Тематичнa контрольнa роботa (9 клас) до підручника О. Карпюк. Cities of the UK

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Тестовий контроль з метою перевірити рівень навчальних досягнень учнів з англійської мови складений згідно з чинною програмою та охоплює весь передбачений нею лексичний та граматичний матеріал. Запропоновані завдання спрямовані на перевірку навичок з різних видів мовленнєвої діяльності, зокрема, читання і письма, причому пеевірка навичок письма включає завдання з перевірки лексичних та граматичних навичок.
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Тематичні контрольні роботи (9 клас)

до підручника О. Карпюк

Unit 4 Why not take a closer look?

 Cities of the UK

Variant 1

  1. Match the words with their translation.

1 wide                                  a стародавній

2 commercial                       b визначне місце

3 place of interest                c широкий

4 ancient                              d собор

5 cathedral                           e походити

6 originate                           f торговий


  1. Mark the correct variant.


1 Soho is a district in the centre of:

a) London                    d) Edinburgh

b) Cardiff                     c) Belfast


2 The oldest part of London is:

  1. The City            c)  the East End
  2. Lud Hill            d)  the West End


3 The British Museum was founded in:

  1. 1653                   c) 1753
  2. 1800                   d) 1735


 4  …is known for its lovely night life.

  1. Picadilly Circus   c) the British Museum
  2. Hyde Park            d) the Royal Opera House                               


5 …is famous for St Patrick's Day Parade

  1. Edinburgh                           c) London
  2. Liverpool                            d) Belfast


  1.  Grand Opera House is situated in:


  1. Edinburgh                           c) London
  2. Liverpool                            d) Belfast


III Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence:


  1. A huge Christmas Treee ….  In London.

                 a) is decorated                        c) decorated

  b) was decorated                     d) decorates 

2 It … for its night club.

  1. are known                      c)  were known
  2. know                              d)  is known
  1. I … in History.
  1. is interested                    c) am interested
  2. were interested               d) interest  
  1. Lud Hil is the place where the city …
  1. originated                       c) is originated
  2. were originated              d) originates
  1. Kings  …. in Westminster Palace.
  1. Was crowned                  c) were crowned
  2. crowns                             d) crowned
  1. Romans  …  a fort in Cardiff.
  1. built                                c) build
  2. is built                             d) built

   III   Write a short composition  about the city of the UK you like the most.



Тематичні контрольні роботи (9 клас)

до підручника О. Карпюк

Unit 4 Why not take a closer look?

 Cities of the UK

Variant 2

  1. Match the words with their translation.

1 deep                       a  торгівля

2 trade                       b вежа

3 run into                   c глибокий

4 magnificent            d впадати

5 attraction                e величний

6 tower                      f  принада

  1. Mark the correct variant.

1  …. was known for its wool and cotton industries

a) Birmingham             c) Liverpool

b) Aberdeen                 d) Manchester

2 … is the city where the Beatles started.

  1.  Birmingham           c)  Liverpool
  2. Manchester             d)  London

3 You can visit the Titanic Quarter in … .

  1. Belfast                    c) London
  2. Manchester             d) Aberdeen

                4 …  is a specific concert where there are no seats.

  1. Promenades            c)  the Royal Opera House
  2. Covent Garden       d) Albert Hall

5   … contain human and animal mummies.

  1. Madam Tussaud’s Museum  c) the British Museum
  2. The Egyptian Galleries         d) St Paul’s Cathedral

6 You can go shopping down the Royal Mile in…

  1. London                                  c) Birmingham
  2. Edinburgh                              d) Manchester

III             Mark the correct variant to complete the sentence:

                 1 The New Theatre of Cardiff … all kinds of music and entertainment.

  1. performs                               c) is performed
  2. was performed                     d) performed

2 London ….. by many tourists every year.

  1. visit                                     c) is visited
  2. visited                                 d) was visited 

3 Westminster Abbey ……  .

  1. admires                               c) is admired
  2. was admired                       d) admired

4 The British Museum  … in 1753.

  1. founded                             c) was founded
  2. is founded                          d) are founded  

                  5 The Royal Opera House    Covent Garden.

  1. is called                               c) called
  2. calls                                    d) was called  

6  ‘Wnen a man … of London, he … of life.”

  1. tired, tired                            c)  are tired, are tired
  2. is tired, is tired                      d)  tires, tires

   III   Write a short composition  about the city of the UK you like the most.








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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 березня 2020
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4.9 (2 відгука)
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