer  the  requirements   of  Department  education  of  Ukraine  conducted  with  the  observance  of  the  unique  orthographic.


P6 . A  diary  must  be  conducted  in  accordance with  the  set  requirements: a  student  must  in  time  write  down  the  curriculum  of  the  lessons  for  a  week, contents  of  daily  home  task, to  give  a  teacher  for  an  exposure  estimations  of  educational   achievements,  on  verification  a  class  leader, to  administration  of  school  and  parents  or  persons  which  substitute  them.


P 7. A  student  must  respect  rights,  for  all  participations  of  educational  process  (students,  teachers, workers  of  school, parents) by  the  conduct  not  to  humiliate  their  dignity, not  do  psychical  and  physical  violence, to  worry  about  health  and  safety  of  own  life.




5.Rules  of  conduct  during  breaks  and  extracurricular  time:


T. I  think  that  all students  must  remember  about  their  behavior  during  breaks     too. What  is  your  opinion?


P1. We remember     our  rules  of  conduct  during  breaks  and  extracurricular  time:


P2. We  must  quietly  go  out  on  rest  after  the  bell  on  interruption. Not to  hurry  on  corridors  and  stairs  of  school.


P3. Every  student  at  an  address  to  him  of  duty  teacher, a  duty  student  must  name  the  last  name  and  class.


P4. Smoking  is  categorically  forbidden  in  apartments  and  on  the  territory   of  school.


P5. It  is  categorically forbidden  to  bring, and  drink  low-alcoholic,  and  alcoholic  drinks.


P6. It is  categorically forbidden  to  bring, to  use  and  to  diffuse  narcotic, toxic  matters.


T. I’d  like  to say  that  you  not  only  at  must  observe  all  these  rules  of  behavior  not only at  school  but  everywhere. What can  you say   about  school  property?


      6. Requirements to the student on maintainance of school property


P1. I want  to  say  that  there  are  requirements  to  the  student  on  the  maintainance  of  school  property:


P2. A  student  must  safe  school  property  with  care  to  behave  with  own  things  and  things  of  comrades.


P3. Financial  losses  inflicted  by  student  to  school, personal  and  state  property  compensated    by  parents  (or  by  persons  that  replace  them  in  full  in  terms, concordance  with  a  victim side).


P4. I want to add  that  everybody  of  us  must  safe  school  property.

   But  many  students  don’t  have  a  sense  of  duty. I  don’t  respect   them. Their  studies   and  behavior  do  not  merit  encouragement.


T. In  fact students  are  the  same  people  as  adults  are  and  their  thoughts  have  much  in  common  with  ours. I  want  to  say that  our  class  is  a  mini-community  with  its  own  interests, needs, fears  and  problems.  Tell  please  about    your  behaviour   and  school  life.


P1. As for  me  I  am  well-bread, honest, tactfull  and  hard  working  person.  I enjoy  school  life. My  friends  say  that  I  am  a  talented  person  because  I  can  sing  and  compose  poems. I  take  am  active  part  in  different     literary  gathering  and  have a good  results. I  try  to  observe  students  rights  and  duties. I  have  no   a  bad  habbits.  I  have  many  friends. I  understand  my  parents  and  they  understand  me.


P2. I  would like  to  admit  that  Inna  is  a  lucky  person.  But  there  are  pupils  in our  school  which  forget about  behaviour   rules  and  regulations. These   pupils  don’t  do  their  homework, have  problems  with  parents, miss lessons.


P3. I  want  to  add  that  every  teenager  has  his  own  life  after  school  classes. Some  go  to  a  sport  section  or  music  school. Others go  to  some  clubs  to  play  computer  games. And  some  young  person  prefer  staying  at  home  and  watching  TV  programs  and  films, reading  their  favourite  magazines  and  listening  their  favourite  music.


Frankly speaking the life of our village”s boys and girls which have bad behavior is quite different. They like to gather in a group go to some their places where thay drink alcohol  and smoke They steal  money , food and beg .Most of their parents don’t bring up their children because they have bad habbits too.

