Урок англійської мови у 7 класі

Про матеріал

Цей матеріал допоможе активізувати лексичний матеріал з теми "Їжа та напої" , розвивати навички читання, навчати учнів репліціюванню у конкретних життєвих ситуаціях,зокрема замовити їжу в ресторані або кафе.

Перегляд файлу

Урок у 7 класі.


  Eating out.

How to make an order.




prepared by

Tetyana Khimych










Урок у 7 класі.                    Обідаємо в ресторані. Як зробити замовлення.

Мета : навчити учнів використовувати формули мовленнєвого етикету під час їжі в ресторані.

Задачі :

Практична: активізувати лексичний матеріал, необхідний для вивчення даної теми, ввести нові мовленнєві структури та закріпити їх в усному мовленні.

Розвиваюча:  розвивати вміння працювати в парах та навички репліціювання

Виховна:  ознайомити з особливостями мовленнєвої поведінки представників іншої культури.

Хід уроку

1.Організаційний  етап  Elicitation.

Good morning, pupils! Today I invite you to eat out  at the restaurant. So , I ‘ve got the word

restaurant on my board and I want you to write some food you can eat at the restaurant.

R –roast beef


s – soup








  1. Робота з прислів’ями. Matching activity

There are many proverbs concerning food. Your task is to match two parts of the proverbs.

Every cook praises his own broth.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

The proof of the pudding is in eating.

You are what you eat.

Every cook

spoil the broth.

Too many cooks

is in eating

The proof of the pudding

you eat.

You are what

praises his own broth.

Comment on the proverb       You are what you eat.


  1. Активізація лексики. Grouping

At the restaurant you can order starters, main courses,desserts,fruit,drinks. On the blackboard you can see food and drinks. Your task is to decide what can be ordered as a starter, for the main course, for dessert, fruit, drinks


Chicken soup

Mushroom soup

Bean soup

Crab salad

Tomato and cucumber salad

Cabbage salad


Main courses

Roast beef

Chicken with rice

Fried fish
















Mineral water

Apple juice


4.Читання .Reading for specific information.

Eating out.

1.The last time I went to a restaurant was about 2 months ago. My wife and I wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary with a good meal so we went to an expensive Italian restaurant in downtown Lisbon. We both had pasta to start and for the main course my wife ordered a steak and I chose fish. For dessert we both ate chocolate cake topped with fresh cream. Delicious!

2. I went to a restaurant yesterday evening with my sister's children. It wasn't very expensive and the menu was very limited. We all had a burger and French fries, and drank cola. It wasn't very good.

3. My boyfriend loves spicy food so this restaurant was perfect. The waiters were all really friendly and polite, and they played traditional sitar music which was very relaxing. The menu offered vegetarian dishes as well as meat dishes served with rice and a sauce - it depended on how hot you wanted it! I chose a mild beef curry but my boyfriend had a lamb 'vindaloo' - he also drank 2 liters of water!!

4. My class at the university went there last weekend. It's a very popular type of restaurant in my country. It generally offers one type of food (a kind of bread with cheese and tomato sauce) which you then choose what ingredients to add on top of it. I asked for olives and mushrooms on mine and my classmates each had something different so we could taste a piece of each person's meal.


1.    In which text did the person go there for a special occasion?

 2.  In which text did the person visit an Indian restaurant?

 3.   In which text did the person eat pizza?

  4.In which text did the person eat fast food?

  5.  In which text did someone eat seafood?

 6.   In which text did the person talk about the atmosphere of the restaurant?

  7.  Which restaurant was cheap?

8.    In which text didn't the person enjoy their meal?

  9.  In which text did someone eat a very hot dish?

 10.   In which text did the person have a vegetarian meal?

11. In which text cola wasn't very good?

12. .  In which text did people go to  the  fast food  restaurant?


Watch the video and say

How many people were there in the restaurant?

What kind of soup was there?

What did they order to drink?

What did they want for dessert?


6. How to make an order?  Репліціювання.

Answer :

Are you ready to order?

Can I take your order?

What would you like for the main course?

What would you like to drink?

Would you like a desssert?

Can I have salad?

Could we have two coffees, please?

Ask :

–ask for a cup of coffee

-ask for an ice-cream

-ask for chicken soup

-ask for apple juice

-ask for hot chocolate

7. Read and match

1. Could I have the menu,please?           A) No, thank you I wouldn’t.

2.Whose is the tomato soup?                      B) Tomato or chicken?

3. Would you like a dessert?                     C)Here it is,sir.

4. Have you got any fish?                         D) Black or white?

5. We’d like two coffee, please.               E)It’s mine, thank you.

6.Ccould we have two soups,please.       F) I’d like vanilla, please.

7. Which flavour would you like?             G)Sorry,fish is off the menu.



-Hi! My name is....  I’ll be your waitress today. Are you ready to order?

-Yes.Can I have soup?

-Chicken or mushroom?


-OK. What would you like for the main course?

-Chicken with rice.

-What would you like for dessert?

-Ice-cream, please. I like vanilla.

-OK. And drinks?

-Can I have a cup of coffee?

-Yes. I’ll be in a minute.


9. Рольова гра . Free talk activity .  Imagine, you are at the restaurant.  A talk between a waiter and a customer.

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 липня 2018
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