Урок " Animals need protection"

Про матеріал

Урок для 6-го класу присвячений темі "Навколишнє середовище. Захист тварин".Включає розробки завдань з 4-х видів діяльності: аудіювання,читання,письма та говоріння. Презентує комунікативний підхід у вивченні мови. Має універсальний зміст,що дозволяє його використовувати як з українськими ,так і з британськими НМК.

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                 Відкритий  урок з англійської мови


                                в 6 класі за темою


                       «ANIMALS NEED PROTECTION»           


                              Вчитель:Розвага Леся Романівна




                           Описание: Похожее изображение




                                                      Objectives of the lesson:


-to develop our skills in speaking and writing

-to revise vocabulary on  the topic

-to describe wild animals,their habitats and problems connected with environmental protection

-to speak about helping organisations (WWF,GREENPEACE,RSPCA)

-to discuss the ways of improving the animals’lives

-to share  facts,ideas and experiences using a range of vocabulary, structure and time references

-to make up dialogues and short presentations

-to give and find out simple information on the topic

-to develop creative abilities in writing




-course book”In Touch-2’’

-smart board

- CD player

-pictures and posters on the lesson

-handouts with proverbs

-masks,toys,sock “snakes”, paper T-shirts


















                                              Цілі уроку:




-розвивати навички усного мовлення за темою «Навколишнє середовище.Зникаючі види тварин»;

-тренувати учнів у вживанні лексики за тематичною ситуацією(опис зникаючих видів тварин та проблем,пов’язаних з охороною навколишнього середовища);

-формувати навички писемного мовлення на основі творчих завдань




-поглибити уявлення учнів про світ природи,проблеми навколишнього середовища та шляхи їх вирішення




-розвивати здатність учнів працювати в різних мовних режимах,вміння вести діалог –розпитування , логічно викладати свої думки та  вчити дітей представляти свої досягнення у вигляді міні-презентацій




-прищеплювати шанобливе ставлення до природи,формувати екологічну культуру учнів



підручник ,інтерактивна дошка,магнітофон,картки з прислів’ями,маски,іграшкові тварин






       1.Greetings and announcement of the  lesson objectives


S1:Hello,everybody!We are glad to see you at our gymnasium.


S2:Hi! I am a beautiful panda.I am from China.I love eating.I usually eat for 12 hours a day.


S3:Hi! I am a polar bear.I am from the Arctic.I love cold weather.My hobby is fishing.M-m-m, it’s delicious!


S4:Hello! I am a monkey.I am from the rain forest.My hobby is eating bananas.I am crazy about climbing the trees and doing funny tricks.


S4:Hello,children and adults!

I fly high with my bright wings.

I call loudly from the trees.

I eat nuts,fruit and lots of seeds.

Who am I?Which of these?


S5: I don’t move fast when I am on land.

My wings don’t help me fly.

But in the water I swim fast.

So, tell me,who am I?


S6:Whales sleep in the ocean,

Zebras sleep on land,

Hippos sleep by the riverside.

And camels sleep on sand.


S7: Dear friends! Today we are going to talk  about our life in nature,animal world,environmental problems and  endangered species.We hope it will be interesting for you.


Teacher:So, the topic of our lesson is”Animals need protection”.We want to find the answer to the question WHY ARE THEY IN DANGER? How can we help and protect them?Is it possible to improve their life ?


2.Vocabulary revision.Warming up.


a)   Teacher: Please,answer my questions.

     -What is your favourite animal?

     -What wild animals do you remember?

     -Where do they live?

     -What do they like to eat?

     -Why are they in danger?

     -Have you ever seen a…….?

     -Have you seen it on TV or in the wild nature?

     -Have you ever been to wildlife parks?

b) Teacher:Animals are very important in our life .So, there are lots of fairy tales,stories,poems and proverbs connected with them.We are animal lovers.Let’s revise some proverbs .They are scrambled and your task is to unscramble them.













c)Lexical game”Definitions”

Teacher:I want you to make definitions for your classmates.Look at the smart board,choose the animal you like and make a riddle for your partner.