  T. We can say that the life of typical teenagers isn't easy. I want to say that  family has rights and responsibility too. The parents should bring their children up educate, help during all life, support and take care of them. They are responsible for their children. In turn children should obey and respect their parents musn't be rude and selfish, musn't break the rules and must keep their word and promise. We invited many guest for our discussion. So let's start and we'd like to listen to the psychologist of our school.                                                     

      Psycologist . Nowadays our students have many rights and duties. They are so similar and so different. They want to go their own way but find it difficult to be responsible. They want to be like adults, they'd like to be more independent in their actions and way of life. They express their self-identity in clothes, hair-style and slang. Sometimes students have problems with their parents. They say that parents don't understand them, don't allow them to state out late, to wear modern clothes, to use make-up, and so on. Many teenagers smoke, drink alcohol take drugs believing that is the route to independent. The main teenagers problem is bullying, because many families are headed only by women and these are usually poorer than the other. They have conflicts with their parents and teachers and believe that only coevals can understand them. Frankly speaking, parents are not so strict now as they used to be in the past and many teenagers have a considerable amount of freedom. But they still need somebody to hear them and open their hearts to. Parents are often to busy with earning money and can't give their children enough attention and understanding. Some parents conduct amoral way of life. They can't give any usefull advice for their children. Due to the lack of parents attention teenagers spent their free in the street with their   friends and watch TV. According to  sociologists  a lot of young   people spend 2 – 4  hours of their free time watching TV crime blood violence , horror and murder. I must admit  that today  most of children spend their free time near computers. No doubt that computers have become an intergral    part of our life.   But many children become nervous when they play violent games on a computer. They are getting a bit too dependent on computers. And computers distract from school lessons. It goes without saying that all these things influence teenagers life greatly.                                        

    T. Thank you Olena Yakivna and now we'd like to listen to our doctor Olexandr Leontiyovych.                                                                                

 D. Thank you. I want to say that I listened you attentively during your discussion. I want to admit that children must remember that there are no rights without responsibilities. First of all you must know rules of healthy lifestyle. Nowadays a lot of teenagers start smoking, using drugs and drinking alcohol though they know how dangerous these things are for their health. Smoking is one of the most serious problem of our nation. There over 350.000 deathes each year that are directly related to smoking. Smoking mainly causes death through heart attacks, cancer and lung disease. Smoking is not only harmfull for the user, but it also affects the harmfless people around the user that inhale the filthy smoke. Smoking kills, but a lot of young people start smoking before they are 16. They  think it makes them look like adult and more attractive if they smoke. Children copy their parents, brothers and friends, film stars.Teenagers whose parents smoke are more likely to smoke themselves. Nearly 12 mln people of Ukraine smoke; 40% of them are boys and girls; 30% young   women. More and more people of the world join anti-smoking compaigns. To my mind we should also stop advertising tobacco remove caps, bags,     T-shirts with cigarettes logos. Smoking needs to be reduced not only among women, but also among young people, children and men.           We spoke rather much about healthy way of life. But there is much more we haven't spoken about. Every one grows up having accumulated some harmfull habbits. Alcohol is number one drug abuse problem today. Some teenagers try to escape reality by turning to alcohol and drugs. The number of children who know the taste and affect of alcohol increase every day. Alcohol can damage every organ in your body. Alcohol depresses your central nervous system, lowers your inhibitions and impairs your judgment. Drinking large amount of  alcohol can lead to coma or even death. Drug abuse is the biggest problem of youth today. According to the survey 33% of young people tried drugs. To my mind special programmes should be introduces to help cut down drug abuse among the youth. Our young people with drug problems must be in the focus of everybody in attention government, community, parents and school. To sum up I'd like to say that we should unite the efforts of school family and public organizations to help young people to make the right choice and become equal members of our society.      

     T.  Nowadays, our government has so many lows and rights which give a great priority for children, but unfortunately, all those rights are only on the paper. And in everyday life? In real life? What do you think? Can our people really acquire all these written rights and duties?

P1. A lot of poor people, who can't pay for their treatment.                       

P2.  A lot of homeless people who have no job, no dwelling and no money for living

P3. There are people begging on strees of  towns, cities and villages.             

P4.  Children suffering from domestic violence and unfair treatment.                 

P5.  Women who use alcohol don't bring up their children.                                

P6. Violence towards children and women exists on a huge scale today.        

P7. A lot of children escape from home and never return.                                

 P8. The gap between the rich and poor is growing as never before.                

