Урок англійської мови в 9-А класі
Тема: Мистецтво робити покупки. Покупки у великих торгівельних центрах.
Відкриття універмагу.The art of shopping. Doing shopping at the big shopping malls. Opening of the department store “Suziria”.
Практична: формувати навички діалогу та монологічного мовлення, вміння використовувати лексичний матеріал, закріпити граматичні навички.
Освітня: розширити та поглибити знання учнів з теми “The art of shopping”
Розвивальна: розвивати вміння вести дебати, доводити до співрозмовників власну думку, вести групову бесіду, логічне мислення.
Виховувати: культуру спілкування, почуття відповідальності, ввічливості до співрозмовників, почуття любові до своєї Батьківщини.
Обладнання: О.Д. Карп’юк підручник для 9 класу шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови, презентації учнів, таблиці розмірів одягу і взуття. Тип уроку: комбінований.
Хід уроку
І. Етап орієнтації
T: Good morning dear boys, girls, guests! I`m very glad to see you! How are you?
Look at an epigraph to our lesson.
Buy what you don’t have yet, or what
you really want which can be mixed
with what you already own.
But only because something excites you,
Not just for the simple act of shopping.
Karl Lagerfeld
How can you explain it?
Do you agree with Karl Lagerfeld?
The theme of our lesson is: The art of shopping, doing shopping at the big shopping malls. “Suziria” is our first department store.
ІІ. Етап цілеполагання
The aim of today’s English lesson is:
Today we are going to visit some shopping malls, buy what you really need, have a good time, may be taste something delicious.
Our expectation from the lesson:
ІІІ. Етап проектування
2.“Avrora Mall ” presentation
3. Shopping Mall “Ukraina” presentation.
4. Department store “Suzirja” presentation.
5. Doing shopping at “Suzirja”.
6. Debates procedure.
7. Conclusions.
IV. Етап реалізації плану діяльності
How often do you buy clothes and footwear?
Where do you like buying clothes in Vasylivka or Zaporizhia?
T: Look at the screen. Let’s analyze the diagram.
Ladies and gentlemen!You are at the opening ceremony of the shopping center "Suzirya"! Do all shop owners an honor to cut the ribbon.
Why did you decide to open a shop of mobile phones?
Almost everyone these days has a mobile phone and many of us would be unable to live without one. Mobile phones are used by adults and children to be always connected, take photos, read books, go online.
You are a great lover of books, oare not you? Why the bookstore?
My grandmother was a history teacher she has a wonderful home library, there are a lot of fiction and educational literature and I am fond of historical novels.
Why do you open the store of athletic shoes, are you fond of sports?
Yes, a little. I do morning exercises and keep fit. My friends are fond of running, jumping, volleyball, football. I am going to be a businesswoman, it is my first step.
Your shop is called “Ukrainian Fashion”, are you so patriotic person?
Yes, of course. I am proud of my country, my family and friends. My friends and I like wearing embroidered dresses and shirts. We should support and honor the traditions of our ancestors.
The theme of our debates is:
-to assess the quality and level of customer service of two shopping malls “Avrora”and “Ukraina”, one department store “Suziria”;
-to compare advantages and disadvantages of shopping malls.
First team is proposers. They are representatives of shopping malls and entertaining centres. Second team is customers who are going to do shopping there.
1.Mary: I am fond of sports dances in different styles and I need a pair of dancing shoes because my favorite dancing shoes are torn. I was not in the market sports shoes specially. I noticed 50% discount at your “Nike” and “Reebok” shop windows.
My heart never beats as fast as it does when I see “a reduced by 50%” sign. My favorite color is red and white. My size is 38.And I have too little time. What can you offer me to buy?
Kate:” Nike” and “Reebok” sports departments have a large variety of sports footwear: running trainers, sneakers, dancing shoes. How lucky you are! We have got 2 pairs in size 38: red and black sneakers and white dancing shoes. If you buy two pairs of shoes you will get 50% discount. Your account is 350 hryvnias.
Maxim: I’d like to shop for a pair of black trousers but not a suit and two, three light shirts for work at an office. I don’t like suits because I feel uncomfortable in it. I am going to visit an international conference in China. I don’t like spending much time in shopping. My size is M. Can you deliver my clothes?
Kate: We have got some boutiques where you can buy men’s wear. For example ” Mango, Benetton, Tom Tailor”. There are two wedding shops in it, they sell good quality clothes and the price is acceptable. We’d like to offer you light pink and green shirts by Tom Tailor, two pairs of black trousers by Benetton. You will get 20% discount. your bill is 890 hryvnias.
Zhenia: My parents want me to organize my sister's birthday. She wants to buy toys and have fun with her friends at the Kids’ entertaining centre.
Nastia: I am going to celebrate my birthday in a big city of Zaporizhia. I like to go shopping and have a good time in Avrora and Ukraina. I like eating confection but I must keep fit. I have 7 guests.
2.Shopping centres have changed the way we shop – but is this really the improvement? One positive aspect of shopping centres is convenience: we can find everything from groceries to electronics, from cosmetics to clothes, under the same roof.
Furthermore, shopping centers offer entertainment facilities, like cinemas,
bowling alleys or kids’ centers, with an enormous range of things to buy and to do.
In addition to this, they are places where you can meet people and socialize in cafes and restaurants. They have become the focus of social life for many teenagers
However, smaller local shops which use to offer a friendlier more personal service are closing down because they can’t keep up with the competition.
The same thing is happening to local cinemas and sometimes even cafes and restaurants. In fact we are losing places that were once important in our lives.
Another disadvantage of shopping centers is that they offer bland uniform products all over the world - local character is disappearing. In order to supply a large number of customers efficiently, mass-produced goods replace custom- made products.
To summarise, on the one hand, they offer a more comfortable shopping experience, but on the other hand they make us all the same: customers
in commercialized world where the most important things are things you can buy.
In my view shopping centres are useful, but we should not allow them to change the world we live in.
In conclusion, it is clear that there are many arguments on both sides. however, the right of pupils to have their voices heard must be respected.