Урок англійської мови в 10 класі

Про матеріал
The reading activities Theme: Why go to school? Урок англійської мови в 10 класі. Розроблено за навчальною програмою для дітей з порушенням опорно-рухового апарату.
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The reading activities

Theme: Why go to school?


  • To cultivate in the students the love for reading and develop their oral and silent reading skills;
  • To help the students to expend their vocabulary and learn new vocabulary in context

Equipment: text for reading (textbook O.Karpiuk 10), cards


  1. Introduction.

T. Hi, everybody I hope you are well and full of energy and enthusiasm, and in a good mood to start our lesson. So today’s lesson will be devoted to the topic, which is closely related to you. But before speaking about it tell me what influences one’s mood?

Suggestion answers: (health, success in life, weather, parents, teachers, friends, school)

Among the factors that influence your mood you mentioned school: this is a place you    spend most of your time in. Why go to school? – the topic of our lesson.

II. Warm-up


T: Can you imagine life without school? Let’s make up mind map What is school for you?











(a curriculum, a knowledge, skills, communication, develop talents, social environment)

III. The main part of the lesson

2.While- reading

Task 1 Read the text p.37  and match the questions (1-6) to the paragraphs (A-F)


Read the text p.37  and match the questions (1-6) to the paragraphs (A-F)

1.Why do some pupil like going to school, while others don’t?

2.Does school deal only with class activities on different subjects?

3.What way does school provide students with knowledge?

4. Where do we spend considerable time with our friends?

5.What’s the difference between the Internet and school?

6. What other skills does school develop except the educational ones?


1.Match the words with the definitions.

  1. a curriculum         a. to learn or develop knowledge, skills by your own efforts
  2. a knowledge         b. the subjects that are thought by a school or the things

                                                            that are studied in a particular subject

  1. a skill                       c. the facts, skills and understanding that you have gained  

                                    through learning or experience 

      4.successful                 d. being the one that you are talking about, and not any


      5.particular                  e. admiration for someone, especially because of their

                                                 personal qualities, knowledge or skill

      6. to acquire                 f. an ability to do something well, especially because you

                                                  have learned and practiced it

       7.a respect                   g. having very good effect or result

Key: 1-b,2-a,3-f,4-g,5-e,6-c,7-d

2.Fill the circle Vienna

What’s the difference between the Internet and school?

What’s the same?




  1. T: Say which part of the text is the most:
  • Interesting
  • Boring
  • Important

IV. Заключна частина уроку.

T. We discussed today a very important and useful problems Surfing Internet or go to school. All the pupils were very attentive and active during our lesson.. Thanks a lot for your work.


24 вересня 2021
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