Урок англійської " З історіі села Бацмани"

Про матеріал
ТЕМА:Урок-екскурсія “ My native village Batsmany” МЕТА:розвивати навички аудіювання із загальним розумінням змісту та вмінням вести бесіду про побачене й почуте;сприяти формуванню в учнів вміння працювати в групах,парах ,самостійно, розвивати увагу і точність ,розширити рівень інформації про історію рідного села, батьківщину відомого художника Віктора Коровчинського,пам’ятки природи рідного краю,виховувати любов до рідного краю,гордість за своє село,повагу до історичного минулого. Обладнання:фотографії села, портрет художника Коровчинського,пам'яток природи села,малюнки ,картини ,презентація « Mynativevillage»,комп’ютер, фонозапис пісень про рідний край.
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Розробка уроку в 11 класі з використанням краєзнавчого матеріалу "From the history of Batsmany"

Не знає хай село руїни !

Ростуть хай дочки і сини.

Прославимо ми Україну

І наше село Бацмани!


ТЕМА:Урок-екскурсія “ My native village Batsmany”

МЕТА:розвивати навички аудіювання із загальним розумінням змісту та вмінням вести бесіду про побачене й почуте;сприяти формуванню в учнів вміння працювати в групах,парах ,самостійно, розвивати увагу і точність ,розширити рівень інформації про історію рідного села, батьківщину відомого художника Віктора Коровчинського,пам’ятки природи рідного краю,виховувати любов до рідного краю,гордість за своє село,повагу до історичного минулого.

Обладнання:фотографії села, портрет художника Коровчинського,пам'яток природи села,малюнки ,картини ,презентація « Mynativevillage»,комп’ютер, фонозапис пісень  про рідний край.

Хід уроку


Good morning, children.


I am fine today.


I am fine today, because there many guests in our class. That's why you must be in a good spirit too.

На фоні пісні про рідній край презентаціяфото  села Бацмани.



The topic of our lesson is” My native village”.Today you will be the guides and retell about the birthplace one of the famous artists -Victor Korovchynskiy and pictures which he pained.

And of course you will work in pairs, groups and with computer. Welcome to it.


Sound  [ a ]–A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

Sounds   s-[l  ]-  She sells sea shells. I am a sure.

Sound-[ p]A puppy took a piece of paper out of Peter's pocket.

-Switch on the computer.

IV. Lexical exercises презентація слайд №1.

….18 km from Romny town.

…..according to the legend.

……Uspenskaya church

……free Cossacks settling

…..one of the richest man

…a good choice of public transport

….divided into nine district-nooks

…NachalnyiYar –popular relax place  among many married people

….mighty oak

…famous people

…a memorial plaque to brave soldiers

…the main adornment of the village

…a new three-storied school

…picturesquare landscapes.


Look at the pictures,which areat the screen for two minutes and say: the places you would like to go to,using the phrases.

---I would like to go to ----the oak

----as for me I would like to visit   ----the church

---I would like to see---the monument to brave soldiers, who lost their lives in the war, the street named by Korovchynskiy.


FIRST.Hello! I am a guide. My name is….Welcome to our village! It's really very beautiful.

Batsmany is a village of Romny District Sumy region on the river Olava. It is only 18 km. from Romny town. There is a modern secondary school, a kindergarden, a post –office ,a library, and some shops in the village. It is the centre of the village council.I t's population is about 500 people. There are all modern conveniences in the village: gas, cold and hot water, the Internet etc.. It makes the life of people more comfortable.( слайд)

SECOND.   Batsmany has a strange name. According to the legend , after defeated ZaporizhyanSich,Cossacks went to different places. One of them ,named Batsman went to Romny course and settled near Olava river.But this version is not only. There is another one: Peter I presented this village to one boatswain ,for his great servise and deeds .And the village got its name.( слайд)


THIRD.      First Batsmany came into being some centuries ago, as free Cossacks settling among forests and green hills near Olava river. There was a big triangular hill in the middle of the village. Uspenskaya church was situated there. Later church school was built by I.L.Alexandrovich.



There are some famous people in Batsmany too,such as one of the famous Ukrainian painter- Victor Korovchynskiy,which was born inBatsmany in 1890. He studied at Kyiv art school from 1910-to1913. In 1918 he finished Moscow art ,sculpture and architecture school. He was a member of the Art Assosiation of painters of RED Ukraine.From 1913 he worked as  an art teacher in BOGYSLAV-Kyiv region.From 1918 Korovchynskiyneached art and drawing  railway school in Romny town and took an active part in many art exhibitions.From1930 he was a teacher in Moscow academy ofagriculture .In 1945 he was concernted with art. He created portraits, landscapes and other pictures. Many of his works kept in Romny museum of regional ethnography.

 His famous pictures are: “MOTHER”-1916, “The firs radio in the village”-1920,”Selianka”-1928,”The girls from Korovyntsy”-1926, “Paper factory in Shylov”-1933,”Seliany”, “Evening and morning in worker's family”-1939

“Still life”.