T. Dear students give your suggestions. What would every one do to improve the position of people (children‚ women‚ men) in our country.     

  As example:                                                                                                 

 P1. I would make a special law to protect children (all people) from violence.                                                                                                         P2. I would create a special medical programme to protect population of Ukraine from cancer.                                                                                 

  P3. I would forbid to sell tobacco, alcohol and drugs for children.                  

  P4. I would open my own organization which will give not only financial support but also psychological help.                                                            

   ІІІ. Summarizing

T. I hope you've had a chance at today's lesson-discussion to understand that much depends on you. You have many rights  but you must remember about your responsibilities.                                              

 P1. I want to say that a school is a mini-community in which we can learn how to make positive changes in life by our active participation.        

   P2. I want to add that we shouldn't forget that the inner world of the person‚ his manner and character are even more important to the community. Education helps us be more cultured‚ have richer outlook‚ know the surrounding world better.  

  P3. If we want to be happy and healthy it is our power. So we must try to control our lifestyle and try to see benefits of education‚ sports‚ physical activity‚ healthy food and harm of bad hobbits such as: smoking‚ drinking alcohol‚ taking drugs‚ bulling‚ stealing.                            

 P4. Talking about the lesson I'm sure that the most of us understand that school life is a perfect time to realize our potential and acquire good knowledge.  

T.  Dear   pupils  what  can  you  say  about  Mother  Teresa’s  Message?

Pupils  read  and stick  a  leaf  on  the  tree  with  definition   of  the  word  life  according  to Mother  Teresa’s  Message.                                                                                  

 T. Dear friends! I hope you have learnt many usefull things and information at our today's lesson. It has come to the end. You've done great of work. And all of you deserve good marks. So‚ enjoy every moment of youth and don’t forget the word: the man is the creater of his own happiness so if you want to be happy – be happy.

    ІV. Home assignment                                                  

Next time be ready to express your ideas on the topic «Is it easy to be young                                                                                                          Our lesson is over. Good bye. 











Додаток 1

Constitution of Ukraine - Title II

Human and Citizen Rights, Freedoms and Duties

Article 21. All people shall be free and equal in their dignity and rights.

Human rights and freedoms shall be inalienable and inviolable.

Article 22. Human and citizen rights and freedoms affirmed by this Constitution shall not be exhaustive.

The constitutional rights and freedoms shall be guaranteed and shall not be abolished.

The content and scope of the existing rights and freedoms shall not be diminished by an adoption of new laws or by introducing amendments to the effective laws.

Article 23. Every person shall have the right to free development of his personality, provided that the rights and freedoms of other persons are not thus violated, and shall have duties to society, in which free and comprehensive development of his personality shall be guaranteed.

Article 24. Citizens shall have equal constitutional rights and freedoms and shall be equal before the law.

There shall be no privileges or restrictions based on race, skin colour, political, religious, and other beliefs, gender, ethnic and social origin, property status, place of residence, linguistic or other characteristics.

Equality of the rights of women and men shall be ensured by providing women with opportunities equal to those of men in public, political and cultural activities, in obtaining education and in professional training, in work and remuneration for it; by taking special measures for the protection of work and health of women; by establishing pension privileges; by creating conditions that make it possible for women to combine work and motherhood; by adopting legal protection, material and moral support of motherhood and childhood, including the provision of paid leave and other privileges to pregnant women and mothers.

Article 25. No citizen of Ukraine shall be deprived of citizenship or of the right to change citizenship.

No citizen of Ukraine shall be exiled from Ukraine or surrendered to another state.

Ukraine shall guarantee care and protection to its citizens staying abroad.

Article 26. Foreigners and stateless persons staying in Ukraine on legal grounds shall enjoy the same rights and freedoms and bear the same duties as citizens of Ukraine, except as restricted by the Constitution, laws, or international treaties of Ukraine.

Foreigners and stateless persons may be granted asylum under the procedure established by law.

Article 27. Every person shall have the inalienable right to life.

No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of life. Protection of human life shall be the duty of the State.

Everyone shall have the right to protect his life and health, and lives and health of other people against unlawful encroachments.

Article 28. Everyone shall have the right to have his dignity respected.

No one shall be subjected to torture, cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment or punishment that violates his dignity.

No person shall be subjected to medical, scientific, or other experiments without his free consent.