S1:It is one of the biggest animals in the world.It lives in the ocean.It can make a fountain.

S2:This animal is very funny.It is a  symbol of WWF.It lives in the mountains of China.

S3:It is a big bird.It can’t fly but it can swim very fast.It lives in the Arctic.

S4:It’s a strong animal.People say it’s a king of nature.

S5:This animal lives in the desert.It has got two big humps.It can carry people.

S5:It’s an insect.It has got colourful wings.It lives in rain forests.

S6:It is very gentle and intelligent.It lives in the water.It can sing love songs.

S7:This bird is intelligent and talkative.It can fly.

S8:It is the fastest animal in the world.Its fur is yellow with brown spots.

S9:This animal is sometimes dangerous for people and other animals.It is long and thin.It lives in the rain forest.

S10:They are large,slow and hairy animals with small heads.They are the laziest animals in the world.


Описание: http://im1-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=230729817-14-72&n=21Описание: http://im4-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=110835022-11-72&n=21Описание: http://im2-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=330177188-56-72&n=21

Описание: http://im2-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=194772132-26-72&n=21Описание: http://im7-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=521153289-35-72&n=21Описание: http://im6-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=398207586-56-72&n=21

Описание: http://im7-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=299994694-55-72&n=21Описание: http://im2-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=74280313-67-72&n=21Описание: http://im2-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=186311264-61-72&n=21

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 d)Smart board activity “Where do they live?”



Teacher:So, we have revised some facts  about animals.Can you tell us what animals are in danger? Why are they in danger?Let’s do some activities connected with rare species.Complete with  the right answer.Write P for the  panda,T for the tiger and B for the polar bear.


e) Smart board activity”Animals in danger”



3.Speaking skills development


a) Teacher: I want you to turn into small curious snakes.Ask and answer the questions with your partners.Let’s work in a chain.

-What animals live in the ocean?( in the desert, in the forest, in  the mountains, in the fields….)

-What do they eat?

-Have you ever seen a panda?

-How many pandas are there in the world?

-How many polar bears live on the planet?

-Have you ever touched a polar bear?

-Is it dangerous to touch a tiger?

-Why are these animals in danger?

-Have you ever adopted an animal?

-What organisations protect and save endangered animals?



b)Teacher:You have just told us about endangered animals.Look at our smart board and underline the sentences which illustrate  the problems of  wild animals protection.


Smart board activity”Underline the problems”


-People kill rare animals.

-A lot of spaceships pollute the space.

-The air isn’t fresh.

-People destroy animals’ homes.

-The water isn’t clean.

-There are a lot of cars in the streets of Kyiv.

-People are cruel to animals.

-There are many traffic jams in Kyiv.

-There are a lot of stray cats and dogs in our city.

-There are many different factories and plants in Ukraine.

-People cut down the trees.

-People sell animals’ skin or tusks and make ornaments from them.

-Oil tankers pollute the sea.


 4.Listening skills development


a)Pre-listening activities


Teacher:I’d like to present you a short video song about lemurs.You know they are  rare animals and scientists include their name into the RED BOOK. .

Answer my questions:

-What kind of animal is a lemur?

-Where do lemurs live?What do they eat?

-How far can a lemur jump?

-Why are lemurs in danger?


b)Listening to the song”The ballad of Lisa the Lemur”


c)Post-listening activities


Smart board activity”The ballad of Lisa the Lemur”

(Who lives where?Match the words.

Put the verses in the correct order.)


5.Speaking skills development.


Teacher:You have seen the video and have done some activities after the song.I propose to discuss the main problems of the video and make up dialogues according to the topic of the lesson.Look at this pattern and make your own dialogues.


  -Have you ever seen a  cartoon about ……..?

  -Yes,I have.

  -Do you like these amazing animals?


  -Why do you like them?

  -Because they are………….

  -Where do they live?


