Урок "At the Airport. Ready for Take off".

Про матеріал

Урок підготовлено відповідно до авторської програми факультативного курсу з англійської мови “Social English Studies” ( “Навчання ситуативного спілкування” ) для учнів 6 класів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів, укладеної за новим Державним стандартом ( I семестр), спрямований на навчання усного діалогічного мовлення в тематичних рамках.

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Lesson 3. At the Airport

Ready for Take off

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 Тема: В аеропорту.

Підтема: Підготовка до польоту.

Мета :

1. Освітня: ознайомити учнів з новою лексикою теми, активізувати ії.

2. Практична: оволодіти знаннями про норми реєстрації в аеропорту та на митниці.

3. Розвиваюча: сприяти формуванню вмінь і навичок добирати ресурси відповідно до ситуації мовлення, розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення, техніку читання та аудіювання.

4. Виховна: виховувати потребу вивчати англійську мову, бути ввічливими.

Обладнання: дошка, ноутбук, телевізор, тексти діалогів.

Хід заняття :

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
  1. Привітання.

T: Good morning, pupils!

Ps: Good morning, teacher!

T: How do you feel today?

Ps: Just fun, thank you.

  1. Повідомлення теми та мети.

T: Today we’ll speak how to be ready for taking off.

  1. Фонетична зарядка. Диск Lesson 3. “Jolly Phonics Phase Three”.

[ai]        Tune: Camptown Races

My ear hurt. I was in pain. [ai]? [ai]?

My ear hurt. I was in pain. What did you try to say?

[oa]      Tune: The Muffin Man

Oh, did you see the billy goat?

[oa]-[oa]-[oa], [oa]-[oa]-[oa],

Oh, did you see the billy goat,

Under the old oak tree?

[ch]      Tune: Merrily We Roll Along

Trains are chugging up the hill,

[ch]-[ch]-[ch], [ch]-[ch]-[ch].

Trains are chugging up the hill,

[ch]-[ch]-[ch] choo,choo!

  1. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T: What was your hometask for today?

Examples ( Учні розігрують діалоги ):

1). - Good morning! Can I help you?

-  I want a ticket on a plane to Washington.

-  Would you like a day or a night flight?

-  I would like a day flight.

-  What class?

-  I’d like economy class. How much is it?

-  700 $.

-  Here you are.

-  Thank you.

2). -  What can I do for you?

-  I want a ticket on a plane to New York.

-  Would you like single or return?

-  I’d like a business return flight, please.

-  What is your name, sir?

-  George White.

-  OK, 900 $, please.

-  Here you are.

  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: Let’s revise the means of transport. How do we get to the airport?

Ps: We can get to the airport by train or by underground, by bus or by coach, by taxi, by car, by bicycle.

  1.  Основна частина уроку.
  1. T: First of all, I’d like to explain you all the unknown words from the text you are going to listen to.

Подання лексичного матеріалу.

to arrive – to come to a certain place during or after a journey (Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus)


to arrive




come in


get in






turn up


show (up)


to get to a place | + in/at The train finally arrived in New York at 8.30 pm.|

He arrived late as usual. | We arrived home at ten o’clock.

Use arrive in with the name of a country, city, town etc: He arrived in Australia on 24th July. | We arrived in Paris at at four in the afternoon.

Use arrive at with a building or place: Ian arrived at the hotel just before ten. | By the time she arrived at Victoria Station, the train had already left.

(Longman Active Study Dictionary)               

take – off – зліт,

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baggage – багаж, luggage – невеликий багаж, який ви берете з собою,


check – in – реєстрація,


check-in-desk – реєстраційний стіл,

boarding card – посадочний талон,

passport control – паспортний контроль,

pass through customs – пройти митницю,


duty-free – без сплати мита,


departure lounge, arrivals lounge - зал відправлення,

departures gate – термінал відправлення,


to board the plane – сідати на літак,

overhead locker – шафка з замком над головою,

a window seat  - місце біля вікна,

a middle seat – середнє місце,

an aisle seat – місце біля проходу


  1. T: Now we have tickets. We are at the airport. What do you do at first when you arrive to the airport?

Go to the departure gate

Check in

Go through passport control

Do some duty free shopping

Board  aeroplane

(English in 20 minutes a day, p. 77)

  1. T:  Complete the following text with the words from our box.

First you go to the ___________ where they weigh your luggage. The airline representative checks your ________ and gives you a _______ ____ for the plane with your seat number on it. Then you go through ___________ ________ where an official checks your passport, and go into the departure lounge. Here you can also buy things in the _____________. When you _______ the plane, you find your seat. If you have a hand _________, you can put it under your seat or in the _____________ ________ above your seat.     

 (English № 6 (15) September 2008 ) Keys: check-in-desk, tickets, boarding card, passport control, duty-free, board, luggage, overhead locker.

  1. Relaxation.  Диск  Lesson 2. Let’s Travel Magic English Disney 1.

The song “Let’s take a trip”.

Let’s take a trip, take a trip, let’s travel,

Let’s take a trip, take a trip, let’s go.

Let’s take a trip, take a trip, let’s travel,

I have my suitcase, I’m ready to go.

I’m ready to go.

  1. 1) Listening. Етап прослуховування.

Диск Lesson 3. Перегляд відео з курсу “Learning English At The Airport”.

T: Listening and dramatize the dialogue.

Check in

- Good morning, sir. Can I see your ticket and passport?

- Certainly. Here you are.

- Would you like a window or an aisle seat?

- A window seat.

- This is your seat number and the departure gate.

2) Бесіда з учнями.

T: Have you caught the meaning of all the words in the text?

Ps: Yes, we have.

T: Then, translate into English:

Де Ваш паспорт?  Ви бажаєте сидіти біля вікна чи біля проходу? Я подорожую по роботі.  Ваше місце 17A.

Ps: Where is your passport? Would you like a window or an aisle seat? I am travelling on business. The number of your seat is 17A.

  1. Reading. Етап читання.

T: Read and translate the next dialogue ”The Immigration Officer”. Here is the text which outlines the situation.

(Situation: On arriving in Britain, B is having his passport checked by A – an Immigration Officer.) (The English Way, p.80)

The Immigration Officer

A: How long will you be staying in Britain?

B: About two months.

A: What is the purpose of your visit?

B: I want to meet my relatives and to polish up my English (1).

A: How much English money do you have with you? (2)

B: Only two pounds. But I have been invited by my uncle.

A: I see. What is your uncle?

B: He is a businessman. He’s doing well.

A: On arriving in London, please register with the police.

B: I will, indeed. (3).

  1.           Or: to improve my English.

to brush up my English.

  1.           Or: …have you got?
  2.           Or: Yes, of course.
  1. Розвиток умінь мовлення.

You are going through the customs. You have to image that you are one of the characters in this situation.  Make up a dialogue ”The Immigration Officer”.

3. Заключна частина уроку.

1). T: Put down your homework. Make up a dialogue on the theme of our lesson.

2). T: Today we spoke about how to get to the airport and how to buy tickets at the booking office.

You’ve figured it out. Super work.

Good-bye. That will do for today. The lesson is over. You may have a rest.