Article 29. Every person shall have the right to freedom and personal inviolability.

No one shall be arrested or held in custody except under a substantiated court decision and on the grounds and in accordance with the procedure established by law.

In the event of an urgent necessity to prevent or stop a crime, bodies authorised by law may hold a person in custody as a temporary preventive measure, the reasonable grounds for which shall be verified by court within seventy two hours. The detained person shall be immediately released if a substantiated court decision regarding his detention is not served to them within seventy-two hours.

Every person, arrested or detained, shall be informed without delay of the reasons for his arrest or detention, apprised of his rights, and from the moment of detention, shall be given an opportunity to personally defend himself/herself or to receive legal assistance from a defender.

Every person detained shall have the right to challenge his detention in court at any time.

Relatives of an arrested or detained person shall be informed immediately of such an arrest or detention.

Article 30. Everyone shall be guaranteed the inviolability of his domicile.

Intrusion into a person’s domicile or other property, inspection or search thereof, shall not be permitted except when under a substantiated court decision.

In urgent cases related to preservation of human life and property or to the direct pursuit of persons suspected of committing a crime, other procedures of entering a person’s domicile or other property, inspecting or searching thereof, determined by law, shall be allowed.

Article 31. Everyone shall be guaranteed privacy of his correspondence, telephone conversations, telegraph, and other communications. Exceptions shall be established only by court in cases stipulated by law for the purposes of preventing crime or ascertaining the truth during the investigation of a criminal case, if it is not possible to obtain information by other means.

Article 32. No one shall be subjected to interference in his private life and family matters, except when such interference is stipulated by the Constitution of Ukraine.

The collection, storage, use, and dissemination of confidential information about a person without his consent shall not be permitted, except for the cases determined by law and only in the interests of national security, economic welfare, and human rights.

Every citizen shall have the right to have access to the information about himself/herself possessed by public authorities and bodies of local self-government, institutions, and organisations unless such information is considered a state or other secret protected by law.

Everyone shall be guaranteed judicial protection of the right to rectify unauthentic information about himself/herself and members of his family, the right to demand the expungement of any type of information, as well as the right to compensation for material and moral damages caused by the collection, storage, use, and dissemination of such unauthentic information.

Article 33. Every person, legally staying in the territory of Ukraine shall be guaranteed freedom of movement and travel, free choice of place of residence, and the right to freely leave the territory of Ukraine, with the exception of restrictions stipulated by law.

A citizen of Ukraine may not be deprived of the right to return to Ukraine at any time.

Article 34. Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to freedom of thought and speech, and to free expression of his views and beliefs.

Everyone shall have the right to freely collect, store, use, and disseminate information by oral, written, or other means at his discretion.

The exercise of such rights may be restricted by law in the interests of national security, territorial integrity, or public order, for the purposes of preventing disturbances or crimes, protecting the health of the population, protecting the reputation or rights of other persons, preventing the publication of information received confidentially, or supporting the authority and impartiality of justice.

Article 35. Everyone shall have right to freedom of beliefs and religion. This right shall include the freedom to profess any religion or profess no religion, to freely practice religious rites and ceremonial rituals, alone or collectively, and to pursue religious activities.

The exercise of this right may be restricted by law only in the interests of protection of the public order, health and morality of the population, or protection of the rights and freedoms of other persons.

The Church and religious organisations in Ukraine shall be separated from the State, and school shall be separated from the Church. No religion shall be recognised by the State as mandatory.

No one shall be exempt from his duties to the State or refuse to abide by laws on religious grounds. If the performance of military duty contradicts the religious beliefs of a citizen, the performance of this duty shall be replaced by alternative (non-military) service.

Article 36. Citizens of Ukraine shall have the right to freedom of association into political parties and public organisations for exercising and protecting their rights and freedoms and for satisfying their political, economic, social, cultural and other interests, with the exception of restrictions established by law in the interests of national security and public order, protection of public health, or protection of rights and freedoms of other persons.

