Урок-дебати. Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 9 класу на тему "Жити в місті чи селі?"

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Інтегрований урок (англійська мова + екологія). Дебатикомандна, рольова інтелектуальна гра, суть якої полягає в тому, що обрані команди аргументовано доводять тезу, запропоновану до обговорення, а інші — опонують їй.

Як гра — дебати демократичні, оскільки передбачають чесність, рівність можливостей, повагу до опонента, толерантність і, одночасно, критичне мислення. Участь у дебатах, зокрема навчальних, дає учасникам змогу відчути переваги такого способу обговорення дискусійних питань.

Обов'язок кожної з команд кваліфіковано та в межах певних часових рамок представити свою позицію, власні аргументи «за» чи «проти». Обидві команди мають переконати третю сторону, а не один одного.

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Урок у 9 класі з теми “ CITY & COUNTRY LIFE”


                                                 PROS & CONS

Level – Intermediate


 Practical: to improve speaking and listening comprehension skills.

Educational: to enlarge students’ knowledge about debates.

                     to make them interested in debating as a natural process.

Developing: to develop critical and logical thinking, quick reaction of students, creativity, ability  

                     to see and consider strong and week, positive and negative sides of arguments; 

                     ability to listen (and hear) opponents, to be tolerant to them and to work in teams, to

                     develop their ability for public speaking.

Up – bringing: to encourage them to be more self – confident, environmentally aware and real 

                        patriots of their native town Baranivka. To teach them good manners of    

                        communication, to respect each other.

Facilities: PB English Study 9th form O.D.Karpiuk,

                 tape – recorder, individual cards, landscape pictures, photos.

Motto: “Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely”.

                                                                                          Thomas Babington, Lord Macaulay

“The way to change others’ minds is with affection and not anger”.


T:  Today people all over the word are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in big noisy cities. This movement from rural areas has been going on for over two hundred years. Why are people moving from the peaceful hills, mountains, fields, rivers and stream of the country side to the busy world of streets, buildings, traffic and crowds? Why?

      That’s the question we are going to debate about at the program PROS & CONS of the TV DEBATE channel. And I’m Tetiana Svizhevska, glad to meet our participants.  Some of them think that it is better to live in a big noisy city. They are: Natalia, Julia, Lesia, Olexandr and Andriy. You are welcome. Take your seats here.

The others prefer to live in a quiet village. They are Oxana, Diana, Ann, Natalia, Dmytro and Vitaliy. You are welcome. Take your seats there.

      We are also glad to meet the experts in our studio. They are well-known English teachers from small towns and villages of Baranivka district.

     First I’d like you to read the famous saying “Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely”.

Follow one more motto of our debate “The way to change others’ minds is with affection and not anger”.

  Please, express your arguments freely with affection about pros and cons of the city and country life.


             I’d like to say, that for me the life in the country is wonderful – all this fresh air and the         

             singing of the birds. The thing I like most about living in the village is the change of 

             seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter. You can see them all come and go and each one is completely different. If only I can live here all the year round.


              As for me every time I wake up in my cottage, I look out and see beautiful nature: the           

                             flowers and the grass and the magnificent line of trees on the hill over there. I feel it’s                     

                             good  to be alive. And what do you think, Natalia?


              Is the country a matter of looking out of the window at the trees? For my family and me           

              it’s a big different if you have to get up at five in the morning, with mud or snow on the 

              ground, to milk the cows. And all the time we have to watch the weather.



               It is quite obvious that, here in the country you only eat things at certain times of the        

               year for example, strawberries in June and turnips in winter. It means, you live with the

               season, don’t you?


               But in the city you can’t tell the difference. You can buy summer flowers in winter and 

               eat the same vegetables all the year round. Am I right Diana?


              What kind of food do you, city people, eat?

T: Just a minute. Let’s see the advertisement first and then you will discuss this question.


               Would you like the food with better colour, look and a long time of preservation? Then   

                buy products with E – numbers.

                E 102 gives the food better colour and look.

                E 250 gives a long time of preservation.


                If you want to live healthy in the healthy world, buy or grow fresh fruit and vegetables               

                without chemicals.

                A cup of fresh orange juice is a good beginning of a new day. Bon appetite! 


  T: So what kind of food do city and village people eat?


                We, villagers, make most of our food – we make butter and cheese, we grow our own 

                vegetables and bake our own bread. We never eat tinned food.

                Everything is fresh and healthy – so it must be better for you.  


                 It seems to me that shopping is fantastic nowadays. Shops are often open late in the              

                 evening and on Sundays. The street markets are great. Can’t you buy anything you                    

                 want  in any city, fresh and healthy food, Vitaliy?


                 I’m quite sure that there are a lot of bad things about it, too, of course. Standing in   

                 queues for everything - in the shops, supermarkets, banks, post offices, - waiting for         

                 buses and then being stuck in the underground like sardines. There are so many people      

                that you can’t breathe. And everyone is in such a rush. They are always in a hurry.