Nowadays Batsmany is situated in a pleasant suburb not far from Romny, that’s why there is a good choice of public transport. Locality likes Carpathian landscapes. A big pond is in the middle of the village. The pond is full of fish. Many beautiful oak- groves are around the pond. (слайди)


FOURTH.From ancient times village was divided into nine districts-nooks:Hatsenkivka,Sydorivka,Pulynivka,Zadubivka,Mazivka.Its names nooks got from the Cossacks surnames. Zadubivka got its name from three big oaks ,which grew in this place. Now it is the environs of the village and its named(NachalnyiYar),famous rest place for many married people.They like to celebrate weddings there. This is a very picturesque place,where young people like to rest too. From three mighty oaks kept only one. It's age is above 300 years old.


Nowadays Batsmany is a quiet and a bit sad. The collective farm ”NOVE ZHYTTIA” was reconstructed several times and disappeared at all. Many collective farm buildings were destroyed. People have no work, especially the young. They leave the village searching for a job.The only places alive are school and kindergarden.


FIFTH.The main adornment of the village is new small church, which was built some years ago and hospital. There are some shops, a post –office , an administration building and monument in the centre of the village. A new three- storied school, which was built in1997 is in the village too. It's a wonderful three- storied building in the centre of the village.It is always full of merry children's voices. The school has a museum FROM THE HISTORY OF BATSMANY, where you can find much interesting facts from the history of the village. So we can talk much about Batsmany but it's better to come here and see it  with own eyes.

Welcome to Batsmany .Its very beautiful.( слайди)

Вірші про Бацмани



Tourists ask questions  how to get to these famous sights. Use the table





Where is

Turn right -left

How to get to

Cross the street

I get to

It's over there

How far is

Go along the street

How can

It's not far from


The centre


Dialogue 1.

-I am sorry

-I would like to go to the oak in NachalniyYar

-How can I get there?

-Go straight along Peremogustreet at the end of the village, cross the road, then you will go down, and you will see the oak.


Dialogue 2.

-I would like to see and to visit the Uspenskaya church

-How can I get there?

- It is on the hill, over there, go straight along the street and go up to the  church

-Thank you

- It’s a pleasure

VIII. Now children imagine that you came back home and your parents ask about your excursion to Batsmany.


1.-As for me I have been on an excursion in Batsmany.

2. Oh, it's very interesting, I think. What have you seen there?

1.I have seen USPENSKAYA church, the oak.

2.What can you say about the church?

1.It was builtsome years ago.It’s a very beautiful building but small.

2.What is the age of the oak?

1.It's age is above 300 years old.



1.As for me I was on an excursion in Batsmany yesterday. I saw many interesting places.

2.What did you see there?

1.I saw-I visited the NachalnyiYar,the famous rest place for many married people.They like to celebrate weddings there. This is a very picturesque place, where young people like to rest too.

2.What can you say about new school?

1.It's a wonderful three- storied building in the centre of the village.It is always full of merry children's voices. The school has a museum FROM THE HISTORY OF BATSMANY, where you can find much interesting facts from the history of the village.



1.I have been on an excursion.

2. Where have you been?

1.I have been to Batsmany. It's in Romny district.

2. What have you seen there?

1. Certainly, Uspenskaya church, the oak, the monument to the soldiers. I liked the excursion very much.



Our tour has finished. I hope you have enjoyed this tour about Batsmany.

What places can you name?

-Do you know any English proverbs?



What does it mean?

Thank you very much for the lesson. Motivation of marks.Great. Well done.

HOMETASK.Get ready to write a composition about your village.

To tell about the sights of Batsmany.

Звучить пісня «Дорога до дому» у виконанні вчителя музики.



Вірші про Бацмани

Моє рідне село

Весняний промінь тихо личенька торкнувся,

Провів так лагідно теплом моє чоло,

І я із радістю навколо обернуся:

Це ж Бацмани- моє ріднесеньке село.

Он верби мило нахилилися до річки

Вона співає їм про літо і весну.

Біжать із пагорбів струмки й малі потічки

І я веселку з ними в усмішці несу

Блакить небесна свіжість травам посилає

Тихенький вітер щось із лісом гомонить.

Все це немовби серце в квітах колихає

Немовби піснею між зорями летить.

Так ніжно пестять роси пелюстки конвалій

Закрию очі,ніби в казці все було

Зійду на пагорб,подивлюсь в простори дальні

Це ж Бацмани–моє ріднесеньке село.



Біле-пребіле ,як лебідь село

Квітом черемхи міжзоряно плаче

В серці пульсує Олава гаряча

Біле-пребіле ,як лебідь село

Біла лебідко любові крило

Ти розпусти у півнеба!Хай бачить!...

Біле-пребіле ,як лебідь село

Квітом черемхи міжзоряно плаче.


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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
12 грудня 2021
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