Political parties in Ukraine shall promote the formation and expression of political will of citizens and shall participate in elections. Only citizens of Ukraine may be members of political parties. Restrictions on membership in political parties shall be determined exclusively by this Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

Citizens shall have the right to take part in trade unions with the purpose of protecting their labour and socio-economical rights and interests. Trade unions shall be public organisations uniting citizens bound by common interests in accordance with the nature of their professional activity. Trade unions shall be formed without prior permission on the basis of the free choice of their members. All trade unions shall have equal rights. Restrictions on membership in trade unions shall be determined exclusively by this Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

No one may be forced to join any association of citizens or be restricted in his right to belong or not to belong to political parties or public organisations.

All associations of citizens shall be equal before the law.

Article 37. Foundation and activity of political parties and public associations shall be prohibited if their programme goals or actions are aimed at the liquidation of the independence of Ukraine, change of the constitutional order by force, violation of the sovereignty and territorial indivisibility of the State, undermining national security, unlawful seizure of the state power, the propaganda of war or violence, fomentation of inter-ethnic, racial, or religious enmity, or infringement of human rights and freedoms or the health of the population.

Political parties and public associations shall not have paramilitary formations.

Foundation and activities of organizational structures of political parties shall not be permitted within the bodies of executive and judicial power or the executive bodies of local self-government, in military formations, as well as at state enterprises, educational establishments, or other state institutions and organisations.

Prohibition of the activities of associations of citizens, shall be possible only through a judicial procedure.

Article 38. Citizens shall have the right to participate in the administration of state affairs, in All-Ukrainian and local referendums, to freely elect and to be elected to the bodies of State power and local self-government.

Citizens shall enjoy equal rights of access to the civil service and to the service in local self-government bodies.

Article 39. Citizens shall have the right to assemble peacefully without arms and to hold rallies, meetings, processions, and demonstrations upon notifying executive or local self-government bodies in advance.

Restrictions on the exercise of this right may be established by a court in accordance with law and only in the interests of national security and public order, for the purpose of prevention of disturbances or crimes, protection of the health of the population, or protection of the rights and freedoms of other persons.

Article 40. Everyone shall have the right to address individual or collective petitions, or to personally recourse to public authorities, local self-government bodies, officials, and officers of these bodies obliged to consider the petitions, and to provide a substantiated reply within the period determined by law.

Article 41. Everyone shall have the right to own, use, or dispose of his property and the results of his intellectual or creative activities.

The right for private property shall be acquired in compliance with the procedure established by law.

Citizens may use the objects of state or communal property in accordance with law in order to satisfy their needs.

No one shall be unlawfully deprived of the right for property. The right for private property shall be inviolable.

The expropriation of private property objects may be applied only as an exception for the reasons of social necessity, on the grounds of, and in the order established by law, and on terms of advance and complete compensation of the value of such objects. The expropriation of such objects with subsequent complete compensation of their value shall be permitted only under conditions of martial law or a state of emergency.

Confiscation of property may be applied only pursuant to a court decision, in the cases, to the extent, and in compliance with the procedure established by law.

The use of property shall not prejudice the rights, freedoms, and dignity of citizens, the interests of society or aggravate the environmental situation and the natural qualities of land.

Article 42. Everyone shall have the right to entrepreneurial activity that is not prohibited by law.

The entrepreneurial activity of deputies, officials, and officers of the bodies of State power and local self-government shall be restricted by law.

The State shall ensure the protection of competition in pursuit of entrepreneurial activity. The abuse of a monopolistic position in the market, unlawful restriction of competition, and unfair competition shall not be permitted. The types and limits of monopolies shall be determined by law.

The State shall protect the rights of consumers, exercise control over the quality and safety of products and all types of services and works, and promote the activities of public consumer associations.

Article 43. Everyone shall have the right to work, including a possibility to earn a living by labour that he freely chooses or to which he freely agrees.

The State shall create conditions for citizens that will make it possible to fully realise their right to work, guarantee equal opportunities in the choice of profession and of types of labour activities, and implement programmes for vocational education, training, and retraining of personnel according to the needs of society.

The use of forced labour shall be prohibited. Military or alternative (non-military) service, work or service carried out by a person in compliance with a verdict or other court decision, or in accordance with the martial or state of emergency laws, shall not be considered the forced labour.

Everyone shall have the right to proper, safe, and healthy labour conditions and to remuneration no less than the minimum wage determined by law.

The employment of women and minors for work hazardous to their health shall be prohibited.

Citizens shall be guaranteed protection from unlawful dismissal.

