Урок "Being a student: possibilities and duties."

Про матеріал
Як це - бути студентом, які можливості вони мають та які обов'язки накладає навчання у вузі.
Перегляд файлу

LESSON 1: Being a student. Studying: possibilities and duties .

Цілі: ознайомити з новим лексичним матеріалом, навчати та тренувати вживання вивчених лексичних одиниць, мовленнєвих засобів, граматичних засобів; розвивати логічне мислення студентів.

Тип уроку: подача нового матеріалу.

Обладнання та наочність: підручник, роздатковий  матеріал, дошка.

Група: ІІ курс.



  1. Preparation

Good morning, students! What date is it today? Write down the date and the topic, please. They are on the board.

2. Warm-up

1) Where are we now? What can you see here?

2) What do you have in your backpacks?

3) What is on your schedule today?

4) What subjects are you good at?

As you could understand, today we are going to speak about college and studying.

3. Speaking

1) Do ex. 1, p. 20, report on your research.

4. Reading

1) Do ex. 2, p. 20

2) Do ex. 3, p. 23

5. Writing

Write down the vocabulary from the word file, p. 23.


6. Reading

There are a lot of idioms connected to school and studying. Now you are going to find out some of them.

  1. Read the idioms on cards. Can you guess their meaning?
  2. Now read these idioms in context. Is it easier now to find out what do they mean?

7. Writing

Write down the idioms and their translations. Make up your own examples of sentences with them. (банальна, дитяча помилка; дуже просто; прогулювати заняття.)

8. Summary

1) Do you like studying?

2) What is better: to study at school or to be a student?

3) Is it difficult to be a student? Why? / Why not?

4) What additional duties do you have as a student?

5) What are advantages of being a student?

9. Homework

Do ex. 4, p. 23, learn the idioms.

10. Marks

     Who was the most active? And who was a little bit lazy? Why? Your marks for today are... The lesson is over. Good bye!









  1. Schoolboy error;

easy as ABC;

to cut/skip classes.


  1. - Going out without a hat in such a windy weather is a schoolboy error.
  • I’m good at maths, counting for me is as easy as ABC.
  • Don’t skip classes, you’ll miss a lot of information for the exam.





  1. Schoolboy error;

easy as ABC;

to cut/skip classes.


  1. - Going out without a hat in such a windy weather is a schoolboy error.
  • I’m good at maths, counting for me is as easy as ABC.
  • Don’t skip classes, you’ll miss a lot of information for the exam






  1. Schoolboy error;

     easy as ABC;

     to cut/skip classes.


  1. - Going out without a hat in such a windy weather is a schoolboy error.
  • I’m good at maths, counting for me is as easy as ABC.
  • Don’t skip classes, you’ll miss a lot of information for the exam
До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
16 листопада 2019
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