Урок англійської мови у 4 класі до "In the Park"

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Урок англійської мови до підручника Family and Friends 3 "In the Park" для учнів 4 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з навантаженням 2 години ни тиждень. Під час уроку учні відпрацьовують вживання модального дієслова must та вивчають знаки в різних публічних місцях.
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Урок англійської мови у 4 класі до підручника Family and Friends 3

Class – 4-B                                                                         Date –

Theme: In the park

Grade 3

Learning Outcomes:

  •              to identify different things in the park;
  •              to understand a short story;
  •              to understand and use must and mustn’t.

Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to

  •              understand the new vocabulary;
  •              use it in speaking and writing;
  •              understand peculiarities of the modal verb “must”;
  •              use it in speaking and writing

Equipment: TV, PC, CD 92-93, flashcards 131-138, coloured pencils and paper.


Lesson Segment



Time, Type of Interaction

  1.               Lead-in

Song “My Quiz”

Ps sing the song with gestures.

To make a positive rapport

1 min


  1.               Warmer


T asks Ps some questions

  •                   Do you like rest? (Yes, I do.)
  •                   Where do you like to go? ( I like going to the theatre, cinema, museum, gallery, park…)
  •                   Why do you like going to the  park? (It’s fun, there are many flowers, green grass, birds, big blaygound…)
  •                   Let’s go to the park today

To make a positive rapport;

To present the theme of the lesson

3 min


  1.               Presenting new vocabulary

T uses the In the park flashcards 131-138 to elicit the places in the park vocabulary;

Hold the flashcards up one at a time and model any words children don’t know;

Say all the words again for children to repeat.

Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the appropriate pictures of places in a park;

 Play the second part for children to repeat.

To identify different things in the park;

To understand the new vocabulary;

To pronounce it correctly

5 min


  1.               Listen and read

T focuses children’s attention on the story. Talks about each frame with the class and asks questions e.g.

Where are the children? ( In the park.)

What has Leo/Max got? (A skateboard and a book.)

What is Holly looking at? (At the tree.)

Who is on the grass? (Holly.)

Who is playing with a ball? (Amy)

Where is Max? (In the fountain.)

Plays the video recording for children to listen and follow the words of the story in their books

To prepare for understanding  a short story


2 min


  1.               Post listening

T asks questions about the story

Who wants to pick flowers? (Holly)

Who walks on the grass? (Holly)

Who wants to go to the playground? (Amy)

Who falls into the fountain? (Max)

To understand a short story

1 min


  1.               Grammar

Turn to Class Book p.81. Focus on the picture in the Let’s learn box and ask a pair of children to read out the speech bubbles

T asks Ps find out new rules in the text

(Mustn’t pick the flowers.

Mustn’t walk in the grass.

Mustn’t play in the fountain.)

What does the verb must mean? (мусиш, необхідно)

To understand must and mustn’t

2 min


  1.               Practicing grammar
  1. T asks Ps to divide pictures into two groups with must and mustn’t.
  2. WB p. 75, ex.1

To use the new grammar

3 min


  1.               Pair work

Ps have to divide sentences into two columns with must and mustn’t

You mustn’t walk your dog here.

You mustn’t take photo here.

You must put litter in the bin.

You must be quiet.

You mustn’t eat here.

You must turn off your telephone here.

You must wash your hands.

You mustn’t swim here.

To understand peculiarities of must/mustn’t usage

3 min


  1.               Group work

Write your own rules what must or mustn’t we do in the

  • Library
  • Museum
  • School

To practice in usage new grammar structures;

To bring English in real life;

To practice in speaking and writing

7 min


  1.          Presentation

Ps present their rules on papers

To practice in usage the new grammar; structures

To practice in speaking

9 min


  1.          Feedback

T asks Ps to put the stickers  on the

  • Tree, if all was clear
  • Path, if there are some questions
  • Bin, if it was difficult and boring

To get an objective feedback

2 min


  1.          Summing-up

T sums the lesson and asks to repeat their favourite rules for today

To memorize the new vocabulary and sentences

1 min


  1.          Home task

WB p.74 ex.1-2

To practice new vocabulary and grammar

1 min





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