                As for me, I personally love my village. You never have to queue in shops or banks.                    

                It’s  quiet and life is slow and easy.


                 Unfortunately you can seldom see smiles on people’s faces in the streets of most cities   

                 but in the country people you meet usually great you and smile.

                 It is much more friendly here than in a city.  What I like most about the country is    

                 that everyone knows everyone else. And if someone has a problem there are always            

                 people who can help.


               In the city if you live in a block of flats like me you can be there for years and never 

               even get to know your neighbours.  There are some in my block I’ve never seen. And 

               what about your neighbours, Julia.


          My neighbours? Some of them are not worth knowing at all. Take the Petrenkos, old   Ivan   

         won’t even tell you the time without expecting you to pay him something. And as for his    

        wife, Maria, well she is sitting there with her nose pressed to the window all day spying on everyone.


              You will tell me that there are gossips in the city too. People always talk about each  

               other and everyone wants to know what everyone is doing. Maybe, but not like 

               Petrenko. If you say hello to a girl in this village, it will get around to everyone in 

              about two hours thanks to her. And the next thing you know someone will come up and   

              ask you when you are going to get married.   That’s the trouble with the country. 

              Always the same faces and you cannot get away from them.


              Can’t you admit the fact, that  there is a lot more crime and violence in the city than in the       

              country, Andriy?


                All right, I admit you’ve got less crime. It’s a quiet life. There are many things that I

                don’t like about the village. One thing is that there isn’t much to do in the evenings.


               But as you know the city life is full of bustle and variety and you don’t need to feel

               bored. There are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see.


               For example, when you want to relax you can go to a park and just sit on a bench and

               read a book. Besides, you can eat in a good restaurant, visit museums and go to the

              theatre or to concert. You haven’t got the same opportunities, have you?


               No, we haven’t. But actors, even theatres give there performances just in the place we            



               However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, unless your job is well paid,           

                you  won’t be able to afford many of the things because living in the city is often more

               expensive than in the country.


                It is particularly difficult to find a good and cheap accommodation. There is usually a               

                residential area nearby, where the factory workers can live.


                One more problem is that people in the city often travel a long way to work every day. 

                They have to cover too long distances and it takes too much time to get to their work.


                 By the way, if village people feel like going out at weekends, they have to go about 20   

                 miles to the nearest town, but the last bus is really early.  And to do that, they’ve got 

                 to have a car or to take a taxi.  But it’s very expensive and they can’t afford it.


                 Just speaking about the plus side of it, there is usually a choice of public transport in

                 the city. So you don’t need to own a car.


                Besides, public transport is often dirty. It is also very noisy. Isn’t the city dirty too? 

                People just throw things in the street and I hate that.


                There is no doubt, the village is clean – the people look after it and don’t throw their 

                rubbish in the streets. The air is clean too because there is not much heavy traffic.


                 City factories and cars send smoke with chemicals high into the air. The wind often

                 carries   the smoke far from factories. Some of the harmful substances in the smoke      

                 may come down with the acid rain. Dangerous chemicals from factories are poured 

                 into rivers and lakes, killing fish. Would  you live in the city under such circumstances 



                 But you villagers also do a lot of harm. You gather a lot of flowers in spring, you leave a  lot of rubbish after picnics, you fire leaves, throw waste, paper in the streets, parks,  


T: And what about our native town Baranivka? I wonder how environmentally aware you are.

    What do you personally and your families do with empty plastic or glass bottles?


                We collect and throw them in the rubbish bin.

   T: Do you mean bin or dump near Zeremlia?  Haven’t you ever seen such ‘famous places’ near 

       Zeremlia. And what do you do with wrappers?


                Frankly speaking, it depends on the situation. Sometimes I put it in a litter bin, but 

                sometimes I drop it on the pavement.

T: Oh my dear friends, we are part of the problem. We should try to become part of the solution 

    of it. As far as I remember some of you are volunteers of our school ecological green club  

    “ECO”. Meet the leader, a charming and kind-hearted lady, Mrs. Bobrova. Nice to meet you.


                Are your activities useful for Baranivka? We try to make our little town Baranivka

                healthier. Firs of all, we follow the saying “Healthy you in the healthy world”.


                  Just for  this reason? Collect plastic bottles, drink cans, batteries and what not in our

                  park, streets, wood and on the banks of the Sluch river. Here you can see some


T:  A great job, I think. Baranivka people care much about their yards, gardens and streets.       

Natalia Voz:

                    As for big cities, there exist modern technologies to utilize, reuse or recycle wastes

                    but not in towns like Baranivka, I think so.


T: Do you really think so? Let’s watch video.


P: Goodness, I have never known that mini – recycling centres are at Baranivka china factory and  Marianivka glass factory, where rubbish is turned into energy, thus saving it. Isn’t it actual
















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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
3 березня 2018
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