  -Why are they in danger?


  -How can we help them?

   -We can……………….


Teacher:So,how can we save our friends?Let’s listen to our experts from different environmental organisations.Can you explain us what do WWF,GREENPEACE and RSPCA mean?


(Children put on masks with their symbols)


S1:We are the members of GREENPEACE.We organise the actions of protest.We stop the ships to save the seals.We organise jumble sales and send money to animals centres.We inform the world about environmental problems.


S2:We are the members of WWF.Our mark is a panda.So, we help rare animals.We produce toys ,cards and souveniers to raise money for their protection.We have a lot of offices in Brazil,Spain ,France,Great Britain and in the USA.


S3:We are the members of RSPCA.We open local shelters for stray animals.We adopt some animals and pay for their food and treatment.

We need volunteers to work.



Teacher:I want you to listen  to the information about work of RSPCA  office in Britain.Listen and think about how  we can help in simular situations.



 Look at the blackboard.Write TRUE or FALSE


      Kim and Mark are in WWF office today.

      They are in the RSPCA.

      Bob is a volunteer there.

      Children study for tests in the RSPCA

       They feed the animals,write their record cards and help the vet.

        Lucky is excited because she wants home


6.Dramatising the real life situations


Teacher:Let’s dramatise some real life situations:


1)-Help me!Help me! Iam hurt.I have crossed the road and the car has broken my leg.

-Oh,poor thing!Are you hungry?Where is your owner?

-I am very hungry and my owner has left England.

-Let’s go to our office. We will take care of you.We will clean and feed you.We will write your record card and give you an injection.We will drop your eyes.Drop,drop,drop!


2)-Help me! Help me! I am a dirty bear.

- What’s the matter?

-I am lost.And I can’t breath in the sea because of oil tankers.How can you help me?

-We will stop the big ships.We will clean the sea.We will take photos of you and we will find your mother.


3)_Help me!Help me! I am a poor panda.

-What’s the matter?

-People cut down the trees and I haven’t got a place to live in.

How can you help me?

-We will plant  new trees for you.We will clean our national parks.We will build new home for you.We will include your name into the Red Book.


7.Creative work


Teacher:Dear children,you are the best actors I have ever seen.You have helped our animals,you have learnt about their problems.Let’s inform  the other people on the planet how can we save them.Let’s make special T-shirts for the jumble sale.

 (Children colour and write environmental slogans on the T-shirts)



Описание: http://im7-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=350211618-47-72&n=21Описание: http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/549209_257236854375720_50900211_n.jpg Описание: http://im5-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=391452040-42-72&n=21 Описание: http://im0-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=139356165-61-72&n=21Описание: http://im4-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=230276673-52-72&n=21Описание: http://im4-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=139369226-18-72&n=21Описание: http://im3-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=46150886-03-72&n=21 Описание: http://im1-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=158472366-50-72&n=21Описание: http://im0-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=295266788-15-72&n=21Описание: http://im0-tub-ua.yandex.net/i?id=511708156-23-72&n=21







Teacher:What have we done at the lesson?Was it interesting and useful for us?


Ss: We have revised vocabulary on the topic.We have learnt about the habitats,diet and life of  wild animals.We have made riddles,listened to the nice song and  acted in the dialogues.We have learnt  the facts about environmental organisations ,such as WWF,GREENPEACE,RSPCA and we have discussed  the solutions to environmental problems.


Teacher:Well   done,students! Your home task will be  to complete the mini-book about elephants ,to share your ideas of helping them.And now I want to award you with a special certificate for active participation in our lesson.


9.Final song”We are the World,we are the children”


We are cats, we are dogs,

We are cows, we are frogs,

We are the world, we are the children. – 2

We are doctors, we are sailors,

We are teachers, we are farmers,

We are the world, we are the children. – 2

We are ducks, we are bees,

We are chickens, we are seals,

We are the world, we are the children. – 2


































Rozvaga Lesia
30 листопада 2018
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