The right to timely payment for work performed shall be protected by law.

Article 44. Those who are employed shall have the right to strike in order to protect their economic and social interests.

A procedure for exercising the right to strike shall be established by law taking into account the necessity to ensure national security, public health protection, and rights and freedoms of others.

No one shall be forced to participate or not to participate in a strike.

The prohibition of a strike shall be possible only on the basis of the law.

Article 45. Everyone who is employed shall have the right to rest.

This right shall be ensured by providing weekly rest days, paid annual vacation, and by establishing a shorter working day for certain professions and industries, as well as reducing working hours at night.

The maximum duration of work time, the minimum duration of rest and of paid annual vacation, days off and holidays, as well as other conditions for exercising this right shall be determined by law.

Article 46. Citizens shall have the right to social protection including the right to financial security in cases of complete, partial, or temporary disability, loss of the principal wage-earner, unemployment due to circumstances beyond their control, old age, and in other cases determined by law.

This right shall be guaranteed by the mandatory state social insurance based on insurance payments made by citizens, enterprises, institutions, and organisations, as well as by budgetary and other sources of social security; and by establishing a network of state, communal, and private institutions caring for incapacitated persons.

Pensions and other types of social payments and assistance that are the principal sources of subsistence shall ensure a standard of living not lower than the minimum living standard established by law.

Article 47. Everyone shall have the right to housing. The State shall create conditions enabling every citizen to build, purchase, or rent housing.

Citizens in need of social protection shall be provided with housing by the bodies of State power and local self-government, free of charge or at a price affordable for them in accordance with law.

No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of housing other than on the basis of the law pursuant to a court decision.

Article 48. Everyone shall have the right to a standard of living sufficient for themselves and their families including adequate nutrition, clothing, and housing.

Article 49. Everyone shall have the right to health protection, medical care and medical insurance.

Health protection shall be ensured through state funding of the relevant socio-economic, medical and sanitary, health improvement and prevention programmes.

The State shall create conditions for effective medical service accessible to all citizens. State and communal health protection institutions shall render medical care free of charge; the existing network of such institutions shall not be reduced. The State shall promote the development of medical institutions under all forms of ownership.

The State shall provide for the development of physical culture and sports, and ensure sanitary-epidemic welfare.

Article 50. Everyone shall have the right to an environment that is safe for life and health, and to compensation for damages caused by violation of this right.

Everyone shall be guaranteed the right of free access to information about the environmental situation, the quality of foodstuffs and consumer goods, as well as the right to disseminate such information. No one shall make such information secret.

Article 51. Marriage shall be based on free consent between a woman and a man. Each of the spouses shall have equal rights and duties in the marriage and family.

Parents shall be obliged to sustain their children until they are of full age. Adult children shall be obliged to care for their parents who are incapable to work.

The family, childhood, motherhood, and fatherhood shall be under the protection of the State.

Article 52. Children shall be equal in their rights regardless of their origin and whether they are born in or out of wedlock.

Any violence against a child or his exploitation shall be prosecuted by law.

The subsistence and upbringing of orphans and children deprived of parental care shall be entrusted to the State. The State shall encourage and support charitable activity in regard to children.

Article 53. Everyone shall have the right to education.

Complete general secondary education shall be compulsory.

The State shall ensure accessible and free pre-school, complete general secondary, vocational and higher education at the state and communal educational establishments; the development of pre-school, complete general secondary, extra-curricular, vocational, higher and post-graduate education, various forms of study; the provision of state scholarships and privileges to pupils and students.

Citizens shall have the right to obtain free higher education at the state and communal educational establishments on a competitive basis.

Citizens belonging to national minorities shall be guaranteed, in accordance with law, the right to education in their native language, or to study their native language at the state and communal educational establishments or through national cultural societies.

Article 54. Citizens shall be guaranteed the freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, and technical creative activities, protection of intellectual property, their copyright, moral and material interests arising in connection with various types of intellectual activity.

Every citizen shall have the right to the product of his intellectual, creative activity; no one shall use or distribute them without his consent, except for the cases established by law.

The State shall promote the development of science and the establishment of scientific relations of Ukraine with the world community.

Cultural heritage shall be protected by law.

The State shall ensure the preservation of historical monuments and other objects of cultural value, and take measures to return to Ukraine the cultural treasures of the nation located beyond its borders.

