Урок для 2 класу "Мій сніданок" розроблений за підручником Т.Будна.

Про матеріал
Урок розроблений за підручником Т.Будна з використанням друкованого зошита. Діти вивчають нові лексичні одиниці з теми" Мій сніданок". навчаються сприймати текст на слух, розвивають навички письма, правильної вимови англійської мови. Розвивають навички говоріння. Повторюють засвоєний матеріал з теми "Мій режим дня".
Перегляд файлу

Year 2.

Theme : My breakfast.

Aim : submit and activate new lexical items; to form skills of correct pronunciation of English sounds; to develop students' communication skills; continue to develop skills of perception of the text by ear; teach writing;

Equipment : cards, workbooks, books, pens.

Procedure :

I.Organization moment


Hello ! Hello ! Good morning!

How are you? How are you?

I am fine. I am fine.

And hope you are too.

Warm up.

 Repetition of words and phrases on the topic of my daily routine. The teacher hardly mentions the words and the children listen carefully and then name the ones that belong to the topic.

Good morning, get up, dress, breakfast, brush the teeth, lunch, school, wash, clock.

Physical education activity.

Good morning ! Good morning!

It’s time to get up.(діти встають)

It’s time to wash. It’s time to wash.(роблять вигляд що вмиваються)

It’s time to brush your teeth,(чистять зуби)

It’s time to brush your teeth.

It’s time to dress.It’s time to dress.(одягаються)

II. Main part.

1.Children learn new vocabulary. Porridge, bun, milk, tea, biscuits. (children repeated several time by the teacher, then one of the pupil goes to the bed and listen attentively the teacher what says and pupil show a picture in a question)

2.ex.1 p.38 (w/b unscramble and write)

3.Pupils watch a video “Do you like…?


4.The children stand in a circle, someone in the middle of the circle and walking ask “Do you like…( a bun, porridge, etc.)?” A child answear : Yes, I do/ No, I do not.

5.A game “Edible – unedible” Children stand in a circle, throwing a ball naming a dish or fruit, passing a vegetable to another, and another player catches it if it is edible.

6.Ex.4 p.38 (w/b complete the sentences).

7. Working out the structure “I have … for breakfast.” (The teacher tells the children to circle the food they have heard about.)

I have milk for breakfast.

I have a bun for breakfast.

I have jam for breakfast.

I have cheese for breakfast.

I have yogurt for breakfast.

I have candy for breakfast.





III. Summarizing.

  1. “Say smth.in English”The teacher asks the students to tell them what they ate for breakfast
  2. Beying.

One , two, three, four , five

We say Good bye.




23 лютого 2021
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