Урок англійської мови у 3 класі з теми "My Favourite Characters. Clothes."

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Метою уроку є активізація лексичних одиниць та граматичних структур з теми, формування навичок усної взаємодії і усного продукування, розвитку пам'яті, мислення, навичок роботи у парах та групах.
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Урок  англійської мови у 3 класі з теми “My Favourite Characters. Clothes”

Тopic:  My Favourite Characters. Clothes.

Aims: practise  students in using vocabulary on the topics “Appearance”, “Clothes”;

           improve the students` skills in  making up sentences in Present Continuous;

 teach students to speak about the characters;

 develop students` memory, thinking, awareness of famous characters of the        

           fairy tales and  cartoons.

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able:

            to name the things on the topics “Appearance”, “Clothes”;

            to use Present Continuous in the sentences;

            to read and understand the facts on the topics; 

            to talk about the famous characters and their clothes.        

Equipment: coursebook, pictures, flashcards, posters, cards for pair and group work,                                       videos.


I. Introduction


T: How do you do, kids!

Ch: How do you do, teacher!

T: I hope you are well, kids.

Ch: We hope you are too.

Aim T: Today we are going to revise words and collocations on the topics                                                        ”Clothes”, The Characters of the Cartoons” and  learn to describe

 your favorite characters. Your friend Pinocchio comes to see you. He wants to study at school.

Warming up

T: Let’s sing a song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhWV4fzchq4

T: Read the words, repeat and then label the words to the pictures.

    head                                 blouse                                weak

    neck                                trousers                               pretty

    hand                                sweater                               small

    cheeks                             jacket                                  tall

ІІ. Main Part


T: Now  we are playing the game ” The Hidden  Word”. You should guess the clothes of  the person.  Ask the questions:

e.g. Is this a dress?- No, it is not.  Is this a hat?-

      No, it is not.  Are these shoes?- No, they are not.

      Is this a hat?- Yes, it is.



T: What clothes do people wear? Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upLd2zxY2mo   Name them.

T: Fill in the gaps.

feet       neck      hands        head       body

I am wearing a hat on my --------------------------------------------

I am wearing mittens on my ----------------------------------------

I am wearing shoes on my ------------------------------------------

I am wearing a coat on my -------------------------------------------

I am wearing  a scarf on my------------------------------------------

Pair work

T: Work in pairs. Ask the questions.

A: What are you wearing?

B: I am wearing a pink sweater, black trousers and black

boots.  And what are you wearing?

A: I am wearing  a white shirt, blue jeans and black boots.


1.Hands up! Clap, clap, clap!

2.Hands down! Shake, shake, shake!

3.Hands on hips ! Jump, jump, jump!

4.Hop, hop, hop! Stop!



6.T: Find the adjectives with the opposite  meaning.

strong-                                                   big-

good-                                                     young-

short-                                                     long-

beautiful-                                               black-

fat-                                                         pretty-


Pair Work T: Read  the dialogue and act it out.

Mr Brown : Good morning, Mrs Green.

Mrs Green: Good morning, Mr Brown.

Mr Brown: What is your job?

Mrs Green: I am a housewife. And what is your job?

Mr Brown: I am a policeman. What are you wearing?

Mrs Green: I am wearing a green dress and a violet cap.

What are you wearing,  Mr Brown?

Mr Brown:  I am wearing a blue uniform and a black cap.

What are you doing,  Mr Green?

Mrs Green:  I am going shopping. What are you doing?

Mr Brown: I am working.


T: Listen to the text and match the sentences.

This is                                               Ariel.

She is                                                a nice green dress.

She has got                                       young and beautiful.

She hasn’t got                                   long red hair.

She is wearing                                  a song now.

She is singing                                   any legs.

Group work Speaking  

T: Choose the picture of the character and describe him/her (Rapunzel, Mickey Mouse, Spiderman,Cinderella,) according to the plan:

His/Her name is ___________________ .

He/She is  ________________________ .                        

His/Her nose  is____________________ .

His/Her lips are ____________________.

His/Her cheeks are _________________.

His/Her eyes are  ___________________.

He/She is wearing _________________.

He/She is ____________________ now.

III. Summing-up

T: Our lesson is coming to an end.

You’ve worked hard at the lesson. What are you wearing now?

Well done, pupils. Let’s evaluate your work with the stars.

 At home draw your favourite character and write about him/her.

Thank you for your cooperation, for your being active and enthusiastic. Goodbye.

Have a peaceful day!



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