Article 55. Human and citizen rights and freedoms shall be protected by court.

Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to challenge in court the decisions, actions, or inactivity of State power, local self-government bodies, officials and officers.

Everyone shall have the right to appeal for the protection of his rights to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman).

After exhausting all domestic legal instruments, everyone shall have the right to appeal for the protection of his rights and freedoms to the relevant international judicial institutions or to the relevant bodies of international organisations of which Ukraine is a member or participant.

Everyone shall have the right to protect his rights and freedoms from violations and illegal encroachments by any means other than prohibited by law.

Article 56. Everyone shall have the right to compensation, at the expense of the State authorities or local self-government bodies, for material and moral damages caused by unlawful decisions, actions, or inactivity of State power, local self-government bodies, officials, or officers while exercising their powers.

Article 57. Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to know his rights and duties.

Laws and other regulatory legal acts defining the rights and duties of citizens shall be brought to the notice of the population in compliance with the procedure established by law.

Laws and other regulatory legal acts defining the rights and duties of citizens, which have not been brought to the notice of the population in compliance with the procedure established by law, shall be invalid.

Article 58. Laws and other regulatory legal acts shall have no retroactive force, unless they mitigate or nullify the responsibility of a person.

No one shall bear responsibility for acts that, at the time they were committed, were not deemed by law to be an offence.

Article 59. Everyone shall have the right to legal assistance. Such assistance shall be rendered free of charge in cases stipulated by law. Everyone shall be free to choose the defender of his rights.

In Ukraine, the advocate shall act to ensure the right to defence against accusations and to provide legal assistance during the hearing of cases in courts and other state bodies.

Article 60. No one shall be obliged to execute directions or orders that are manifestly criminal.

For the issue or execution of a manifestly criminal ruling or order, legal liability shall arise.

Article 61. No person may be brought to legal liability of the same type for the same offence twice.

The legal liability of a person shall be of an individual character.

Article 62. A person shall be presumed innocent of committing a crime and shall not be subjected to criminal punishment until his guilt is proved through a legal procedure and established by a court verdict of guilty.

No one shall be obliged to prove his innocence of committing a crime.

An accusation shall not be based on illegally obtained evidence or on assumptions. All doubts in regard to the proof of guilt of a person shall be interpreted in his favour.

In the event of revocation of a court verdict as unjust, the State shall compensate the material and moral damages caused by the groundless conviction.

Article 63. A person shall not bear responsibility for refusing to testify or to provide explanations about himself/herself, members of his/her family, or close relatives, the circle of whom is determined by law.

A suspect, an accused, or a defendant shall have the right to a defence.

A convicted person shall enjoy all human and civil rights, with the exception of restrictions determined by law and established by a court verdict.

Article 64. Constitutional human and civil rights and freedoms shall not be restricted, unless a restriction is stipulated by the Constitution of Ukraine.

Under the conditions of martial law or a state of emergency, specific restrictions on rights and freedoms may be established with the indication of the period of effect for such restrictions. The rights and freedoms stipulated in Articles 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 40, 47, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63 of this Constitution shall not be restricted.

Article 65. Defence of the Motherland, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, respect for its State symbols shall be the duty of the citizens of Ukraine.

Citizens shall perform military service in accordance with law.

Article 66. Everyone shall be obliged not to harm nature or cultural heritage, and to compensate for any damage he/she inflicted.

Article 67. Everyone shall be obliged to pay taxes and levies in accordance with the procedure and to the extent established by law.

All citizens shall annually file declarations to the tax authorities at their place of residence on their property status and income for the past year, in compliance with the procedure established by law.

Article 68. Everyone shall be obliged to strictly abide by the Constitution of Ukraine and laws of Ukraine, and not to encroach upon the rights, freedoms, honour, or dignity of other persons.

Ignorance of laws shall not exempt one from legal liability.

Teacher Note

When teaching about human rights it is important to create  a safe and positive classroom   environment, which encourages participation and cooperation. The activities in this lesson-presentation are significant because they empower students to make rules about how they want to be treated by both teachers and their peers.                                                                                By helping to create an  environment where rights are respected, students are  encouraged  to actively    take part  in    advancing    respect for   the rights of others in the classroom and beyond.



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